Chapter 898: Confrontation

Just in the first 30 minutes of the first awakening the face of planet Earth changed significantly.

Many major cities were looking at thousands of their skyscrapers destroyed as violent earthquakes and natural disasters left their mark on the man-made concrete jungles.

Nearly 9 billion humans could not survive the dirty mana that had flooded in during the initial few minutes of the first awakening, losing their lives as a result whereas a billion more died due to the said natural disasters claiming their lives.

Read it on

The overall population went from over 16 billion to just over 6 billion, 60% wiped out just like Gaia had already predicted.

It was a dark day for humanity, however an even darker one for the other life forms on earth, as while 6 billion humans had somehow survived the first awakening, plants and animals were not so lucky.

With over 90% of animal life wiped out and nearly 20% of all vegetation dead or mutating, the threat of extinction for various species just became a reality, while a few endangered one's already went extinct.

Tears and blood flowed like water on the earth as everyone mourned the loss of a loved one, and those few who were lucky enough to survive hugged and cried in joy looking forward to a coming future.

When 20 huge vessels entered Earth's atmosphere, that future started to look bleak too as all hope now rested on the shoulders of Rudra Rajput to save the planet from a looting and slavery.

Three distinct flags could be seen raised on these 20 ships , as the incoming pirates came with a strength of 8, 6 and 6 battleship divisions.

One of the flags, yellow in color read ' Beasthead pirates '

The Red Flag read something in an indescribable language which Gaia translated for Rudra as ' Greedy pirates '

The Blue Flag read ' Lowborn pirates '

The average strength of crew in each pirate ship was at an impressive tier 3 , whereas the leaders were all tier 4!

The Battleships they rode were about a killometer long and looked impressive, however compared to the destroyer class Battleship that Rudra was riding they looked like children swarming an7 foot giant.

As they entered the exosphere, the three almost simultaneously made the same sounding announcements which could be heard across Earth.

" Puny humans of planet H2047 , this is the captain of the Beasthead pirates speaking, you have been raided by the glorious Beasthead pirate group and you must give up your valuable uranium, titanium, vibranium , neodymium, cobalt, zinc and other precious metals reserve voluntarily.

Failure to comply will force our hand to raze this planet and it's population to extinction, you have 25 minutes to comply! ".

The same shitty intro line was then repeated by the red pirate group and then by the blue one, as although all three were here to raid Earth, the Battleships had ammunition pointed starkly towards each other's ships as there was a stalemate between the three groups in the higher atmosphere.

The atmosphere around Rudra grew tense when the earthlings heard this proclamation, however Rudra was not too much worried as he calmly asked Gaia " Can we take them out ? "

Gaia replied " Yes , master , you alone are enough to wipe this fleet out without breaking a sweat , however if you choose to sit on this one , the Battleship is also strong enough to Wipeout the enemy fleet ".

Rudra gained much more confidence when he heard this as he smiled and told the soldiers around him to take the Battleship to thermosphere.

Although Rudra could wipe them out personally, he wanted to build confidence amongst troops of earth to use these battleships to protect the planet's boundries , lest someday he be unavailable to deal with the threats.

As the ship steadily gained altitude, Jhonny found the microphone and started to fidget with it.

" SPACE ALIENS! , This is your daddy Jhonny English speaking , if you have any balls come and get the resources you are looking for.

If I, Jhonny let you touch even a single grain of our planets soil, then i will personally emasculate myself! "

Jhonny's proclamation could also be heard across Earth, as it gave immense hope to cowering netizens who beleived that everything was going to be over.

The space pirates on the other hand who were busy staring at the other crews who had came to claim the same loot they were after looked absolutely flabbergasted when they heard the earth's response as they looked down on their monitors to be absolutely shocked seeing a destroyer class Battleship slowly rise to their level.




The space pirates began to cower and freak out as their guns changed aim from amongst each other to the Titan that humanity possessed.

Initially everyone beleived that the ship was definitely here from some big faction as only the richest and most influential factions could afford having a destroyer class ship amongst their ranks, however when they only saw a grey wolf flag flurrying over the Battleship they were stumped as they had never seen such a faction flag before.

" How does a planet just out of Omega posess this kind of technological abilities? This is not a local weapon system , it's mana based systems , the weapons are supercharged and can blow our ships to smithereens with a single hit. This is serious buisness captain " , the witch , first commander of the Lowborn pirates raised the issue.

" They are definitely being backed by a big power, however letting them off feels like a waste of time and energy to me , get me the other two pirate leaders on the line, let me talk to them about this quickly! ". The captain of the Lowborn pirates commanded.


( A conference call b/w the three pirate leaders )

LBP - I call for an temporary alliance, the twenty ships we have can flank and create an opening in the destroyer. The ship is probably more valuable than fifty of these small planets and if we can control and sell one, we can all have a decent profit.

BHP - The Beasthead pirates agree to your proposal, however the loot must be distributed 40-30-30 in our favour since we have the largest fleet strength at 8 ships.

GP - No! We must split the loot equally, we greedy pirates are not afraid of a fight , but we are disgusted by inequality, we are as strong of a force with our 6 ships as you are with your eight!

LBP - Aye! The loot split must be done threeways!

BHP - Curses of mother Mary's long hooked leg! Alright if that's how you want to roll then fine, however my men will create the opening and not participate in the bloody battle inside if this is how things are to be.

LBP - Aye, we won't roll with chickens like you anyways.

GP - Aye , let us spit and seal this deal. (ARRGHHH THU )

- THU!

- THU!

LBP - These are kid's with weapons of men, i can't sense a single individual stronger than tier 3 amongst them and there is only five tier 3 individuals amongst them, donot be afraid of the ship, although some big faction has lent them help , they have not lent them personnel who can actually handle this beautiful device!

GP - It will then be as easy as stealing candy from kids!

BHP - I always knew you were a candy thief, disgusting fellow.

GP - Arrgh hahaha , hohohoho , by the darkness of space you are right. I love them candies !

LBP - And i love me some destroyer ship, ATTACK ATTACK, ATTACK , Let's capture this beauty!

BHP - Piracy to the alliance! Let's go!

The 20 pirate ships broke their cluster and seemed to flank out into various directions as it encircled the Battleship.

Rudra immediately understood that an alliance had been created and that the 20 pirate ships were planning to work together to take them down.

If it was an inexperienced captain at the helm, he/ she would have waited to see what the opponent was upto however Rudra only needed a split second to decide what to do.

With a casual flick of his hand he gave the command " Gun them down ".

Hundereds of missiles and high intensity lasers quickly locked targets onto the twenty battleships as the destroyer class Battleship started to show it's true worth.

Before they could even flank out properly and take positions to counter, missiles rained down on their ships creating an absolute spectacle in the skies.

12/20 ships were obliterated within first two minutes as the pirates suffered a nightmare for underestimating the strength of earthlings, however their worst nightmare was far from over.

" Fuc***** ******* , ****** , ****** , ***** , boss this destroyer class Battleship is wayy more formidable than we thought! Impossible to defend against it".


" Damn that stupid captain for putting us in such an unfair battle "


The 8 remaining ships instantly knew that the only hope of survival was now to dive onto the surface and abandon ship to try and survive.

Their choice of coming to bully earth was going to be their worst decision of their life and also the last one.