Chapter 339

The golem carriage continued to move North, past the abandoned monster corpses left behind by the Asura . Along the way, we encountered three more magic beast massacres . However, the situation in these massacres was different from the previous ones .

"This place looks terrible as well . "

Mia muttered, and no wonder . The whole area was a sea of blood . The earth is covered in dark red blood, and the stench fills the battlefield . For the beastkin who possesses good senses of smell, this must be terrible . Along with Mia, Fran and Guendalfa were also frowning .

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Here the appearance of the corpses is different from before . Rather than being crushed by a mysterious power like earlier, these magic beasts were clearly slaughtered by something sharp; this likely scattered large amounts of the evil beings' blood around, polluting the surrounding area .

"Asura?" Fran .

"I'm not sure . The Godblade Gaia he wields certainly is shaped like a greatsword, however... I don't think he would go through the trouble of killing like this . " Kiara .

Kiara tilted her head in thought at Fran's murmur . The Earth Sword Gaia seems to be a greatsword . However, why change fighting styles all of a sudden? It's possible he wanted to move his body, see blood, or some other reason to suddenly fight directly .

More realistically, it's possible something besides the Asura slaughtered the evil beings . Well, that just leaves us the question of what other things could imitate the Asura like this .

"I think weapons were used here... . "

"If it was a magic beast, they might be able to do this with their claws instead of weapons . "

"Ah, that's right . Also, look at this corpse . I can't see a human doing this . "

In addition to the butchered corpses, there were beheaded corpses and corpses which looked like something forcibly tore them apart from crotch to chest .

The way they were defeated really is different from the magic beasts thought to have been killed by the Asura, just as I thought .

"These aren't mere small fry . "

"Nn . There's a Goblin General . That's a Goblin Sorcerer . "

Apparently, whether it was a human or beast, whatever created this terrible scene wasn't interested in anything after killing . As such, valuable materials were left untouched without being dismantled and harvested or eaten .

Not just that, the magic stones were also left behind . I had Fran pick up the Goblin General's magic stone, and then secretly absorbed it . Though, I was only able to obtain one point from it .

(Why is this...?)

Although it's a Goblin, if it's a high ranking species like this Goblin General, I should be able to absorb a magic stone value of at least three to ten points... .

(Fran, could you get some others?)

"Nn . "

Fran then picked up the magic stones which looked like ones which would have reasonably high magic stone values, such as those from the Orc Mages and Goblin Sorcerers . I then obscured Fran's body, pretending to be a Dimensional Storage, and absorbed the magic stones . However, the magic stone values were still just one point each .

(Strange . )

(What's wrong?)

(I absorbed too few magic stone points from the magic stones . )

(Like the time with the Valkyrie?)

That's right . It's the same as that time with the Valkyrie, where the Evil God's Stone Spear went out of control . Is the power of the Evil God involved here, after all?

Or, the Evil God's Stone Spear could have eaten their soul . If the power of the Valkyrie's magic stone was weakened by that, it's possible that evil beings can eat souls as well .

(Fran, don't let your guard down . ) Shisho .

"Nn . " Fran .

I searched the surroundings, however, I was unable to find anything suspicious . Whatever did this must have moved from this area already .

"Everyone, proceed carefully from here on . There's no telling what might be lurking . " Mia .

"Indeed . " Kiara .

It seems Mia and Kiara have also determined that the perpetrator of this slaughter was not Asura . While scanning the surroundings with frowns, we started the golem carr again .

The opinion that we should have Quina scout came up, but we don't know what might be lurking . We decided to travel with the carriage concealment function turned on from here on out .

I remained on guard for a while, but we haven't yet been attacked . Much less the perpetrator of the slaughter, we haven't even been attacked by normal magic beasts .

Did the dungeon monsters run away last night after detecting a strong being like Asura fighting? At any rate, it was fortunate for us to avoid exhausting ourselves .

"Everyone, over there . " Quina .

Quina stopped the carriage again, and called to us from the driver's seat .

"Mn? Did you find something?"

"That, isn't that the large boulder landmark that we heard about from the prisoner?"

Quina pointed at a strange rock that seemed to pierce the heavens . It was a pointed boulder that looked like a twisted dragon horn .

"In other words, that means that there must be a cave leading to the dungeon up ahead . "

"Yes . I believe it is beyond that forest . "

Certainly, it looks just like the landmark to find the entrance to the dungeon that we heard from Johan . According to Johan's information, there should be a dungeon beyond the forest at the end of the rock .

"Let's walk from here on . " Quina .

"Right . Kiara-shishou, could you please lead?" Guendalfa .

"Leave it to me . " Kiara .

"Quina will be the rearguard . "

"Understood . "

It makes sense to have the two experienced and battle tested people at the front and back . It's a good decision .

We walked through the forest sprawling at the foot of the Border Mountains while erasing our tracks . We advanced without becoming lost . Although there is no road, the path left by traces of many traveling monsters kept us on track . By following it, we could advance without hesitation .

However, by this point, I should have been able to sense the magic energy from the Dungeon, but there was no sign of it .

It seems to differ depending on the dungeon, but if the dungeon master is intelligent, it seems that it is more common to hide the magic energy . It seems that dungeons have various facilities and functions, and there are ways to prevent magic power from leaking out . Whether to conceal the dungeon or not depends on the purpose of the dungeon master, but this time it is definitely the purpose of hiding .

After a while, Kiara suddenly stopped and hid in the nearby bushes . As expected, Fran and the others followed suit .

"Kiara-shishou, could this be...?"

"Yeah, we found it . "