Chapter 697: Master manipulation (2)

"...yes " Rudra said as he took pride in the fact that his guild was the number one guild in the world.

Rudra continued " Our guild is a tightly knit community that operates at a insane net profit.

Despite having the highest salary per player index in the world , with a lot of benefits like free potions and equipment borrowing from the guild warehouse, our guildmembers still manage to contribute more to the guild than they recieve as every single member more than pulls his weight in the guild making the entire organization work smoothly.

Read it on

We look out for each other , even in such trying times as there have not been a single guild to guild member conflict till date within the guild.

The cohesiveness we have is the result for our success, as our slogan says ' One for all , and all for one ' . We genuinely beleive that the problem of on elite is a problem for all elites and vice versa.

This is the reason why we are undefeated despite facing astronomical odds , and our core principles helped us to make the journey from a 3rd rate power to number one.

If you think my answer is farfetched , you look at the historical data and show me one guild that had started with 200 members and has grown into what the elites are today , without recieving any financial injections from parent corporation's.

Tell me one and i will accept that yes , my elites are not the best in the world".

Rudra said everything that one's heart was yearning for in this trying times .

A place where people could be trusted , the pay was high and the future was secure. The elites were the dream guild for anyone to join , however they were no longer recruiting.

Dewdiepie said " Indeed , there is no other guild in the history of Omega to start from a 3rd rate power and become a superpower.

The Elites are the only ones.

So yeah , congratulations in creating the number one guild in the game , it kind of makes you the strongest guildmaster ".

Rudra chuckled a fake laugh as he blew off dewdiepie 's words as just a random joke.

Dewdiepie said " So , at this point let me reveal something to all my watchers. Shakuni here is at level 402 at tier 4!!!!!

To put that to comparison the second highest levelled player in Omega in the entire light faction is at level 320 , and that is his own guildmate Neatwit, but even so there is a 82 levels gap between the duo!

While the global average is only 121 !

So Rudra , what is the secret to your levelling speed? ".

Rudra smiled at this question , he had purposefully shown his levels to the world by removing the hide filter from rankings to create an insane buzz about his high level.

The past 2 days many people were gossiping about how he did it , and now that dewdiepie asked that very question , every viewer worldwide had their eyes glued at the answer.

Taking a deep breath Rudra said in a low voice ... " War! ".

Rudra smiled and let the answe hang in the air for a second and continued " Let me explain by telling you about the most recent war the elites fought against the blood merchants. The only continental size war yet with over 40 million active participants.

From those few days of constant fighting i gained nearly 35 levels from level 340 to 375.

To put that into perspective it took me nearly 7 months more to reach level 400 from 375 since the war ended.

The amount of exp one gets killing strong players is incomparable to any levelling you can do ever. A single war day saves you a month of levelling in my opinion.

My entire guild feels this way with everyone gaining from atleast 10-20 levels on average in the few days of fighting that we did.

The elites have always been embroiled in one big fight or another , and it's helped us to stay ontop of the game.

So i say war is the secret to my levelling speed ".

Rudra nailed the manipulation home as now he got the world to start thinking that the secret to fast levelling was fighting in wars. That somehow a few days of fighting could save everyone months of levelling time as he started planting seeds for the coming war with Lucifer.

Dewdiepie said " Makes sense , killing players in city gives no exp as PvP fights are pointless there , only in war does human slaughter yield exp without increasing infamy".

The point was further driven home by dewdiepie's acting as he followed Rudra 's script.

Technically the two circumvented a lot of important points about levelling up in a war that were

1. If you die you lose exp.

2. What Rudra said is only possible when you kill hundereds if not thousands of players.

However this was not a real interview, dewdiepie did not fact check how many levels Rudra gained from the war in reality or how he got to a monstrous 340 level 7 months ago in the first place, when even today the second best is only 320.

The light was only shed on the topics that Rudra wanted to shed the light on.

Dewdiepie took a sip of water and continued to ask " So a guildwar is the best way to level up and fast in your opinion?".

Rudra pretended to think about this question for a while as he said " If you asked me this question 3 months ago , i would have said yes , but after understanding the mecha of the game and the years i have spent as a guildmaster, i can confidently say that the guildwars are the second best ways to gain levels".

Dewdiepie instantly cross questioned " Only the second best? What is the best then? ".

It was the same question that billions watching worldwide had , as Rudra controlled the train of their thoughts at the tip of his fingers.

Rudra said " Yes second ... The best are holy wars.

Bigger than even continental wars with months of action if not years , and added exp from the patron god's for every merit point generated over the kill exp given.

Everything from the loot , the rewards , the experience and the consequence of a holy war is massive.

I would have not known about its existence had the God Hades not shown me the only holy war ever fought which was to banish Lucifer from middle earth.

There were 0 tier 5 powerhouses on middle earth back then , but by the end of the war there were 32.

Holy wars are the ultimate way to level up , power up and gain rewards based on efforts".

In this manner Rudra successfully planted the seeds for billions to join the holy war against Lucifer when it started , by lying , cheating and twisting the truth to present extremely manipulative statements .

During the next 5 minutes of the interview , dewdiepie cross questioned Rudra about the church of death and he told them about how it was a ' Cohesive Organization ' , where everyone looked out for each other and the rewards were insane.

As he painted the image that the church was the next best thing to joining the elites , and the next big opportunity in Omega.

Casually quoting the instances where church members stood up for each other , Rudra painted the image of the cult being very powerful.

With nobody being any wiser that Rudra had created those instances himself in the first place , and that this was a web he had been weaving from the start. Everyone started to feel like although they could not become an elite , the church was their chance to rise above the masses!

/// Comment down below how you found Rudra's manipulation skills to be ?

Is he on the right track ? What are your thoughts///