Chapter 968: Do You Believe It?

Miss Dong realized that Xu Que was trying to make a mockery of her and she came to herself and knew she had been fooled by Xu Que. I was set up by this guy! Humph! What a shameless guy!


Miss Dong put down the guitar and said to her maidservants hurriedly, "Put away these musical instruments!"

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"As you wish!" Several maidservants nodded, keeping a straight face. Then they walked up to put away the musical instruments. Meanwhile, they looked at Xu Que out of curiosity. This was the first time someone had dared to tease their young lady in this way.

"Lord Wang, thank you so much!" Miss Dong looked at Xu Que and said gently at this time. She wanted to show gratitude to Xu Que for the musical instruments he had given to her. However, deep in her heart, he had annoyed her greatly.

Xu Que waved his hand with a smile, "Miss Dong, please don't mention it. Courtesy calls for reciprocity!"

He hefted the jade bottle in his hand and was about to leave. At least ten drops of the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew were kept in this bottle, which were enough for him to make several Space-Breaking Spells. Xu Que was not interested in more Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew from the Dong Family. The reason that the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew was so precious in the Taijin Continent was that the output was low. And this flower dew could benefit the cultivation of people on this continent. However, in the World of Cultivators, it was not difficult to find the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew. Therefore, it would be much less rare than it was on the Taijin Continent.

Xu Que had enough Spirit Stones to buy several pools of the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew in the World of Cultivators easily. If Xu Que was not trapped in this world, he wouldn't show interest in the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew at all.

"Miss Dong, since we've reached a partnership, it is time for me to say good-bye now!"

Xu Que smiled and was about to leave.

"Wait!" A voice rang out suddenly.

Lu Zhouhe stood up and said seriously as he stared at Xu Que, "The banquet has just begun. The dishes haven't even been served. If you leave now, you will embarrass Miss Dong!"

"Oh!" Xu Que snorted immediately, "Embarrass? Members of the Exploding Heavens Faction never show due respect to others. Moreover, I don't believe Miss Dong, who is a reasonable person, would care about this ridiculous rule, right?" Xu Que said as he looked at Miss Dong with a smile.

Miss Dong nodded her head slightly, "Exactly. Lord Wang, if you really have something to do now, you can leave!"

"See? See? Lu, you should learn from Miss Dong. Otherwise, today will really be your last day!" Xu Que said as he looked at Lu Zhouhe sarcastically.

Lu Zhouhe's face darkened as he trembled from anger. He tried to stop Xu Que, but he didn't want to speak for Miss Dong. As a famous musician, he didn't need to do that for such a small thing. Also, he knew Miss Dong didn't care about it. He had come here not only because of the beautiful Miss Dong, but also for the power of the Dong Family as well as that Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew.

Now, it seemed his hopes were dashed. Miss Dong had given a bottle of precious Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew to Xu Que. A lot of people in this area started to cast greedy eyes on Xu Que, including Lu Zhouhe. Therefore, Lu Zhouhe thought he had found an excuse to annoy Xu Que, so that Xu Que would violate the rules here. In this way, they could get the chance to seize the Ten-Millennium-Flower-Dew from Xu Que's hands.

However, he didn't expect that Xu Que could annoy him with just a few words.

"Humph! I'm afraid you are the one who should learn from Miss Dong! You are so rude. Even your extraordinary talents couldn't change that!" Lu Zhouhe snorted and ridiculed Xu Que immediately.

Xu Que shook his head with a smile, "Lu Zhouhe, it seems you are trying to annoy me, right? But you don't know how to annoy others! This is so disappointing!"

"Why should I annoy you? I was just trying to remind you that people should have good manners!" Lu Zhouhe said seriously.

"Screw your good manners!" Xu Que annulled Lu Zhouhe's comments with his dirty words.

"You...." Lu Zhouhe sputtered. Apparently, he didn't expect Xu Que would say those dirty words.

"Stop your nonsense! Look at you, your talents are nothing compared to me. Your face is so ugly in front of my handsome face. Don't you feel ashamed? Don't you get the feeling of inferiority? Don't you think your life is boring?" Xu Que continued to ask with a sarcastic smile.

All the rest of the people sat with their mouths wide open in disbelief. Even Miss Dong was also dumbfounded.

They knew Xu Que was shameless. However, none of them expected Xu Que could be so shameless that he could abuse Lu Zhouhe while he spoke highly of his own handsomeness.

How could such a shameless person exist in this world?


At the same time, Lu Zhouhe's face became as dark as ink. His hands, which were hidden in his robe sleeves, were tightly clenched with blue veins. If fighting was not prohibited in this place, if he failed to preserve his last sanity, he would have attacked Xu Que.

"Humph, your mouth is full of dirty words. It's demeaning for me to have a conversation with you!" Lu Zhouhe snorted and went back to his seat at last.

He knew he couldn't annoy Xu Que. If he continued to talk with Xu Que, he might be totally annoyed and lose his sanity.

"Hey, don't go! I didn't ask you to go!" Xu Que said with a cold smile suddenly.

Lu Zhouhe stopped and his eyes lit up a bit. Then he turned around and asked sarcastically, "What? Lord Wang, what can I do for you?"

"Seriously? No, no, no! You are not qualified to do anything for me! I just want to know whether you still remember the result of the fortune-telling I did for you just now!" Xu Que shook his head.

His words stunned Lu Zhouhe a bit.

The result of the fortune-telling? I will be lonely all my life? Today will be my last day?

"Heh, heh, how ridiculous you are! Lord Wang, stop humiliating yourself with your so-called fortune-telling tricks!" Lu Zhouhe sneered immediately.

"What? It seems you don't believe me, right? I said today will be your last day, and I meant it. If you don't believe me, how about making a bet on it?" Xu Que clenched his fists, looking at Lu Zhouhe with a faint smile.

Lu Zhouhe was quite glad to hear that in his heart. He knew the opportunity of forcing Xu Que to attack him had arisen. As long as Xu Que attacked him, Xu Que would violate the rules in this place. Then the powerhouses of the Dong Family would kill Xu Que for him. The Dong Family wouldn't allow someone to defy and offend the prestige they had established for so long a time easily.

"Heh-heh, since Lord Wang is interested in making a bet, I will definitely keep you company to the end!" Lu Zhouhe sneered sarcastically.

The rest of the people in this area had figured out what was going on. They were quite curious, but none of them stepped out to stop the bet.

Miss Dong hesitated a bit. Then she frowned and said, "It's good that both of you could make a bet here! However, I have to remind you that fighting is prohibited in the Dong Family. Violators of this rule will be killed immediately!"

Hearing that, Lu Zhouhe's face darkened instantly. Because everyone in this area could figure out Miss Dong was trying to stop Xu Que from acting recklessly. However, Xu Que ignored her words. He looked at Lu Zhouhe and said with a smile, "I really admire your courage, Lord Lu. I will perform fortune-telling for you again and the result is that you will die in ten breaths. Do you believe it?"

I will die in ten breaths?

Lu Zhouhe said with an innocent smile, "Heh, heh, I don't believe it!"

