Chapter 894: Hazriel

Sariel said " You see my friend Rudra, we have a slight problem here".

Rudra tightened up, one hand involuntarily reaching for the sword which was not present on his waist since he was not in Omega.

" Agh , don't worry about it , you cant summon weapons out of your system space here, only angel weapons are allowed ". Raphael said casually, it was almost as if he found Rudra's involuntary action to be ' cute '.

Read it on

Rudra mentained eye contact with the two men and said " What problem? "

Sariel walked upto him and with a very kind expression flicked his white angelic wings as he said " this is the problem ".

Rudra did not understand what was the problem with his wings as he remained perplexed as to what Sariel was leading towards.

However at this moment Hazriel interrupted as she said " Look, let me cut to the chase.

A human turning into an angel is unheard of in the universe.

When Sariel and Raphael got the news from the Omega feed it created quite the waves from amongst the Archangel's. Ozriel definitely wanted to kill you, however Micheal decided that you be given a fair opportunity.

If your transformation was incomplete, if you were a mere winged human with grey wings or a halfling, it would not be an issue. However, you are a perfect angel, a pureblood, infact..... You are as pure as the Archangel's ".

When she declared that Rudra's body was as pure as the Archangel's an awkward silence covered the room as a slightly menacing grin appeared on Raphael's face.

Hazriel continued " We can't let the universe know that pureborn angel's cannot only be born out of pure breeding between Archangel's, but also synthesized from a weaker human species through special means.

It threatens to destroy the domination of the current angel race in the universe , as we are one of the top races controlling a significant portion of the universe.

One of the main reasons for our success is our unity, an angel always marries an angel and the blood is kept pure.

Uptil now there have been many halflings and weaklings born , who have defected from our cause however none had the strength to change the course of history, however if an army of angels who are at the basic constitutional level as strong as Archangel's is created, it would be a direct challenge to our empire , which by the decree of the brother Micheal is forbidden ".

Rudra understood their reasoning, currently the angels were a cohesive unit. They lived in their own colonies and fraternized amongst their own-selves.

This created a sort of bonding and unity as all of them came from the same family line and in the end followed the same cause.

Whenever any defectors were born they were usually a result of cross-breeding and on paper it was a threat to the angel race. However history was proof that halflings could never measure upto the power of a pureborn, which meant that the rebellion was never successful.

Rudra got strong vibes that he was going to be forced into signing some soul contract or the like that would ensure his silence over this matter forever, otherwise the Angel's would rather have him eliminated than let such a threat roam the world.

Raphael said " To be honest I'm very impressed , many thousands of years ago i played Omega too, however even me and my brother's could not reach the legendary tier 6 strength level.

Although we left a legacy, you have surpassed us which to be fair is quite an achievement.

I would gladly recruit you into our forces if you co-operate with us on today's matter ".

Sariel snapped his fingers at this moment and a system contract appeared infront of Rudra, it was a Sigma contract , enforced by the universal queen and it read that Rudra could never reffer to himself as an angel and could never use his wings in public, additionally he could never reveal the means with which he became a true angel and never sell that information in any form to any other species.

Reading the contract Rudra knew that the Angel's had only given him two choices here , which were comply or die.

It was one of those situations where Rudra was backed into a tight corner, if a common man was stuck in such a situation he would most likely have cowered and rushed to sign the contract by now to save his/her life , however not Rudra.

Rudra had fought the devil himself and now he was not afraid of anyone, it was not overconfidence but a strong personality that had developed over the last ten years that did not take bullying well.

If there was one thing that Rudra had learnt in his reincarnation, it was to never let anyone bully him as a weak and powerless individual again.

Although the Angels were apparently much stronger than him, Rudra was not going to give into their pressure without getting something out of this deal himself.

Calm, he asked Gaia If she could save the data of how he became an angel and leak it to the cosmos right at this second.

" Yes master, that is possible if it is your wish " Gaia replied.

Gaia wanted to add a warning as to how making an enemy out of the angels was not a good idea however Rudra told her to shut-up and the A.I. complied.

After a long silence Rudra finally spoke " I donot wish to make enemies of the angel race , i donot wish to sell the information about my transformation to any third parties for any kind of benefit , on those terms i am ready to sign the contract. However let me make something's from my side clear..... "

Rudra smiled , it was a daring and unapologetic smile as he looked the three Archangel's dead in their eyes and spoke with confidence" I'm not doing to do it for free.

I have talked with my A.I. and even if you kill me here and now , she will release the information stored , you can't stop it.

So let's reconfigure this deal a little , so that you don't exploit me".

Rudra's response surprised the three angel's and while Raphael and Hazriel frowned , Sariel started to laugh a hearty laugh.

" I told you guys, he is a smart one. He has already figured out the uses of the A.I. , i told you intimidation won't work on him Rafa , we should have taken the equals approach ". Sariel said crying tears of amusement

Raphael clicked his tongue and then started to laugh too as he gauged Rudra again, he said " Although I've heard tales of your strategy and deceit , i did not believe someone can be this cunning until I met you in person here today.

You Shakuni Won Knight of Earth, have gained this Archangel's respect ".

Hazriel looked at the two men with contempt as she said " This is not a game boys, a little more seriousness? This mission is important ".

Sariel and Raphael complained as the three bickered for a while and after some internal discussion Hazriel asked Rudra " What do you want , don't be too excessive ".

Rudra smiled as he said " Nothing much, i want permission to use my angel powers under duress, i want access to your land and library and information archives, a trade set-up between my planet and yours and most importantly "

Rudra sucked in a deep breath and said " i want you to help my brother Max and my wife Naomi.

My family is everything to me and I'm a failure as it's family head ".

Hazriel looked at Rudra in new light again, the demands he made were not excessive at all and were not materialistic either.

She was sure that 99/100 men she would meet would ask for some sort of precious treasure or some sort of political benefit , however Rudra stuck true to his role as the leader of a race and only asked for a personal favour regarding his family.

Hazriel was different from other angel's, she had the power to see through fate lines and make divinations as she could see the fate and future of the two individuals Rudra just mentioned and also saw how she could save them both.

After calculating the cost , Hazriel said " It's a deal , however in exchange i want you to never mention about this to a single soul including your own wife as to how you became a true angel and I also want any children of yours , apart from the ones already born that will be conceived in the full angel form , to be educated with the angel race ".

Rudra thought this over and said " Deal ".

The three Archangel's smiled and a merry atmosphere was created as the four drunk nectar and celebrated the deal.

Hazriel had noticed Rudra's future and the only reason she agreed to making a deal with Rudra was because the lines of fate around the man were wayy too thick.

He was not to be made an enemy out of, as there was an unnamed god behind him.

Also she respected his personality and nature, which was unlike any man she had ever met.

Hazriel wanted to tell Rudra that tough times laid ahead for him, however she did not. Fate could not be tempted so easily.

However eventhough things would be hard for him, if she got her way then in the future it would be set right anyways.

/// Guys after this chapter you are now free to start reading the sequel.

For everyone who waited uptil this moment, thankyou!

The timeline after this coincides with the new book , but the backlog is clear! ///