Chapter 906: Naomi's choice

Sigma was meant to be a breathing room for Naomi, her real body hurt so much, she could do nothing but hope that somehow just like when using a VR pod and entering Omega, Sigma would also help her lose the pains of the real world and enter a virtual one.

Alas, Sigma was different from Omega, the entire universe was part of Sigma and her flailing body was teleported as a whole inside the game.

Naomi coughed violently as a mouthful of blood escaped her lips as a system notification informed her that her HP had dropped to a single digit.

Read it on

Naomi was not at all impressed by the background in Sigma, unlike Max who started from the tier0 planet the ' Morning Star planet' , Naomi who was a peak tier 3 player before Omega ended actually managed to be evaluated as a tier1 player by the Universal queen upon first awakening and hence her starting point was the ' Dewstar planet '.

Dewstar planet was better than Morning Star in the sense that there was no Ash falling from the skies and the streets here were only moderately crowded, however except those points it was pretty much the same.

It was like entering London in the 1800's, when it felt a mixture of the middle ages and industrial revolution, as although horse carts could be seen on the roads and the houses were still made of bricks instead of cement , the residents had lost that homely village touch, the buslte and busy of the city turning them into cold personalities.

" Oh no, i would much rather have died on Earth than this wretched place " , Naomi spoke as she assessed her surroundings with disgust.

Having been in labour for 9 months, she had became accustomed to not finding even a single spec of dust around her, as the maid and the cleaning robots washed the floor and the surfaces around her atleast 15 times a day.

Hence when facing pollution and smoke and dust all around Naomi felt a lot disgusted.

To make matters worse, there were octopus faced aliens all around her whose head blobbed front and back as they walked, which would look funny to most men but looked disgusting to Naomi.

Naomi puked, and with that blood filled vomit she lost even the very last point of HP that she had as a system notification informed her that she had died!

[ System notification ] - You have died inside the safezone ' Dew Star City ' .

Cause of death - Illness

- Note : Having died inside a safezone you will be resurrected free of charge.

Wether it was her luck or her misery, Naomi had died inside a safezone, which meant that the universal queen had to RESSUTECT her free of charge, however having died of natural causes it was not as simple as it seemed.

[ System notification ] - Since you have died of natural causes, perfect resurrection will not be possible.

The natural body you possess, has a mana clash inside which would need Electrocuted draining to cure.

The resulting procedure will result in player to lose 95% of their memory fragment .

Do you wish to continue with the procedure?

Or do you wish to be returned back to earth in a coffin?

Fate had been exceptionally cruel to Naomi today.

She had decided to visit Sigma on a whim and did not hope to be saved by the universal queen. When she saw the system screen that told her she would be resurrected free of charge she had became elated beyond words, however when the price of her resurrection was explained she fell from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows.

She had a choice to make, wether to live as a new person , losing all her memories or wether to die with her memories intact and it was truly a curel choice for any individual to make.

Letting go of her identity would mean death in a way, because the Naomi that she was, was going to die either way in the process and only a fragment of hers would survive as a new person.

The faces of Rudra, Jake and Amy flashed in her mind as she started to fell a soul wrenching pain inside her formless soul as she could not bear the thought of leaving them behind and moving on.

It was one of the most difficult decisions she had ever made, but when she really asked her soul what she should do the answer was very clear.

Although for her as an individual choosing to live a new life would be the best thing to do, but her new life would really just be her body living a new life as without her memories she was but just a piece of flesh.

However if that piece of flesh existed , it would cause nothing but misery to all her loved ones who would keep looking for a glimpse of her true self inside that body which would have lost it all.

She could see Rudra searching the heavens for a cure and being distressed about the state of his wife, and how Jake and Amy would cry to see their own mum not recognise them.

She wanted to live.

Given a choice she would never chose to die!

However, with it being the more humane thing to do for her family, Naomi chose to be sent back to earth inside a coffin.

Here serene body was sent back to earth as per her wishes, with a letter attached in her own handwriting on the top. A last message that she had for her loved ones.

It read

" To Jake and Amy ,

Sorry my dear children mother will not be around to see you grow into beautiful toddlers or naughty children or rebellious teenagers or powerful warriors, but don't worry, i will surely be watching from the stars!

You both have no idea how much mother loves you and how much you both mean to her, but as much as I know that you both love me too it isn't nearly as close as how much your father loves me.

So promise me my children, when the time comes you will be the support of your dad, shielding him from the evils in his own heart, as I'm not afraid of anyone else being able to hurt him as much as he is capable of hurting himself.

Im sure Rudra will raise you to be fine humans however I never want you both to be pressured by the Rajput family name.

Remember you are the son and daughter of the bastard child Naomi too as much as you are of the protector of humanity.

If your father scolds you too much, run away to uncle Max or uncle Naman ( Neatwit ) , or you can always go to grandpa Jhonny.

And no matter what, always remember that mother loved you.

To Rudra,

I will wait for you in the 9th heaven my love".

It was a sad day for humanity when the coffin showed up where her hospital bed was.

Naomi Rajput was dead , only her memories remained inside the minds and hearts of her loved ones.

/// Spoiler Note - Naomi Rajput will make a comeback in MMORPG Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God ///