Chapter 896: The Battleship and The Guild

( Karna's POV )

Karna was staring at the clock timer that showed how many hours were left till Omega ended.

He was seated comfortably at the guild leaders office within the True Elites's ultra luxurious platinum guild hall thinking wether or not he would experience such luxury ever again.

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The atmosphere around the guild was nervous as people had started to squander every last cent of money that they had in Omega, knowing that there was never going to be a tommorow to spend it.

Karna made the executive decision to leave 70% of the wealth of the guild with the NPC population of the True Elites Kingdom, whereas he donated most of the treasures, properties and non-liquid assets to the queen.

The rest 30% was given to all the NPC guards and staff inside the guild who had served the guild brilliantly for the last few years.

The bonus was larger than most of theirs 5 years worth of salary and when Karna saw them crying tears of joy thanking the lord Hades he felt warmth rising in his heart as he finally understood the joy of phillantrophy.

Karna had already started to dilute the powers of the guild over the management of the kingdom as he gave a portion of them away to the queen and appointed capable NPC's to handle the rest.

Under Rudra's reign the True Elites Kingdom had became a force to be reckoned with throughout the continent, as from well connected roads and teleportation centers, to having the best logistic services the True Elites Kingdom was a front runner on all these fronts.

The average income/ capita was the highest in the continent and it boasted the largest and strongest army of them all.

The response time for forces on one end of the kingdom to reach the furthest point on the other end was only 1day 17 hours , which was ridiculous considering the huge size of the kingdom.

This meant that laying a siege on any of the cities was practically impossible and not a town had a chance to be ambushed as the nearest response forces were always only 40 minutes to one hour away.

All this gave the civilians a sense of security and stability which when coupled with the liberal tax policy ensured high standards of living for all.

The name of Shakuni of the elites as well as the True Elites Guild resounded at the core of many popular local lores of the people, as seen by a content creator who went around the kingdom asking the NPC's what they felt about the king and the kingdom in general.

The answers varied from

' He's a divine god '

' A true man of the people '


' He is the sun of this kingdom, to whom we wish an immortal life '.

The happiness rating of the people was at a whopping 95% , with the kingdom boasting a 0 slums area in its entirety.

Crime rate was extremely low and the jails were working at a low 10% capacity.

The people trusted the law enforcement and were proud to declare their nationality as an Elite.

Karna truly wondered if this miracle utopia land could be recreated by shakuni but on a larger scale called the planet Earth.


( Meanwhile Fatty )

Unlike 99% of the guild projects which were constructed and completed using only guild personnel's, this time around there were only a handful of the most trusted and most talented guild individuals who had worked on the construction of the Battleship in real life as the rest of the workers came from the UN.

Rudra only had Fatty Kalash and Sir Jhonny English involved with him on the crew of this ship as the rest were experienced air force soldiers from armies across the world who had been specially trained for combat against aliens.

While Rudra remained the de-facto leader of the group, he had not participated in any of the training sessions yet, which is why today he needed to catch-upto a lot of stuff happening with the ship.

Rudra needed to thoroughly understand it's abilities and limits so that he could make the right calls at the right times as well as understand it's strengths and weaknesses.

Fatty had made a briefing for him telling about all those stuff already but it was one thing for him to read it and other to actually see it in action.

Rudra wasted no time as his natural charisma landed him straight at the centre of command as he took the Battleship for a test run.

The Battleship was almost as big as an entire island nation.

It was 25 killometers long and 14 killometers wide and could house upto 4.5 million personnel.

Currently however it only had 250,000 specially trained personnel who were ready to go down with the ship if need be.

It was a destroyer class Battleship with 25,000 high powered combat lasers, anti ship ballistic missiles and lots of intergalactic missile capabilities.

It had shields , stealth and also hyperspeed options and was basically a creation straight out of a star wars movie.

When Rudra flew inside the thing for the first time ever he realised that it had some sort of inertia cancellation function inside as unlike a car which would give jerks whenever someone accelerated or breaked , the insides of the ship did not move a single inch despite accelerating and deaccelerating at a high speed.

The ship was impressive and it was not a stretch to say that it could level up the earth in under 5 hours if fell into the hands of a psychopath and these were just the capabilities it could display running purely out of the fuel pack not touching the mana related functions built inside.

A smile crept onto Rudra's face when he realised that in a few hours the aliens were going to have the shock of a lifetime when they met this badboy protecting the skies of planet earth.


( The space pirates's pov )

" Sire a new planet will decouple from the mana barrier shortly, do we set course to plunder them ? ". A greedy goblin asked rubbing it's hands despicably

"Not so fast! What is the ethnicity of the planet? What is the expected strength? , Who is the patron? " The witch , the first in command on the ship asked

" It's a human planet, should complete Omega with 200,000 ish cultivators so maybe a few thousand tier 2-3 people". The goblin replied, saliva dripping from its despicable mouth.

" Hmm , doable , we will make it quick , in and out! Who is the patron? ". The witch asked

The goblin frowned when it read the report as it said " It shows the angels, Hades and Beniogre are all interested ".

" Then we must act quick, the planet has too much attention! " A kobold suggested

" No! First we must understand why the planet has so much attention, usually not a single god is interested however this time there are three damn factions ". The witch remained adamant.

" What else, the planet has rich reserves of uranium ! We must plunder it! ". The goblin insisted and this time all eyes turned to the chief

The werewolf chief who was smoking out of his pipe said " Alright , we go in , we hit a major uranium depot, we loot , we run , prepare for combat! ".

" AYE ! "

" AYE ! "

" AYE ! "


( Meanwhile Max )

Max had just read a very disturbing article on the internet that suggested that those with less attunement to mana had a significant risk of dying during the first awakening.

Although the world expected big things out of Max, only he himself knew the medical condition that he was in which is why while many looked forward to the first awakening Max wondered if he was going to make it out alive.

His nerves were unsettling him and under desperation he called Sophie to come over so that atleast he could have some distraction in the last few hours before the awakening.

Sophie who was very enthusiastic to get Max's call came over quickly and pretended to cry and tell him how much she loved him so that the awkward ice between the two broke quickly.

While Max knew what he was doing was wrong , he legit felt this was going to be his last day on the planet so he did not care for it anyway.

Max tried to distract himself by having s**, and while it was wild and new for Sophie making her climax seven times in a row, for Max it just wasnt working as his mind remained focused on the fact that he may die soon.

When Sophie noticed this she asked Max about the cause of his behaviour and why was he stressing out so much , and although Max knew that it was a bad idea he decided to not care and told Sophie his biggest secret.

" Im stressed because i feel like i can't sense mana and come first awakening i think I'm gonna die ".

Sophie looked horrified at first but soon waved it off thinking Max was being paranoid as she did her best to soothe Max which only made Max feel worse.

However, although she did not react like Max thought she would , Sophie too decided to keep an secret eye out for the secret that Max had just told her, because if he could truly not sense mana then in the new universe he was destined to be a bottom feeder for life.

A bottom feeder that Sophie had no intention to keep any association with.