Chapter 802: Feast of Deceit

Nephis walked forward with her usual impassive confidence. It was as though the magnificence of the towering hall, the rows of armor-clad honor guards, and the distinguished guests surrounding them did not deserve her attention, let alone apprehension. Her face was still and inscrutable, and her eyes were cold and focused.

As the rest of the cohort followed behind her, Sunny couldn't help but feel uneasy. Right now, he was especially frustrated at his lacking ability to read her moods. He just hoped that Changing Star was not going to try and assassinate the members of the Valor clan as soon as she saw them.

'No, no way... she wouldn't. Right?'

Read it on

Their arrival caused a bit of a stir. Many eyes were suddenly directed at the four members of the cohort, but it was nothing compared to how many people were staring at Nephis, either openly or in secret.

She did not pay them any attention, so Sunny looked straight ahead and pretended to not care, either. Of course, he was tensely studying everything and everyone around them through his shadow.

Somehow, he felt as if he had returned to the Red Colosseum. Sunny almost expected the people surrounding them to start chanting "glory!" at any second.

Of course, that did not happen.

The cohort walked up the stairs and entered the grand hall, where they were led to massive doors that were carved of familiar wood.

As the doors opened into a vast chamber full of exquisitely dressed people, a loud voice announced:

"Lady Changing Star of the Immortal Flame clan! Ascended Song of the Fallen! Ascended Raised by Wolves! Ascended Nightingale! Ascended Sunless!"

For a moment, every conversation in the hall paused. Everyone turned to look at the new arrivals.

Sunny frowned.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе

The amount of pressure that crashed into him was enough to make a mundane person kneel. It was not that the guests were consciously exerting it, just the side effect of so many powerful people being gathered in one place.

Just at first glance, he identified nearly a hundred Masters and a handful of Saints in the crowd, with each of the latter basically glowing like a beacon of power in the sea of people, surrounded by a small island of empty space. A very large chunk of humanity's defensive capabilities were gathered in this hall.

...If Sunny was pressured, then Nephis must have felt as if a mountain landed on her. And yet, she did not bat an eye.

A wave of whispers rose, barely audible in the harmonious hum of relaxing music.

"It's her."

"What? Changing Star is here?"

"Look, look! It's the heiress of Immortal Flame."

Even among the absolute elites, Neph's status was immense enough to create a commotion. The other four members got a lot of attention, too, as the brightest stars of the younger generation of Awakened. Both their SS designations and the rapid speed of their Ascension made them noteworthy people.

Subjected to hundreds of gazes, Nephis nodded curtly and walked toward the tables that offered drinks and refreshments. As she did, the arrival of another guest was announced, causing the excitement of the crowd to subside a little.

Sunny... felt incredibly awkward.

"So, uh... what do we do now?"

Kai simply smiled.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr а bеttеr uѕеr ехреrіеnсе

"We don't have to do anything, really, before the host arrives and commences the ball. Usually we would use this time to walk around and socialize, but in this case, there is no need. Everyone will come to us. So, just enjoy yourself, smile, and answer politely if someone addresses you."

Sunny shifted his shoulders.

'That is terrible advice!'

How was he supposed to enjoy himself and smile, knowing what was at stake? As for being polite... politeness often required a person to lie. What was he supposed to do if someone asked him a question that demanded a rude answer?

Luckily, he had nothing to fear. Very soon, a stream of people started to approach them, somehow making it seem as if they all just happened to walk by. However, all their attention was concentrated on Nephis. Barely anyone spared a moment to chat with the other members of the cohort, and even then, Sunny was the last in line.

Which suited him fine.

"Lady Changing Star, it is an honor to meet you!"

"You made us all proud, young lady. I was actually friends with your grandfather..."

"I once fought a battle side by side with your parents. The memory of their valiance was forever etched into my heart..."

Everyone wanted to if not become friends, then to at least establish a connection with the daughter of the hallowed clan that seemed to be rising from the ashes. Nephis remained calm, conversing with the great and powerful people that approached her in a neutral, but slightly stifled tone.

Sunny could feel the flames burning in her soul growing hotter and hotter, however.

She was filled with masterfully suppressed rage.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе

Well... he would be, too.

All these well-wishers could not wait to share the tales of how highly they valued and admired her parents and grandfather. And yet, they had been perfectly fine to do nothing when the Immortal Flame clan needed help. None of them had raised a hand to help Nephis when she was young, weak, and being hunted by the assassins of the hidden rulers of the Awakened society.

It was only now that she had become Ascended, and an absolutely outstanding one at that, that they remembered past friendships and tried to ingratiate themselves to her.

Their smiles and pretty words were worthless.

Their friendship was worthless.

This was all just a big charade.

Sunny observed the elites with a bit of bewilderment. Were they all such shameless liars, or did they actually believe their own lies? In any case, this feast of deceit was nothing short of delectable. If only it was not so amateurish...

After a while, he suddenly felt a cold shiver running down his spine. Turning his head slightly, Sunny noticed a familiar face.

An exquisitely beautiful woman in a dazzling dress the color of red wine was approaching them. She was graceful and elegant, with a supple figure and full, scarlet lips. Her most striking feature, however, was her skin... it was grey like stormy clouds, smooth like silk, and devoid of any imperfections.

The woman smiled, revealing perfectly even, pearly teeth.

"Lady Nephis. I am so glad to see you again."

Changing Star looked at her and lingered for a moment.

Тhе lаtеѕt аnd mоѕt рорulаr nоvеlѕ аt lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm

Then, she said:

"Seishan. I am... glad to see you, as well."