Chapter 338

"Eh? You know what could do this?"

"Yes, there's just one thing I can think of . "

While looking around at the disaster to the surroundings, Kiara opened her mouth and spoke seriously .

Read it on

"The Rank S adventurer known for friendly fire, Asura . "

"Friendly fire? Are you sure about that!?"

"I am not . However, I cannot think of any others who could do this . "

Mia is shocked . They seem to be rather famous . No, that's to be expected if they are S-Rank adventurers . Anyways, why are they fighting each other? They have a rather dangerous name attached to themselves as well .

"Who? Friendly fire?"

"S-Rank adventurers . You don't know of them? The Asura of friendly fire . "

"Nn . Why the strange title?"

Fran tilted her head in confusion, leading Mia and Quina to explain to her .

"It's an old story, but I heard that when they participated in wars on other continents, they would attack their allies along with their enemies . "

"The enemy was exterminated, and it seems the allies also suffered enormous damage . "

"That's not all . I have a number of similar stories as well . "

"The reason he still hasn't been punished is because he's overwhelmingly strong, and is constantly making more money than he can waste . "

"There are many rumors mixed in with the facts, so I don't know how much is true . "

Even if those stories are only half true, it still paints a bad picture . After all, regardless of whether you're an ally or an enemy, one has to be careful just being closeby .

"Well, it's not that he's a bad person . "

"Kiara-shishou has met this Asura?"

"Ah, a couple of times . It's just, though I say he's not a bad person, he's the type that loses sight of everything around him when he ramps up . That's why he is always wandering alone . If we encounter the Asura and I tell you to run away, you absolutely must run . Absolutely . "

Kiara warns Fran and the others with a scary expression on her face . From what Kiara says so far, this sounds like a seriously dangerous guy .

However, even if we stay cautious, if we don't understand this person's ability, we won't know what to be cautious about .

"What ability does he have?"

"Oh, that's right . You didn't know . Since he's so famous, I just assumed that you knew . " Mia said, scratching her head .

Is he that famous? Just what is it?

"He's a Godblade wielder . Asura-dono is known to be the owner of the Earth Sword Gaia . "

Of all things, he turned out to be the owner of a Godblade! And it is the Earth Sword Gaia, as well... I sort of understand just what caused this disastrous scene to happen now .

Earth magic possesses techniques to manipulate gravity . I have become able to use several of those techniques myself, thanks to raising my level in Earth Magic to master [Great Wall] .

In addition, there's also a technique to drop rocks . A Godblade that bears the name of the Earth Sword is highly likely to be able to use those abilities . I don't know if it's just gravity or being able to use rocks as well, but it's possible that these abilities could be used to crush a large area all at once .

"I've seen him create the exact same scene as this before . Through some unknown means, he created beautiful cubic boulders and used them to crush some bandits once . When I heard the screams of those being crushed, as to be expected, even I felt chills . "

Apparently my prediction was correct . Still, for a guy able to spread this much destruction in battle, becoming unable to see his surroundings over the heat of battle? That's already at the level of a disaster .

"The user of the Earth Sword Gaia, friendly fire Asura . Memorized . "

"I don't know if he will be up ahead or not . "

Well, certainly . I don't know if he is heading to the dungeon . I was thinking about things like that, but—— .

10 minutes later .

"He's definitely heading North, isn't he?"

"Nn . "

After continuing onwards for some time, we came across exactly the same scene as before . The only difference, if any, is the difference in the strength of the magical beasts . This time, there were no small fry included in the dead monsters . Only mid-level and high-level monsters had been crushed and died . it

No, there was one other difference . This time, some kind of giant rock wall had been created around the flattened area . The wall was 15 meters tall and 5 meters thick, but when we looked closer, we found that instead of being one solid rock, it was made of two rocks that were stuck together . Furthermore, there was a dark red liquid flowing out from between the two rocks .

It seems that between the two rocks, there was a magical beast that had become trapped there and died . Probably, like being stuck between a pair of shears, it was sandwiched between the two rock walls . There were also eight rock objects standing by quietly, sandwiching the dead monster .

"... . This is definitely him . I have seen the Asura fire off this same attack before . "

It seems there's no mistake that these monsters were exterminated by the Asura . Does that mean the Asura and the Dungeon are fighting each other? If this many monsters had appeared in this place, then they'd definitely be related to that Dungeon .

"Could the reason Murellia was called back be this?"

"I see, there is that possibility . Ojou-sama, how unusually clear sighted . "

"You didn't need to add 'unusually'! More importantly, we need to hurry to the Dungeon . If we are fast enough, we might be able to expect Asura-dono's assistance . "

Are we going to get the Friendly Fire's help? If possible, I don't really want to get involved with that person... But if he doesn't have blood rushing to his head, he isn't likely to attack without warning .

"However, from the rumors I heard about Asura, I don't believe he will just quietly agree to help . "

"We just need to hire him! In the case of emergencies, we have no choice but to do whatever is necessary, even seduction . "

"... . Seduction?"

"Wha-, what's with those looks!? The Asura might be a pervert that likes flat chested girls!"

"I suppose so . "

"Don't look at me like that!"

It seems Asura is known to be free spirited, and won't obey others if he doesn't like them, regardless of whoever that person might be . In fact, he's even picked fights with entire countries . On the other hand, if he likes you, he will accept even dangerous requests easily . The only thing is, he seems to charge a very expensive commision . And in advance .

"I cannot pay the request fee, you know . "

"Take out that money you're hiding away . I know that you're storing it with your maid . "

"This is saved in case of an emergency you know? I can't use it in a place like this . "

"This is an emergency, fool!"

The longer I listen, the more uneasy I feel .

"At any rate, let us hurry to the dungeon . "

"Right . "