Chapter 96: Operation Arrest Crownhall Hypnosis App - 4
The allure of doors always sparked curiosity, enticing people to wonder what lay beyond. It was a natural phenomenon.
Regardless of whether they opened the door with care, kicked it down, or smashed it apart, there was always a possibility of treasures, ninjas, giant tentacles, or anything imaginable waiting for them. It was a Schrödinger's Box1.
Using Illusion Magic, I could harness the beliefs of others as a power source, allowing me to manifest a certain degree of physical force.
『Step into a Door, Ascend into a World (踏門昇界)』 was a spell that pushed these characteristics to their limits.
The first victim was entirely fabricated. Someone with a short temper hastily opened the door, only to be devoured by a strange monster that emerged from within—an illusion from start to finish.
However, the people who witnessed the illusion would begin to harbor fears of sinister traps lurking behind each door.
They were afraid of a monster coming out from the other side if they opened the door.
Their collective belief in something sinister beyond the threshold allowed『Step into a Door, Ascend into a World』to function as a labyrinth, amplifying their anxiety.
"A T-Tentacle! I-It grabbed me, it grabbed me!"
"Some-Something just touched my ankl⋯⋯!"
The potency of nascent magic could manifest only to a limited extent. But as their anxiety escalated and their belief in the presence of 'something' intensified⋯⋯
"I, I'm being dragged! I'm being dragged⋯⋯!"
Their collective fear reached a point where I could literally swallow the weaker ones.
By now, some of them who could actually use their brains began to shout warnings.
"Don't open the door! God damn it⋯⋯ don't open it!"
"Don't open it! Don't open it and just stay still!"
Seizing the moment, I made an illusion of a person once more. Among those caught in 『Step into a Door, Ascend into a World (踏門昇界)』, a random guy was shown opening a door and escaping.
"Ha, hahaha! This way! This is the exit⋯⋯!!"
Bang. The door slammed shut as I erased the used exit, dissolving it like a mirage.
"This is the way out too! Come quickly⋯⋯!"
"I'm, I'm free!"
Bang. Bang. Doors closed one after another, vanishing without a trace.
Gradually, I released a few of the weaker ones. It was then that the people trapped in the labyrinth began to understand the rules. Among these numerous doors, only a few of them were exits and that their numbers were dwindling.
Chaos ensued and their feeling of hope in finding an escape route surged. This bolstered the physical and binding force of 『Step into a Door, Ascend into a World (踏門昇界)』.
"M-Move! I'm going to open th⋯⋯ EUAAAACK!!'
"This, this has to be a way out! It says so right here!"
As the number of captives decreased and their desperation intensified, the spell's strength grew, gradually engulfing them. And if I took a moment of rest⋯⋯
"Block it! If we look for the exit as we defen⋯⋯."
"It won't last forev⋯⋯."
"Somebody save m⋯⋯."
Well, there was no one standing now.
Amidst the crowd lying sprawled on the ground, Pink-Haired Lesbian seized the collar of the middle-aged man with slicked-back hair and hoisted him up. Judging by his posture and his attitude of taking the lead, there was a high possibility that he was the leader of the group.
"This person will be transported for an interrogation."
"What is that look, Tower Master?"
"N-No. Nothing⋯⋯."
With a soft sigh, Pink-Haired Lesbian gently admonished the Tower Master.
"I understand that you might be thinking about things like succubi and interrogations, but it's racially discriminatory and rude. Tower Master, you are a pervert."
The Tower Master froze, as if struck by lightning. She stood there, scorched white and motionless.
I quietly hugged her, patting her gently. It was normal for someone to have a few dirty thoughts, right? It was all fine as long as she didn't fall into something too weird.
"It's okay, Tower Master. I can love you even if you're a pervert."
"⋯⋯You, you're worse!!"
A flurry of Yuna Punches landed all over my body.
As I comforted her, I turned my attention to the stone statue in the town square. I couldn't figure out its religious meaning or identify who it represented.
One thing was clear: this statue was a catalyst for 『Big Brother』.
I extended my hand and brushed the surface of the statue. A flickering light revealed a complex, but barely visible pattern when I infused it with Mana.
The Tower Master glanced at the pattern, then turned her head and covered my eyes as she said,
"⋯⋯This is a hypnosis pattern, right? Like the Melburton's sugar coating."
"I think that's where he got the idea."
This stone statue functioned almost like an artifact, naturally casting 『Big Brother』 when someone observed the pattern.
It was an intricate piece of work. After all, the world was wide and there were many geniuses. Although its intentions were impure and heinous, it was so well-crafted that it made me want to applaud the creator from the bottom of my heart.
Then that meant⋯⋯.
It was likely that all the people gathered here in the back alleys were under the influence of 『Big Brother』, given their regular prayer sessions.
Currently, we had already confirmed that two of the magics studied at the Purple Magic Tower were part of it.
This meant that there really was at least one spy or traitor within the tower.
"We need to investigate, the stone statue⋯⋯ even if just a little."
"It would be a bit difficult even for you, right?"
"Yes, it isn't my major after all."
I was preoccupied with my own research so I didn't touch other people's research, so I lacked knowledge in body manipulation and Geass. I knew quite a bit about thought guidance since I had to use it in TRPGs.
If I started dismantling and studying this statue, time would become the problem.
Reducing the time dedicated to my hobbies was a concern, but by then, the creator of this artifact would have likely fled.
Given our current progress, it was now a race against time.
It was a race to uncover as much evidence as possible before the creator of 『Big Brother』 realized something was wrong and erased his tracks.
Wait a minute.
"Tower Master."
"What would you do in this situation,Tower Master? The statue was automatically applying hypnosis and brainwashing people, making it impossible to trace it. Now, it has become a situation where the people of the Magic Tower are suspicious."
"I, I-I'm not particularly skilled in research or anything like that. Eueung⋯⋯. I think I would search for the wizards of the Purple Magic Tower in Crownhall. Interrogate those who were affected or ask around town. Because the culprit must have come here at least once⋯⋯ to set up that statue.
Yeah, probably.
And as he asked around⋯⋯ there would likely be numerous eyewitness testimonies about Senior Scarface.
Not because she was the culprit, but because she was a who went out alone more than 50% of the time each week.
But we would have interpreted that fact as suspicion. Wasn't it natural to become suspicious of someone who appeared at the crime so often?
An unpleasant feeling lingered in my mind. From the very beginning. The boy who pickpocketed me as if guided by something. And the events that unfolded afterward.
The similarity between 『Big Brother』, which activated when the boy was interrogated, and Senior Scarface's magic that was present everywhere⋯⋯ the entire sequence.
It was unsettling because it felt like someone had set a trap.
I didn't know who the culprit was, but given the circumstances, he was someone who knew a lot about the Purple Magic Tower. Naturally, that meant that he would know about me and Tower Master Yuna as well.
The fact that I was a genius who was capable of figuring out what magic was used on the spot.
And that he would be fucked if Yuna caught him.
Let's say Senior Scarface really was the culprit. Could she have planned something like this while completely ignoring the possibility of us visiting Crownhall? She'd be fucked if she's caught.
Also, if she wanted to stage the scene, she wouldn't have used his own signature move. Even if I viewed it from different angles, it was unmistakably Senior Scarface's magic. Could she proceed with such a task without overconfidence, thinking it wouldn't be discovered? She'd fucked if she's caught.
Lastly, why would he make the boy attack me? She'd fucked if she's caught.
I cautiously presented my hypothesis.
"I think this could be a trap."
"⋯⋯Wh, what trap? right now?"
"No matter how much I think about it, I just can't figure it out. Because it's like the culprit is openly declaring, 'I'm Senior Scarface' ⋯⋯. We'll have to hear what Pink-Haired Lesbian says, but I think he disguised himself as Senior Scarface to install the statue."
"S-So. You're saying he's trying to frame, right?! Oh Lorei!"
The Tower Master clapped and smiled brightly. Hergloomy expression and stuttering tone of speech disappeared at once. Suspecting someone from the same Purple Magic Tower seemed to be a huge source of stress for her.
It was just a hypothesis, but unless the Senior Scarface actually wanted to sabotage herself⋯⋯ I don't think there would have been any reason to do things like this.
As we waited anxiously, Pink-Haired Lesbian emerged, covered in blood, dragging the middle-aged man by the collar. She spoke with a regretful expression.
"⋯⋯The person who installed the stone statue was confirmed to be the 『Puppet』 Lorei. Three repeated interrogations were conducted, but they all yielded the same eyewitness testimony."
The Tower Master expressed her joy. Since Senior Scarface wasn't foolish enough to do this without a disguise, she was convinced that the actual culprit was trying to frame her.
Pink-Haired Lesbian whispered softly to me, her face distraught.
"Possibly uh, did the Tower Master and Lorei have a bad relationship⋯⋯?"
"They generally got along. Hey, Pink-Haired Lesbian, listen to me for a second. This is just a hypothesis but⋯⋯."
Wasn't this information too obvious? I explained my theory to Pink-Haired Lesbian that this could be a plan to frame someone falsely. She nodded as if it made sense.
However, she added cautiously, "But."
"The likely culprit is 『Puppet』 Lorei. You're aware of that, right?"
"I am. That's why I'm going to determine her innocence right away."
"Are you saying there is a way to find out?"
Of course, there was. What was the simplest way to prove her innocence?
"We could just ask her directly."
I decided to contact and ask her directly. Clarification had to come from the source.
Pink-Haired Lesbian asked what we would do if Senior Scarface turned out to be the culprit and went into hiding. However, she backed off when the Tower Master firmly declared that she would take responsibility and eliminate her if necessary.
The calm before the storm.
The Senior Scarface could indeed be an overconfident culprit. This could be like telling the criminal to flee now. The Empire might say, 'You're on the same side as that fucker, huh?' It was a risky move that could arouse unnecessary suspicion.
But, both the Tower Master and I⋯⋯ wanted to bet on trusting her.
I borrowed the emergency communication crystal ball and the necessary mana for communication from Yuna. The call was forcibly connected. After a moment of crackling noise, the voice of Senior Scarface emerged.
-This is sister's body⋯⋯ I feel strange.
-That's right, Lauren. Try moving slowly. It will become easier once you get used to it.
-Your heart is beating really hard. Sister, are you sick?
-No, I'm just happy. Right now it's only for three hours, but soon we might be able to go on a trip together⋯⋯.
The conversation continued, but only one voice was heard. It seemed like a younger brother had entered Senior Scarface's body. Ahem. I cleared my throat and interrupted her.
"Hm, excuse me. Senior?"
-⋯⋯⋯⋯Esteemed Junior? What?
Even someone caught watching porn couldn't have sounded more shocked to hear my voice. I calmly stated my business.
"Well uh, Senior, you have been accused of conspiring with a subversive force. If you don't clarify the situation now, the Tower Master will shoot lasers at you."
-Fuck⋯⋯ Where do I need to deliver myself to, Esteemed Junior? No, Lauren, it's fine. It's nothing, so you don't have to worry. No, no. Your sister didn't do anything like leaking and⋯⋯.
There were hurried sounds of people changing clothes, the sound of someone rolling, and Senior reassuring her younger brother not to worry. I spoke softly into the crystal ball.
"We got a room at the Seagull Inn⋯⋯ in the Crownhall."
-Yeaah, tell them to wait a day.
Thud. The signal abruptly cut off.
"She'll be here soon. Let's retrieve the statue, place it in the inn room, and then get some rest."
"⋯⋯The siblings seems to have such a good relationship, huh."
Hearing Pink-Haired Lesbian's reluctant words, the Tower Master quickly defended Lorei.
"Eu-Eung! Lorei is really caring. She looks after her brother so well! l, I like that! She's not the type to leak our research and do bad things⋯⋯!"
"Uh, I don't think that was a compliment"
After I finished erasing 『Big Brother』 from the minds of the people lying around in the town square, Pink-Haired Lesbian called the guards, and they were all taken to prison one by one.
That marked the end of Day 1 in the Crownhall.
Senior Scarface, having traveled all night using the warp gate and then the carriage, looked at the statue with a haggard and weary face.
"This indeed is my magic."
"D-Don't shoot me! It is my magic, but that doesn't mean I did it⋯⋯!!"
The Senior Scarface's explanation festival has begun.