Chapter 632: Peace and Prosperity in New Vienna

Arnulf stared at a stack of paperwork in his hands with a smile on his face. Throughout these past few years, the Colony of New Vienna had prospered immensely. Due to his skilled negotiations with the native peoples of the region, the German Empire had secured a large labor force that was paid for with food and shelter. Something Germany had an abundance of.

The Colony of New Vienna had gone from a small military fortress to a much larger settlement, filled with Germans and natives alike. Though disease had spread rapidly across the land, those who submitted themselves to an alliance with Germany would find basic medical treatment to help aid in recovery. Because of this, the death rate of the indigenous population of the region once known as New York in Berengar's pervious life had been lowered drastically.

As the Colonial Governor, Arnulf had exceeded Berengar's reputation in the region, and this was in part because he had a completely different mindset of foreign policy than the esteemed emperor. As far as Arnulf was concerned, conflict with the Native populations was unsustainable, at least in the short term. For the time being, Germany simply did not have the number of vessels capable of transporting arms and munitions to the new world in vast enough quantity to completely overwhelm their potential enemies.

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Thus, unlike Berengar, who was hellbent on conquest and dominance, Arnulf reacted by brokering mutually favorable peace treaties with the local tribes and confederations. Unlike in the other settlements of the New World, the natives had begun to accept and embrace the foreign colonizers as a beneficial existence. So much so that Arnulf's word was treated with much respect amidst disputes between the various tribal confederations. He had earned the nickname the "Great Peacemaker" as a result.

However, none had embraced the German colonials more so than Kahwihta, who was currently standing by Arnulf's side with an infant child in her arms. While Kahwihta had initially had romantic feelings for Berengar it had been years since the one eyed man last visited the colony, and as time passed by her interest in the man vanished, and was instead replaced with a strong foundation she had built with Arnulf over the years. The Colonial Governor had even taken her as one of his brides.

Kahwihta was no longer a mere translator, but was actually the secretary of the Colonial Governor. She had learned a lot about math, science, and history in her spare time and was an excellent example as to Arnulf's friendly policy with the natives. The young couple stared at each other lovingly as Arnulf finished approving the establishment of a local armory, as well as a local nitrary. When Kahwihta saw this, she was slightly surprised and voiced her confusion on the matter.

"Are we expecting a war anytime soon?'

Arnulf merely smiled when he heard this and shook his head before grasping hold of one of the woman's free hands while kissing it.
