Chapter 800: The Planetoids' Struggle
There were total eight planetoids that were being plagued by level 8 Lightning Wyverns.
Varian cleaned up four and was about to go for the fifth when Boo's message arrived.
Pushing Ghostship to its fastest, Varian reached the fifth planetoid in a few minutes.
"Holy f..."
Standing above the clouds, Varian cursed involuntarily.
Like on every planetoid, the human and Abyssal armies were fighting toe to toe.
But here, human army was being crushed by the Lightning Wyverns. The only reason they weren't being slaughtered was because they were the army of Neptune--the warriors that faced Pluto and Thunder Abyss, the soldiers at the frontlines!
But even their vast experience could only delay the inevitable.
Slowly, but surely, the human army was getting killed and was being led onto a path of complete destruction.
Varian squinted at the beasts that were responsible for this situation. Spreading his space sense, he began to lock on them one by one. This way, he could teleport to them once he started his attacks.
There were twenty low level 8 Wyverns on the east of the planetoid. These were being barely held off by ten low level 8 humans who were already suffering from serious injuries.
Then, there were also ten new low level 8.
"This must be the new batch." Varian noticed that these lightning wyverns weren't any stronger or special compared to the existing wyverns.
But them simply being level 8 was the problem.
Facing off those ten new level 8 wyverns were only four humans and they were already being pushed to the verge of death.
Once they die, these wyverns would be unhinged and start attacking the human army.
The level 7s could fight them for sometime, but they'd be annihilated eventually. Then, the wyverns would go down on the mid and low awakeners.
"They won't even stand a chance." Varian hissed.
The level 8s holding back the new wyverns could only last for twenty minutes at most.
He could save the ones here. But what about the other three planetoids? Even his travel would take time!
Plus, the four planetoids he already rescued, those four would've also started fighting the new batch.
Since they're only fighting with one batch, they wouldn't be very desperate, but continuous fights would wear them down. After four or five hours, they'd be too exhausted to fight anymore.
Then, even the first four planetoids would fall.
"This is crazy," Varian raised his hand and clenched his fist.
Space twisted and he appeared above five lightning wyverns facing off two humans.
The low level 8 creatures sensed his presence and in an emergency, wrapped themselves in a lightning armor.
But it was all futile as Varian himself turned into a bolt of lightning and pierced through their heads.
The wvyern heads exploded and their bodies crashed to the ground. The human awakeners opened their mouth in shock and before they knew it, their bodies slumped.
"Who is he?"
They were utterly exhausted, but they couldn't stop thinking who this guy was.
A high level 8 they never heard of. How could that be possible?
"Those two really need nest," Varian muttered as he finished off five more wyverns.
This time, he saved three more military officers.
"W-Who are you?"
"Thank you!"
Varian was about to leave for the next hunt when the third officer suddenly spoke. "Sir, please go to the other planetoids!"
The air turned still and Varian turned around and from the high altitude, looked down at the man on the ground.
He was old. Around nineties. But he still held a sharp gaze. And that gaze was now piercing Varian like a sword.
"After killing twenty more, I will." Varian said and was about to teleport.
"It'll be too late. You killed ten and freed up five of us. We can hold back the wyverns for now. But other planetoids won't be able to do it.
Once the level 8s there die, the entire army will be massacred! The planetoids so many of my brothers and sisters fought and died for will be conquered! Please, go!"
Varian gritted his teeth and did a mental calculation of the travel time. There were three more planetoids in critical condition facing two batches of wyverns.
Even though he quickly killed the wyverns, cleaning up this planetoid took around three to five minutes.
It was already a minute since he arrived here.
'And a single minute can change everything.' Varian clenched his fist as Mars' high general Skad's sacrifice surfaced in his memory.
Skad sacrificed his life for a single minute. But without that one minute, Varian would've been late to Mars. Then, due to Shadow Order's sinister bombing plan, billions of people would've died.
'A single minute can be game changing.' Varian nodded at the old man with gratitude. "Thanks."
The ghost ship appeared beside him in a heartbeat and Varian jumped onto it. It slightly tilted its angle and shot out of the planetoid, passing by five wyverns on the way.
Lightning Snakes, Space Cracks, Ice Swords, Telekinetic Guantelts and Illusions attacked the wyverns and killed them in a few seconds.
When they died, the ghost ship was long gone.
"Varian..." The old man muttered with a complicated emotion and slammed his comm. "Everyone that's freed up, engage with the remaining wyverns! Don't lose ground!"
By the time Varian reached the sixth planetoid--the second to be facing two batches of planetoids, things were more serious.
The lighting wyverns were in the middle of pushing all the level 8s they were facing to death.
Thankfully, the situation didn't turn grave.
The problem, however, was the composition of the wyverns.
There were ten low level 8s that he could easily kill. But there were also ten mid level 8s and an Alpha.
"Damn high level 8s!"
Fighting an Alpha would exhaust him and Varian still had two planetoids to save. It was a bit ironic that he always wanted to fight high level 8s and when he finally had the chance, he wished he didn't face it.
The silver lining was that these Alphas only appeared in planetoids with relatively strong army that could in fact hold back these Alphas for some time.
The biggest problem for the human level 8s wasn't the Alpha but the new addition of ten low level 8s!
They already spent all their manpower and could barely afford to fight these new additions.
Varian's figure blinked in and out of existence as he kept teleporting thousands of miles every time.
He punched, slashed, froze and did whatever he could to kill the low level 8s and finished them off in two minutes.
By the time he was done, the three officers tasked with holding back these ten low level 8 fainted from injuries.
Now, the officers were holding back ten mid level 8s and one Alpha. But they couldn't hold it for longer than an hour or two.
Once the stalemate broke, this planetoid would be massacred.
But he had no time. If he didn't hurry to the next two planetoids, they would be massacred right now!
Varian gritted his teeth and ordered. "Boo, let's go!"
When the ghost ship was about to take off, Varian's eyes flashed and he gave the ghost another order.
Boo was surprised, but followed the order nonetheless.
The ghost ship expanded in size and opened its exit. Connected to the exit was the Celestial Room.
In a split second, the ghost ship reached the Alpha.
The Alpha was alarmed by ghost ship's presence and was about to attack it when Varian teleport behind it.
He didn't try to kill. He didn't even attack.
Varian simply exploited the Alpha's distraction and pushed it into the ghost ship!
The world around it suddenly changed and the creature found itself in a strange dark room.
The room was quite small and it was barely able to fit in. It couldn't even raise its head and had to curl its body to stay.
Panicked, enraged, but most of all, humiliated, the Alpha channeled its lighting mana and attacked the walls.
The lighting simply bounced off the walls.
The Alpha's pride was wounded and it attacked harder.
Lightning spears. Lightning nets. Lightning discharge.
It didn't matter.
No matter how much it tried, the walls remained unscathed.
Heck, not even a small scratch appeared on these silver walls.
"Roar!" But the Alpha didn't give up. If it did, it wouldn't be an Alpha.
For the next ten minutes, it went above and beyond, pouring everything it had into the attacks.
On the eleventh minute, the creature slumped as fatigue took over its body. It had little mana left and its whole body was aching terribly.
It was then that a voice reached its ears.
"Oh, it exhausted itself? Saves the trouble!"
Before it could understand what's happening, the door of this forbidden room opened.
The Alpha raised its head to scream in joy. But before it could, a hand slapped it down and broke its head.
A few minutes later, the unwilling roar of a new Alpha sounded from the Celestial Room as Varian headed for the final planetoid.
Varian leaned against his chair as he studied the situation in the eight planetoids.
The one he just saved was going to have a rough time, but it wouldn't collapse.
The other six planetoids would also be fine, at least for a few hours.
But the next planetoid--the last one on the list...
"Can they survive?" Varian sighed.
"Master, you tried your best." Boo gave an indirect answer.
Varian smiled wryly.
A few minutes later, Varian came to the final planetoid.
By the time he did, the planetoid was about to conquered.