Chapter 502: Calamity Upon The Capital [Pt 7]

[Moments Earlier]

"Guarghh... arghh..."

Phil'emon growled as he clutched his chest, feeling the seething sensation of pain coursing through his body.

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As a Dragon—especially one that had the passive Skill of making barriers to protect himself—he hardly felt anything such as pain.

This foreign sensation made him froth in the mouth as saliva dropped from his lips while his body spasmed.

"It hurt... it hurts so much! Argh... arghh...!" He yelled, losing all his composure.

"I'll kill that little shit! I'll kill that bastard!"

Phil'emon began moving his body forward, his hateful gaze on the boy with golden hair.

He had a somewhat distracted gaze, so the Dragon thought this was the best time for him to strike.

"Calm yourself, dude." Kar'en said with a sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him from advancing any further.

"L-Lady Kar—!"

"I won't repeat myself. Calm yourself."

The moment he looked into her crimson eyes, all the rage and boiling hate fizzled out, replaced by a subservient fear that caused him to nod slightly.

"That's much better." She smiled, finally removing her hand from his shoulder. "There's no need to bitch about your injuries. They'll heal in time..."

While Phil'emon knew this, it was still incredibly frustrating feeling the constant pain pending the time that his wounds fully closed.

Since he hardly got hurt, pain was unbearable for him.

While others could take damage and still take it in stride—like how R'ashu, his Junior did—he was different.

Phil'emon was averse to pain.

He didn't like the idea of getting hurt. He didn't want it. He avoided it at all costs.

"Damnit... how did he get past my barrier?!" He growled, feeling the pain lessen as his flesh began merging back together.

"That's what I want to know."

Kar'en's voice caused him to look at her face, and even she appeared troubled. After all, she was well aware of the capabilities of his Defense Skill, so something as absurd as this must have made her cautious as well.

"It must be an effect of that weapon of his. Maybe it ignores defenses, or it has an ability to absorb or break down Skills. The list is endless."

"B-but for it to be able to affect my S-Tier Skill, that means it is of that level. Why would humans have that kind of weapon?!"

Even if, by some miracle, humans were born with special talents and were able to develop their Skills and Classes to the impossible height of S-Tier, there was no way to explain them having weapons of that Tier as well.

'Humans don't have the technology or natural resources necessary to make such Items.' Kar'en narrowed her eyes as she stared at the shimmering weapon that glowed with otherworldly beauty.

'It's just not possible for them to have made such a weapon...'

Humans didn't have the kind of Mana abundance that Elves had, so their Mana Crystals were of subpar quality.

Elves didn't have the means to produce Enchanted Items, so their natural resources remained useless and dormant in their lands.

Fairies were mysterious, and not much was known about them... but they were never associated with weapons.

Dwarves and Giants were the true masters of technology—the former creating items of preservation, while the latter making weapons of destruction.

However, their continent was a wasteland, so it wasn't particularly rich in the appropriate materials.

'No race should be able to have an Item of such quality.'

That was Kar'en's conclusion as she gazed even more particularly on the weapon that he human wielded.

"It makes me curious..." A small smile formed on her face.

Every Dragon around her knew what happened when Kar'en smiled at a particular thing or person.

The three shivered slightly as they watched her narrow her gaze and lick her lips. Their General was known as a brutal hunter... and none of her prey ever met merciful ends.

None had managed to escape her grasp as well.

The moment this human chose defiance, piquing the interest of this cold-blooded Dragon General, it was already too late for him.

He was a goner.

"Ser'ith, things in the Capital seemed to have settled down a bit too much to be considered natural. I suspect that they have allies within the city's walls aiding in rescue of some sort." Kar'en turned to the Commander by her side, who bowed lightly.

"Bring them to me alive. If they try to resist, you can make an example out of one..."

Once she said this, Ser'ith's grin widened like that of a maniac. He perfectly understood the words of his superior.

"Understood, ma'am!"

In a flash of blueish purple light, he vanished from his location, leaving Kar'en with only two of her subordinates left.

—Phil'emon and R'ashu.

"The both of you have tasted the blade of that human, so you know full well that you need to be cautious." She addressed them, though her eyes were still set on the boy before her.

The two Dragon Commanders nodded and responded affirmatively.

'He seems to be almost out of energy. His overall Mana and Combat Ability is definitely inferior to ours.'

Even if her Commanders were at risk to his power, she didn't see how that applied to her.

Kar'en was a Dragon General. That placed her far higher than the likes of Commanders or lesser.

'There's no way he'd even be able to pose a threat to me in his current sta—'


All of a sudden, a brilliant energy burst from the human's location, causing immeasurable radiance to ascend to the sky.


The glorious light that she saw, and the power that she now felt, was indescribable.

'How is this possible...?!' The human that she appraised just moments ago was no longer the one who stood before her.

His hair floated in the air, and his eyes were glowing with brilliant gold. As the air around her vibrated, and the earth beneath her trembled, Kar'en realized something equally disturbing.

... Her own body was also shaking.

'What is this power?'

No... perhaps that wasn't the right question she ought to have been asking.

'What is this human?!'




Thanks for reading

Time for an epic battle, I hope. Honestly, what do you think is gonna be the outcome?

Limit Transcension allowed fodder Adonis to beat a Commander, but that was a mediocre one. These are all elite ones, and there's even a General in the mix.

What do y'all think?