Chapter 501: Calamity Upon The Capital [Pt 6]


Blood gushed out of the Dragon's body as Adonis used his Divine Blade to cut through his barrier and slash his flesh.

The shocked faces of everyone present, especially Phile'emon's were exaggerated beyond measure, as all their bulging eyes focused on the young one in golden light.

Read it on

The only sounds made were the slash of the blade, the pouring of blood... and the screams that accompanied both.


Phil'emon's screams came a little too late, however, as just a little more pressure would be enough for Adonis to finish the job.

As one would expect from the Hero, that was exactly what he went for.



A sudden gust of wind—of more like a powerful repulsive blast—sent him flying back right before he could complete the deed.

The result was an explosion at point-blank range, which forced Adonis to use his [Absolute Defense] while also flying away due to the incredible impact.

Thankfully, however, he wasn't harmed.

"Guh..." A bit of sound escaped his lips as he slid closer to his comrades who were still powerlessly kneeling on the ground.

Adonis' golden blond hair flailed about as his determined eyes slightly lost their glow and he was forced to glance at his allies for a moment.

Trisha had lost an ear. Billy seemed fine, but he could tell that the boy was drained of Mana, and he definitely had some fractures.

However, the one who seemed to be in the worst state was Alicia. She seemed the most drained of Mana. Not only that, but the current blank expression on her face made it clear that she had witnessed something traumatic.

'Was it Snow? Did they kill her Familiar?' That was his guess, since the rabbit was no longer by her side.

Also seeing that Clark was now a bloody and burnt up mess, lying powerlessly in a crater behind the Dragons made his heart tense up.

All of his classmates—or at least, the ones here—were at risk. They had lost something, and it appeared as though they were about to lose even more.

Even Adonis...

'Haaa... haaa... I'm nearing my limits.' He heaved, smoke proceeding from his lips.

Not only was his Mana Level at an all-time low, but his Combat Ability wasn't as high as before due to his built-up fatigue and injuries.

Yes, he was passively healing, but it wasn't so fast anymore. There were limits to Skills and biological actions, especially if the user wore them out through overuse.

Right now, Adonis was on dire straits.

'I thought I would kill that one for sure. I didn't expect him to be so fast and sneaky...' His mind trailed as he gazed upon the child-like humanoid Dragon who had the spiky hair.

Unlike Phil'emon, who confidently remained stagnant and relied on his defenses, this Dragon—R'ashu—was too slippery for a proper attack to land.

That frustrated most of Adonis' efforts, especially after his initial strike,

'I don't think his speed Skill is S-Tier, but he must have higher base stats, race advantage, and maybe Class Privileges that allow him to keep up with me.'

The reason why Adonis didn't think R'ashu's speed was S-Tier was due to the display of a Skill that was undoubtedly at that level.

'His Mirror Skill... that thing is dangerous.' Adonis narrowed his eyes as he collected himself.

'I know I'm weakened, and the Divine Blade is not yet fully awakened, but for him to have redirected that attack of mine...'

That was what sent him flying down and crashing so pathetically.

'I was cut off guard.' Gritting his teeth, he swiftly removed his gaze from his comrades and completely focused on his enemies.

'Right now, the situation is terrible. The way I see it, there's only one way out...'

Indeed, he would have to use his Class Privilege—his last card in moments like this.

'I don't want to resort to this, but it looks like I'll have to use [Limit Transcension].'

"Status Window." Whispering under his breath, Adonis took a good look at his current state through the System's lens.


- Name: Adonis Levi.

- Race: Human (Otherworlder) (Regressor)

- Class: The Hero (S-Tier)

- Level: 175 (56.99% EXP)

- Life Force: 500/1,050 (+525)

- Mana Level: 100/1,800 (900)

- Combat Ability:1,050 /2,000 (+825)

- Stat Points: 0

- Skills (Exclusive): [Divine Sword Summon]. [Absolute Defense]. [Absolute Light Magic]. [&$@?3$$!0n]

- Skills (Non-Exclusive): [Advanced Combat Application]. [Greater Magic Application]. [Greater Mana Recovery]. [Full Sense]. [Life Force Recovery]. [Indomitable Power].

- Alignment: Lawful Good

[Additional Information]

Your desire to save this world has transcended the very bounds of time itself, and now you are once again on the journey to protect those you love.

Good luck!

[End Of Information]

'As expected. It's pretty bad...'

All of Adonis' Enchanted Items had lost their effects, and right now he had no other card to play.

If he didn't use [Limit Transcension], there was no way he would be able to win against three Commanders and one General.

'I can't drag anyone into this anymore. I've caused them enough harm. They look too exhausted too...'

Adonis felt regret creeping into his heart: regret for letting his friends come in this arduous journey with him, or for even deciding to come in the first place.

But, he quickly banished all such thoughts from his mind.

'I came all the way to the past to save everyone. To save as many people as I can...'

It would be catastrophic if the Capital, of all places, was destroyed by the Dragons.

The entirety of humanity would be destabilized once that happened.

'It would be over by then.'

Right now, there was still a glimmer of hope. He had to take the chance while it lasted.

Sure, it was irresponsible.

Yes, it was reckless.

Eric even had a point about the alternative of just running away due to their current weakened state.

But... BUT...!

'I can't just ignore the consequences that follow my negligence.'

As the single person who knew the future, and the horrors that awaited this world, he was the only one who could understand just how important this task was.

His mistake was involving others in this fight.

'I... this time, I will take full responsibility by myself.'

And so, as he clutched his blade and closed his eyes, ready to make his great sacrifice, he prepared his resolve for what would come next.

The Dragons were busy having a conversation amongst themselves, but he let all of that drown away.

Right now, there was only one thing on his mind.

'[Limit Transcension].'




Thanks for reading

Sorry for not uploading for a while. There's a blackout in my area, so... dead battery.

I struggled to write this chapter, and I'll write one more as well.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.