Chapter 891: Birth of the twins

( 10 th June , 2110 )

Only 5 days remained before the first awakening and Naomi's pain reached unbearable levels as 8 and a half months into her pregnancy she decided to have a C section to give birth to the babies 7-10 days prematurely.

Rudra rushed her to the hospital and almost all the close guildmembers and Max were present as there was a tense and joyous atmosphere mixed together.

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No-one except for Max was aware about Naomi's condition and hence nobody was that worried about her life.

Modern science had progressed a lot and losing life during birth especially with a C section was highly unlikely.

Max watched as Karna and Neatwit teased Rudra that he was going to become a ' Dad ' now and once you are a ' Dad ' the street word for you changes from big brother to uncle.

Rudra looked extremely nervous, and blushed deeply when someone mentioned that he would be called ' Dad ' by the little ones down the line.

For Rudra life seemed extremely bright, as eventhough the two babies had not been born yet he already had boundless love from them and he knew in his heart that he would fight against the entire universe if need be, but make sure to give them a beautiful world to live in.

There were jokes flying and nervous foot tapping as the women hugged and comforted each other where-as the men awkwardly stared down the hallways and talked about how the water dispenser machines were back in the day at their colleges.

While the other's could not hear Naomi's screams of pain , Rudra with his superior hearing could as he took deep breaths and clutched the steel chair he was sitting on tightly.

Soon the screams subsided, the anesthesia seemed to be taking effect as Naomi could no longer feel anything below her neck , the pain had finally subsided.

It was at this moment that Karna clutched the shoulders of his ex- guildmaster and pointed out that he had torn apart two handful of iron parts from the steel chair.

Rudra gave his buddy an awkward smile as he suddenly faced difficulty breathing as he awaited hearing those first screams.

Once the anesthesia kicked in he could remember the doctor starting to talk gibberish to Naomi to keep her awake as she could not sleep before the surgery ended to avoid complications, and it was the hardest 12 minutes of waiting that Rudra had ever spent in his life.

By the end Rudra was drenched in sweat, losing his nerves and contemplating wether he should break down the door infront of him.

Neatwit whispered to Karna " Have you ever seen the guildmaster sweat so much? "

Karna replied " never, not even when he faced the devil , not even when he faced a gauranteed death down the barrel , this is something different, I've never seen him display so much emotion that is not bloodlust ".

The two of them shivered thinking about this, Rudra was just too cold at times and it was rare for him to show this much worry and emotion as it was completely unlike him otherwise to do so.

Karna whispered " If he tries to barge in , you and me will have to restrain him " .

Karna understood his best-friend the best. He knew that Rudra's patience was nearly running out and it was any second now that the guy would try to barge his way into the operation theatre and try to get a hold of the situation.

" EASY BIG GUY , EASY " Jhonny patted Rudra on his head when Rudra subconsciously increased the pressure beneath his feet and the hospital tiles started to crack from the pressure.

Rudra's strength had reached ridiculous levels and if he was not careful in day-day operations he could easily destroy most stuff used by normal humans.

Everyone was on the edge seeing Rudra's behaviour and everyone sighed in relief when Rudra dropped to his knees and started to sob uncontrollably.

Rudra's ears had already picked the shrill cries of two distinct voices that he had never heard before and heard the nurse comment , the babies are born without any disability and with all of their senses working.

Everyone in the lobby started to celebrate which confused the doctor who came out to declare the success of the Operation a full minute later by which streams of man tears had already flooded the halls of the hospital.

Max hugged Rudra tightly and the two of them shared a warm embrace before the doctors sanitized and dressed them in medical clothes and gloves before permitting them to enter the room.

Rudra's eyes glanced towards the babies however the first thing he did was to hold Naomi's hand as he found her crying and smiling at the same time, however she looked incredibly pale and weak for some reason.

At the moment Rudra just thought it must be the surgery and started healing her as best as he could straining his body to the limits and helping to stabilize her condition as much as possible.

Only when Naomi pointed towards the babies and weakly said " Jake .... Amy " , that Rudra left her side and for the first time ever looked at his newborn infants with his loving gaze.

Both his babies looked indiscernable from one another , if it was not for the fact that one was wrapped in a pink towel and one in blue Rudra would never be able to distinguish between the two genders.

The nurse carefully placed Amy into Rudra's hands and Jake in Max's as the two men held them as if they were holding the most fragile and most beautiful thing in the world , with Max even trying to hold his breath as much as possible as to not let the baby be startled by soft winds.

Rudra admired the beautiful black eyes that the baby had which looked exactly like his mother's and the sharp nose which looked like Naomi.

Amy's face was as red as a tomato and the nurse proudly told him that she weighed in at a very healthy 4.5 kgs and would not need to be placed in the infirmary although she was born a bit prematurely.

After a loving 5 minutes spent with his daughter Max and Rudra replaced the children in their arms as Rudra held Jake and Max took Amy.

Although the twins looked identical there was a mischief in Jake's eyes that was not present in Amy's, as while Amy looked at her father shyly , the little one looked at Rudra with curiosity, his eyes asking the question of ' Who the fuck is this guy? '

Rudra had a hearty laugh , the boy reminded him of himself , there was a fire inside him.

Rudra looked at Naomi and whispered " Babe i think i like our daughter more than our son, this one is already challenging my domination in the house right out of the crib "

Rudra glanced at Naomi , only to find her sleeping soundly.

Rudra found this odd , and after a good five minutes with his son as the visiting time ended Rudra placed the baby beside their mother in the crib and took his leave outside.

There was a mad celebration going on in the lobby and sir Jhonny was even dancing without a care in the world , it was as if he had decided that the children were his own grandkids and he was their grandpa.

When people saw Rudra they wanted to tease him and pester him however there was something bothering Rudra's mind as he avoided the crowd with an awkward smile and searched for the head doctor.

Rudra asked the head doctor " Is my wife okay? "

The head doctor looked perplexed as he said " Have your wife and brother not informed you?

Her case is like this .... "

The doctor narrated everything from Naomi's medical problems to how he had already warned them against holding the kids for too long and opting for a premature delivery a month ago to avoid complications.

The doctor told Rudra how Naomi was incredibly weak at the moment and had abysmal levels of many vital minerals and vitamins in her body as well as a serious lack of RBC , WBC and platelets.

Her body was basically a recipe for disaster as physical strain, smallest of infection and bloodloss through internal or external haemorrhage could all kill her.

Rudra was too stunned to speak when all this was revealed to her , as his perfect day was perfectly ruined at this point.

In anger Rudra punched the wall beside him and the entire building trembled as if hit by an earthquake as Rudra knocked an entire section of the wall off with his attack.

The doctor shat his pants and scrambled away from Rudra , as Rudra himself walked with a terrifying anger towards his brother Max.

While Max and Naomi were both the culprits of hiding information from Rudra , since Rudra could not punish his weak wife for risking her own life there was only one entity he could put the blame on.

As an angry father marched down the halls of the hospital, his family like guildmembers trembled to see his visage which was more terrifying than any god they had ever seen , however nobody was more terrified than Max Rajput himself with whom Rudra had locked eyes and who knew the crime he had to pay for today.

Since they were kids , Rudra had never let anyone scold Max , he would always take his side when mama or papa Rajput scolded him and pampered him to the extreme.

Never did he see his brother so enraged and have that anger directed towards him, as at this moment the only doubt he had in his mind was

' will brother ever forgive me? '.