Chapter 88.1

"You're Not Allowed to Touch Me!" (1)

Shi An flew high in the sky, the cold wind sweeping past him.

He thought seriously about his plan and the more he thought about it, the more it seemed feasible.

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But something was missing.

He slowly flew lower, manipulating his magic to shrink his body and soon transformed from a giant dragon that could cover the sky to a mini dragon that was only arm's length.

In this way, even if someone witnessed his trail, they would think it was just a tiny flying magical creature and would not speculate in the direction of a dragon.

Shi An found a random country house where no one lived and broke in.

The country house was lavishly decorated, with an abundance of food storage and almost the entire room was stuffed to the brim, almost filling up to the ceiling.

Shi An happily filled his stomach and then went to the bedroom.

He found a whole set of clothes and stuffed the clothes into a travel bag with his paws with difficulty.

After all, the one he was wearing earlier had been destroyed when he turned into a dragon and after waiting for Mu Heng to be picked up by the Bureau, he had to hurry back to his human form and rush back as fast as he could.

Shi An carried the travel bag with clothes, spread his wings, and prepared to leave.

But, he suddenly hesitated before he was about to fly out along the route he came in.

Shi An turned his head, looking toward the half-open door of the storage room.

Although he had already eaten enough...

His mind flashed back to Mu Heng looking at the charred magic meat with a subtle look on his face.

Shi An sighed.

Humans were genuinely such picky eaters.

But because Mu Heng had invited him to eat ice cream many times, he couldn't let other people starve.

Shi An selectively ignored the fact that he spat it out after taking a bite.

-He peacefully flew over and plundered the entire pantry.

The next, he thought for a few seconds and pulled out the medical first aid kit below, grasping it with difficulty between his paws.

This should not be a problem now.

Shi An flapped his wings, passed through the large hole in the ceiling and flew out of the house that looked like a tornado had passed through.


"Captain! Captain!"

A panting Bureau member ran in from the door, his forehead was all sweaty, but his face was suppressed with excitement and thrill. "There's a clue!"

Wen Yao was shocked. "What?"

The Bureau member gasped for air and continued, "That's right! Someone in the west reported that they seemed to have witnessed traces of dragons in the deeper wasteland area, and then we pulled up the magic tracking reports of all the unoccupied areas around that direction-"

He unfolded the map in front of Wen Yao and pointed his finger to the location of one of the barren mountains.

"According to the estimation, the dragon will likely be here."

Wen Yao's eyes lit up.

She fixedly looked at the location on the map and then twisted her head to scan the values on the magic tracking report, and a ray of hope lit up on her face.

Wen Yao took a deep breath and ordered, "Gather the team members, quick!"


Mu Heng closed his eyes and leaned against the cold, dark rock wall.

At that moment, the sound of the mountain wind being swept up by wings came from overhead.

A second later, he heard the sound of "fluttering" and something heavy was thrown to the ground, rolling along the surface's curvature.

Mu Heng opened his eyes and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

The ground was scattered with all kinds of food that could be stored for a long time: canned food, ham, mineral water, and even several bags of raw rice, all thrown haphazardly in front of him.

Mu Heng was stunned.

He lifted his head and looked overhead.

He saw the silver-white dragon landing on the edge of the hole above his head, slowly gathering its wings, with a pair of golden-red vertical pupils slightly drooping, quietly looking over.

The next second, he heard another heavy sound landing.

A not-very-big medical bag was thrown in front of him.

Mu Heng gazed at the items almost piled into a small mountain before him and fell silent.

His eyes were half narrowed and the look under his eyes was covered by long silvery-white eyelashes, which could not be seen too clearly in the half-light and half-obscure shadows.

While the dragon before him did not look too different from before, for some reason, Mu Heng was still able to perceive that the hostility and fury burning in the other party's eyes from time to time seemed to have been quelled, and the previous chaotic, almost completely incomprehensible state of human speech had changed.

So... what happened?

Mu Heng showed a thoughtful look.

Only to see the dragon lower its head, open its mouth, and say in a low, resounding voice,

"Human, let's make a deal."

Mu Heng's face was pale from blood loss, but his demeanor remained calm and indifferent.

He did not answer, only slowly raising his eyebrows, his intense eyes fixedly gazing at the distant dragon.

"Due to some reasons, I need your help to heal." The dragon's massive form cast shadows within the cave, the pupils of its red-gold eyes glowing with the light at its back. "At the same time, you also need my help to leave this place."

"So, how about making a temporary truce?"

"You help me to heal and I'll let you go."