Chapter 602: Tearing the battlefield down

Chapter 602 Tearing the battlefield down

Dronacharya watched in absolute horror as massive dragons who breathed fire burnt their war machines down like they were dried fields of corn .

However as if it was not enough , the dragons went onto cause massive soldier casualties as well , and not the ordinary kind but the strong tier 3 forces that were supposed to guard and operate the war machines.

Read it on

Thousands of arrows and wizard spells were launched towards the dragons , but they just deflected off the surface of their scales like they were nothing. Causing a pitiful -1 to -15 damage.

Although Scar-Face was calm on the surface , internally he had to make a decision on wether or not to advance the tier 4 forces within the blood merchants to counter the dragons .

The rampage of the dragons was unstoppable and the damage done to his army was incalculable. The war machines were their ticket to toppling the Purplehaze city walls easy and they planned on keeping them a full 4 km away from the walls with a squadron of tier 3 captains protecting them , yet who would have thought that the elites would have dragons at their Beck and call to neutralize the weapons.

The jeopardy now was that , should he allow the dragons to rampage further or should he send his troops to counter them? Yet , bothways it was a lose and lose situation for him as even his best forces would not come out ontop unharmed while facing dragons.

A single loss of a tier 4 member of the organisation was a crippling blow to its foundation , as all tier 4 members were sure to be a pillar of the organisation holding important positions , yet the dragons could not be let to continue their mad rampage either , hence begrudgingly he and the other tier 4 warriors rolled out of the command centre towards the front lines.

Scar-face said " Prioritise self protection , the goal is to deter the enemy not kill them ".

Hence started the real battle as strong tier 4 spells were sent towards the flying dragons.


Explosions and strong fireworks lit the sky as tier 4 spells were being manifested left and right.

While the dragons evaded some , some they countered with the dragons breath causing massive explosions.

" BEGONE LIZARDS ". Shouted a venemous tier 4 blood merchant warrior , yet this was the worst mistake he could have made as the proud dragons hated being called lizards , especially by an inferior species like the humans.


Three dragons let out a screeching roar that shook the entire east Battlefront as the three of them used dragons breath at full power on a single opponent.

The warrior tried to struggle , yet he was powerless against three dragons as soon being unable to mount enough defense he was hit with the full brunt of the attack incinerating him on the spot.

" NOOO! ". His fellow comrades rushed to his rescue , however it was too late and the warrior had already been reduced to ashes.

Enraged the tier 4 warriors started a flurry of mad attacks and the dragons were forced to retreat.

The orders were clear , they were to go on a rampage until their lives were in danger after which they were allowed to retreat and now with tier 4 soldiers arriving at the scene it was enough cause for them to give up on the offensive.

However even while retreating the dragons took a shot at the tier 2 legion marching , burning a lot of cannons and destroying marching formation of the weaklings , as a lot of them lost their lives to the dragons.

One after another the dragons started retreating from every front , with the leader being the last one to retreat alongside Rudra from the nothern front.

However scar-face who had arrived at the nothern frontier was not going to let Rudra leave without having a piece of his mind as he prepared to attack the retreating Rudra.

Gritting his teeth and tightening his muscles he started circulating mana within his body as he used the tier 4 move ' Purple Lightning fist ! '.

A large fist made of purple lightning manifested itself as it travelled towards Rudra at breakneck speed.

" TAKE THIS ". Scar-face shouted as he watched on in anticipation the impending impact.

Should Rudra be knocked off from his bone dragon , scar-face had decided to go in for the kill and end this crafty opponent for once and for all , however what happened in reality he could not have expected in a million years.

Gripping grim reaper Rudra only casually turned towards the attack and used ' Enhanced Full Counter '.


The lightning fist collided with his sword and instantly was flipped a 180° as it returned towards scar-face with triple the speed and power.

Scar-face's facial expression told the entire story. He was utterly shocked!

Barely jumping at the last second to avoid direct impact he was still caught up in the aftermath of the exploding attack as he was sent flying for over 15 meters before having to do a double backflip for landing on his feet.


The attack collided with the ground and caused a massive explosion , however the biggest shocking point was that a fresh scar bleeding blood was left on scar-face 's cheek as a damage of -70,000 appeared on his status bar.

This was the first exchange between the leaders of the two groups however it was not a stretch to say that Rudra dominated this exchange.

Not only did he route the enemy war machines but he also showed scar-face that he was not someone that could be trifled with .

Riding his bone dragon back towards the walls of Purplehaze city , Rudra was welcomed with deafening cheers from the elite troops whose morale soared to sky high levels after seeing the misery of the enemy troops.

Especially Rudra who looked like the emperor of death inspired the Elite members with passion.

Reading the room Rudra knew it was best to strike when the iron was hot , hence he took out a flare gun and shooted it towards the sky.


The flare exploded in the skies as the dragons retreated back to draconia from the same portal that they arrived in , however while the others maybe confused as to what the flare meant , Karna , Neatwit and Jhonny knew exactly what it was.

As the three of them alongside Rudra unflurred the tier 4 scroll ' endless chasm ' together.

This was the scroll that was obtained from the ancient ruins exploration that opened a massive pit inside mother earth that had spikes at the very bottom.

All four Battlefronts saw massive pits being opened inside them as hundereds of thousands of troops and their cannons fell within the pits of earth that appeared out of nowhere and fell to their deaths.

Endless chasm was a peak tier 4 spell that needed atleast 8 earth specialist tier 4 mages to operate.

Even then they could only do one before being exhausted. Hence what the elites achieved was akin to unleashing 32 tier 4 earth wizards peak move at once!

The blood merchants could only watch on in horror as their war machines and their advancing legion were wiped out all at once however as if it was not enough Rudra also signalled to bring out the anti Rhino ballistae!

The new ballistae capable of armour piercing rounds was unveiled mounted ontop of the Elite walls as arrows as thick as spears were shot out in batches as the once effective armour of the surviving troops that the archballistae had no effect on was pierced as if it was made of paper.

The next 15 minutes were a nightmare for the blood merchant forces as they were subjected to a unilateral Slaughter as a complete route of the advancing forces was observed from all 4 Battlefronts.

The momentum of the war had shifted completely , at this moment it was the elites who were dominating against the blood merchants , as the entire picture of the battlefield was changed in under 1 hour.


( Dronacharya 's pov )

Dronacharya 's liver hurt as he felt like he wanted to puke blood but there was no blood left in his body to be puked.

The turn of events in the war was extremely sudden and not in a million years could he have predicted that such a sudden shift in momentum would be seen.

His hands trembled as he opened the forums to check what they were saying and all his worst fears became true as his arrogant declaration from an hour ago had fell flat on its face and now everyone was bullying him.

' What a scam artist , you are my b**** from today you get it? I told you If what you said came true i would be your slave! But if it does not come true you are my bi***

Now that all your predictions have fell flat on the face ! Come bark for me ! '.

Reading this comment that had 200,000 subcoments beneath dronacharya felt like committing suicide.

His perfect social debut had been ruined!

/// Sorry guys chapter 5/5 is a little late , there were issues with the WN app .

However it's extra long to makeup for the delay! ///