Chapter 772: You Could Play It That Way?

Exploding Heavens Faction, Xu Que! Five simple words, by themselves they are light and weightless. However, to everyone else, it was as if thunder had exploded in their minds.

The whole arena fell silent within seconds. Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Xu Que?"

Read it on

"He...he's Xu Que?"

"How is that possible?"

"Wasn't he missing for years? How and why did he reappear with a different appearance?"

The atmosphere in the arena turned strange all at once. Judging by the power he had displayed, everyone was almost sure that the person standing right there was indeed Xu Que. After all, members of the Exploding Heavens Faction were the only ones who stood a chance at fighting against an Infant Transformation Cultivator when they were still at the Golden Core Stage, especially in recent years.

"Eh, why are you guys silent? Shouldn't you guys be giving me a round of applause?" Xu Que jested, as he called on the System and undid the effects of the High-Class Disguise Puppet. He had gone over the time limit for this High-Class Disguise Puppet. The System would deduct points for every two hours over the limit, which was such a huge waste.


A light enveloped Xu Que and, right after, his Joker outfit began to disappear. In its place, a black robe formed around his body and, at the same time, his face began to change. That face that both Water and Fire Nations people couldn't help but dream of, that ethereal...pooh, no, the face that was imprinted in countless people's minds, thug-like but handsome, appeared in front of everyone just like that!


Everyone inhaled sharply as the truth hit them.


What the hell, it IS Xu Que!

What was he thinking? He concealed his real face to stir up a ruckus here! Wasn't he playing them like a clown?

The atmosphere turned even weirder. Everyone's line of sight quickly landed on the Grey Ebb Faction. The crowd displayed a myriad of expressions: Some pitied them; some looked on with mockery; and some of them were gloating over their plight.

"He, he, this will be fun! The Grey Ebb Faction is going to suffer!"

Sigh! "They could blame their bad luck! As the saying goes, one who walks along a river frequently cannot avoid getting his shoes wet. They have done so many ill deeds in their line of work that they finally hit an iron plate!"

Pfft! "You're calling Xu Que an iron plate?"

"That guy's a board of iron nails! Kick him and he wouldn't even get a dent, while the person who kicked him would bleed all over!"

"He couldn't care less about us so long as we keep out of his way. However, if you keep poking him in his eye, he's sure to make your life a living hell!"

"Three cruelest ways to die in the world of cultivation: One, to be tormented to death by Xu Que! Two, to be tormented to death by Xu Que! Also, three, it is still to be tormented to death by Xu Que!"

Everyone murmured and teased jokingly, waiting to watch a good show. When you like someone, all of their flaws will turn into strengths. However, when you hate someone, you would find something about them to hate, even when they are perfect. In other words, you would dislike everything about them!

Right now, the Grey Ebb Faction were the ones that everybody disliked. A bandit sect like them that was always benefiting themselves at the expense of others. Therefore, people were more than willing to witness their downfall.

As for people like Xu Que, while crafty at times, at the very least he would not pick fights for no good reason. Besides, he had helped them to recover the Water Nation. This merit alone was enough to make everyone see him in a positive light!

Fully aware of their situation, the Grey Ebb Sect felt as though they were sitting on pins and needles. Even the couple in the Infant Transformation Stage, Sect Leader Cang Feng and his wife, Mo Lan, knew of their danger.

They had lived in the Water Nation for many years. Who has not heard of Xu Que's name? Who doesn't know of the scariness of the Exploding Heavens Faction?

In recent years, slogans such as "The Exploding Heavens appears; all they leave behind is a thread and a single needle!"/ "The Exploding Heavens go to war, not a blade of grass would grow!" All proved that this mysterious power faction was not to be trifled with!

"Xu...fellow cultivator Xu, this is a misunderstanding! Let me explain!" Cang Feng finally spoke up trepidly, and cold sweat started to form on his forehead. No matter how confident he was in his skills, he did not think that he could be Xu Que's opponent. Just think about it! Back when Xu Que was in the Original Infant Stage, he had already killed a cultivator at Infant Transformation Stage. Now, his cultivation was so high that even he could not see through it.

"Explanation? I'm not listening!" Xu Que crossed his arms and rejected Cang Feng's offer. With an aloof expression, he dropped his voice, " I need an answer for what happened today!"

You wouldn't listen to his explanation, but you want an answer?

Aren't they the same freaking thing?

Everyone's mouths trembled. They didn't know what Xu Que meant.

However, Cang Feng understood Xu Que's underlying message, and so did Mo Lan. Those in their line of business naturally understood what he wanted when they heard his words. While those two words may seem similar, their meanings were entirely different. By explanation, it meant that Xu Que had wanted a statement of the situation. However, demanding an answer was different! It expected an apology as well as compensation!


Without hesitation, Cang Feng took off his Storage Ring and offered it to Xu Que respectfully, "Fellow cultivator Xu, this is the entirety of the Grey Ebb Faction's resources. I am willing to offer them all to you as compensation!"

"Hmph! Compensation? Sect Leader Cang, what kind of person do you think I am? What don't we in the Exploding Heavens Faction have? Your little resources mean nothing to us!" Xu Que snorted, his face arrogant.

Then this...this little scum reached out and accepted the storage ring.

Everyone who saw that almost vomited blood.

Oh, hell, this guy was...was still as shameless as ever!

At these words, though, Cang Feng's lips twitched furiously. Cang Feng felt that he understood him. Xu Que must have thought that these compensations were still not enough!

However, what can he do? The massive amount of resources that the Grey Ebb Faction collected by robbing and killing cultivators were all in the storage ring. If even that was not enough, all that was left for him to do was to despair! Wait a minute. There seemed to be more compensation that he could offer! Suddenly, Cang Feng's eyes lit up. He suddenly turned to his wife, Mo Lan.


He moved so fast that his silhouette was almost like a shadow; he charged to the front, dragged Mo Lan up, and then threw her to Xu Que!

As he did that, he pleaded sincerely, "Fellow cultivator Xu, you and my wife are a match made in heaven. One is handsome, while the other is pretty. I won't fight for her with you anymore. From now on, she's yours!"

"Crap! You sly thief, you actually threw your wife over?" Xu Que glared at him and threw Mo Lan back once he had caught her. Fuming mad, he spit out, "Come on, let's hurt each other then!"


Hurt each other?

What...what did he mean by that?

Stunned, Cang Feng had officially lost track of what Xu Que was saying. Could it be that he was too shy to snatch another man's wife in front of the crowd? Had he wanted to play formalities first and was simply pretending to be courteous? Such thoughts suddenly ran through Cang Feng's mind.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he hollered, "Fellow Cultivator Xu, only a chosen one like you is fit to own a beauty like Mo Lan! Please, you have to accept her. It's a small gift from me to you!"

After saying that, he garnered his True Core Strength in his palm and threw Mo Lan back over to Xu Que.

"Hmph, with this kind of looks, did you think that she was good enough for my eyes? Take her back. I don't want her!" Xu Que snorted.

He's telling the truth this time!

Mo Lan's supposed beauty was mediocre at best. When talking about prettiness, she's not even comparable to Jiang Hongyan and Zixia Fairy. As for charisma and looks, she's also a far cry from Liu Jingning and Madam Ya. On top of that, she was known for long being promiscuous. How can a boy like Xu Que be greedy over that little bit of prettiness?

So, he rejected her again by throwing her back.

Cang Feng thought that Xu Que meant it the same way as he did for the ring - just a gesture of politeness - so he tossed her back right away.

And so, to everyone's surprise, it quickly became a throwing contest.

You could play it that way?

Can wives be thrown about just like that these days?

During this time, Mo Lan, the lady being thrown around like a ball, was the only one at the brink of breakdown and madness!

If only her true core strength weren't sealed! She would first torture Cang Feng to death, and then, with all her strength, fight Xu Que to death, emptying his body and sucking him dry!