Chapter 576
Bear-san, Gives Fina's Present, Royal Capital Edition Part 4
After leaving Shia and Eleanora, we return to the bear house.
When I returned to the bear house, I found Mumroot-san and Ruimin. They're free to come and go to the bear house as they please.
"Welcome back, Yuna-san." (Ruimin)
"I'm back. I'm sorry we're late." (Yuna)
The sun will be setting soon.
"No, it's alright. We just got back a little while ago." (Mumroot)
"What would you like to do for dinner? Would you like to go somewhere to eat? If it's something simple, I can do it right away." (Yuna)
"I'm tired and don't feel like going out." (Ruimin)
"Indeed, I'm tired from being in a crowd for the first time in a long time. I would appreciate it if you could prepare something light for me." (Mumroot)
"Fina, Shuri, are you okay with that?" (Yuna)
"Yes." (Fina)
"Un, It's okay." (Shuri)
And so, I prepare dinner.
I fried the mushrooms from the elf forest with the vegetables, added beaten eggs, and finally sandwiched them between bread. Then I made some soup, and a simple dinner was ready.
Then, over dinner, we listened to Mumroot-san and Ruimin's story.
According to the story, Sanya-san showed them around the city after we left.
"There were so many people everywhere, and it was exhausting." (Ruimin)
"I've been to royal capital several times, and it still looks the same." (Mumroot)
It's the same everywhere, where people gather things, and more people will gather. The best way to make money is where there are many people. Therefore, people will inevitably gather.
"That's right, Yuna-san. Oneechan took us to an interesting shop for lunch." (Ruimin)
"Interesting shop?" (Yuna)
"It's a bear shop." (Ruimin)
"Bfft! Guho!!..." (Yuna)
I choked on my bread. Fina offered me a drink, and I chugged it down. As expected, even with bear equipment, wearing it doesn't seem to be able to handle choking while drinking.
"Does that bear store the one with the stone statue of a bear holding a fork and spoon?" (Yuna)
"Yes. I was wondering if Yuna-san had anything to do with it since there were Bears." (Ruimin)
I'm pretty sure that's the restaurant that she's talking about.
But, Sanya-san. I want to know what she's talking about me.
"Did Sanya-san say anything about it?" (Yuna)
"Nothing. She just said it might be interesting to talk to Yuna-san about it." (Ruimin)
Sanya-san, you're pretty amused by all this, aren't you?
"From the way she said it, I thought it had something to do with Yuna-san." (Ruimin)
They're sisters, indeed. Even though they've been separated for so long, they understand each other.
"I'm involved with it, in case you were wondering." (Yuna)
There's no point in lying, so I answered honestly.
"I knew it. The food was delicious . Right, Grandpa." (Ruimin)
"Yeah, especially the last one I had, which was called "purin" or something." (Mumroot)
"Did you like it, by any chance?" (Yuna)
"Well, it was delicious." (Mumroot)
Mumroot-san said shyly.
Apparently, Mumroot-san liked the pudding.
I'll prepare pudding for dessert.
However, Ruimin and Mumroot-san's reaction was dull.
"Something's different?" (Mumroot)
"Right, there were fruits and other things." (Ruimin)
Yeah, there were fruits in those puddings.
It's a bit fancy for dessert.
I served everyone a sumptuous pudding with fruits I had obtained from Targui.
Not only Mumroot-san and Ruimin but also Fina and Shuri were enjoying it.
"That reminds me. Mumuroot-san, Ruimin, what are your plans for tomorrow? We decided to go to the castle for a bit." (Yuna)
I hadn't made any detailed plans, but if nothing happened, I thought of going to the next town.
"Yuna-san, you're going to the castle?" (Ruimin)
"Because an acquaintance said she would show us the scenery from that high place." (Yuna)
"That sounds nice." (Ruimin)
"So, shall we go then, Ruimin?" (Yuna)
"Is that okay?" (Ruimin)
"You're acquaintances of Sanya-san, so I think it'll be okay." (Yuna)
"What about you, Mumroot-san?" (Fina)
"No, I'm good. You girls go on your own. I will check around the capital." (Mumroot)
"Grandpa, are you sure you won't get lost?" (Ruimin)
"Unlike you, I won't get lost easily. Although, in case I get lost, as long as I know where the Adventurers' Guild is, I can get back." (Mumroot)
If it's the location of the Adventurer's Guild, many people should know about it. From there, it seems he can return to the bear house. In the worst case, there's also an option to ask Sanya-san.
The next day, we went to the castle.
The meeting place with Eleanora-san is at the entrance of the castle.
"I have been waiting for you. We have heard from Eleanora-sama."
The gatekeeper greeted us politely and looked at us as if to make sure.
"There's one extra person." (Gatekeeper)
"I added one more person but is that not good?" (Yuna)
"No, not really. But I was told there were only three of you. Now, please wait a little while until Eleanora-sama comes." (Gatekeeper)
We move to a position out of the way of the gatekeeper.
"Yuna-san, you're amazing. The soldiers at the castle treated you with the utmost respect." (Ruimin)
Ruimin says, sounding impressed.
"That's because the higher-ups are telling them to." (Yuna)
Inwardly, he may be thinking, "Why a bear like this?", "Who is this bear?", "If it weren't for the king and Eleanora-sama's instructions, I wouldn't have to run so many times just because of this weird-looking bear".
That's why he's also paying attention to us.
"But was it okay for me to come?" (Ruimin)
Ruimin is fidgeting as she looks around.
"You're acquainted with Sanya-san, so it'll be okay." (Yuna)
I don't think it'll go bad.
If they say no, we'll think about it then.
"Yuna-oneesan, Eleanora-sama is here." (Fina)
Ahead of Fina's line of sight, I saw Eleanora-san walking toward us.
"Eleanora-san, good morning." (Yuna)
When I greeted them, Fina, Shuri, and Ruimin also greeted her.
"Good morning. You all look so pretty today. So, who is that pretty girl with green hair over there? Did you pick her up, by any chance, Yuna-chan?" (Eleanora)
"Sorry for picking her up." (Yuna)
Well, the first time I met her, she was lying in front of the bear house, so I picked her up and took her home.
"Fufu, I'm just kidding. Is she the companion you were talking about yesterday? An elf girl?" (Eleanora)
"I'm Ruimin."
"Is it okay for this child to tag along?" (Yuna)
"Yeah, I don't mind.... Still, have I met you somewhere?" (Eleanora)
Eleanora-san approached Ruimin and stared at her face. Ruimin took a step back.
"N- no, I don't think so." (Ruimin)
"Really? I feel like I've met you somewhere before." (Eleanora)
Eleanora-san tilted her head and started to ponder.
"This girl is Sanya-san's younger sister. So maybe that's why she looks familiar?" (Yuna)
"Eh? Sanya's sister!" (Eleanora)
That's rare. Eleanora-san made a surprised expression.
"Sanya? The adventurer's guild... Guildmaster? That Sanya?" (Eleanora)
"Yeah, that Sanya-san." (Yuna)
"Certainly, the hair color is similar to Sanya." (Eleanora)
"Oneechan? Do you know her?" (Ruimin)
"Yeah, well, it's more of a give and take in being indebted, kinda relationship?" (Eleanora)
Do Eleanora-san, who works at the castle, and the Guildmaster of the adventurer's guild, Sanya-san, have that kind of relationship?
Eleanora-san moved to take a closer look at Ruimin's face once more.
"You look like Sanya, you seem to have a promising future ahead of you." (Eleanora)
Elves are beautiful. So even their children would have pretty faces.
Ruimin is no exception to this rule, and she has a lovely face.
But it's not only Ruimin.
"Eleanora-san, these girls have a promising future too." (Yuna)
I pushed Fina and Shuri's backs.
"Yes, they are. You two have a bright future ahead of you." (Eleanora)
Eleanora-san looked at Fina and Shuri and agreed.
Both of these girls are pretty enough.
Fina looks embarrassed, while Shuri seems happy.
At any rate, standing around talking is a waste of time, so we decided to talk while walking.
"Then Sanya's grandfather is also here?" (Eleanora)
"I invited him, but he doesn't seem interested." (Yuna)
"That's a pity. I wanted to say hello to Sanya's grandfather." (Eleanora)
"So, why are you with Yuna-chan?" (Eleanora)
"When I came to see Oneechan, I met her in the royal capital." (Ruimin)
Just like yesterday's meeting.
That's half true and half false.
Eleanora-san looked at me a little suspiciously.
"Eleanora-neechan, aren't we going to the top of the castle?" (Shuri)
Shuri asked at the right time.
Yes, Shuri calls Eleanora-san "Eleanora-neechan". During the school festival, she called Noa, Shia, and Misa "neechan", so Eleanora-san made Shuri call her one, too.
While Eleanora-san looks young enough to be called a big sister, knowing her actual age makes me feel like going tsk-tsking. But I am afraid to do so, so I won't go for a tsukomi here.
"It's okay. We're headed right there." (Eleanora)
We entered the castle and walked up the stairs.
"Am I allowed in the castle?" (Ruimin)
Ruimin asked while looking around restlessly.
"Everyone is looking at us" (Ruimin)
People who pass us by are taking a glance at us.
"Well, Yuna-chan is here." (Eleanora)
I have been in and out of the castle several times, but only in some parts. So many people must be seeing me for the first time.
"Then, it wasn't because of me?" (Ruimin)
Ruimin made a relieved expression.
"I mean, we also have kids with us, so that's probably why they're looking. Well, I'm here, we'll be fine, come on, let's go." (Eleanora)
We went up the stairs.
Then, after walking down the hallway, Eleanora-san opened the door.
Beyond the door was a large room.
"Wow, it's huge." (Shuri)
"Shuri, don't run." (Fina)
Shuri tried to run, but Fina held her hand firmly.
"This is a room that's used for parties, and it's rarely used, so it's okay." (Eleanora)
So that's why it's wide.
Come on, everyone-this way.
Eleanora-san started walking around the room and headed toward the balcony.
Even from here, you can see the blue sky through the glass.
Eleanora-san opens the double doors to the balcony. The wind blows in and swirls everyone's hair.
"The view is beautiful here, Isn't it?" (Eleanora)
Eleanora-san says, looking at the view from the balcony.
"U wa~a..."
"It's high......"
It offers a panoramic view of the royal capital.
The building spreads out, and tiny people can be seen moving slightly.
The scenery is indescribable.
"I didn't realize how big the capital was." (Fina)
Fina widens her eyes as she looks at the royal capital.
That goes for both Shuri and Ruimin as well.
I knew it was a big place, but there were no helicopters or drones to see the royal city from above.
With this, I am reminded of how vast the capital is when I see it again with my own eyes.
And the nice weather also added to the beautiful scenery.
"Isn't the capital beautiful from here?" (Eleanora)
"Yes, it's beautiful. There are so many different buildings, so many different colors, it's beautiful." (Shuri)
I also think it's partly because the roads are well maintained. If the roads are not properly maintained, they'll look dirty.
"There are a lot of people walking around." (Fina)
"Strange, isn't it? There are so many different people gathered here. I come up here to see it from time to time. I have to protect the residents living in this country, so I'm looking at them from here. I have to do my best." (Eleanora)
Supporting a country is a lot of work, I guess.
I don't want to do that kind of hard work.
Even managing a small store is a hassle. That's why I left that to Tirumina-san.
Leisure time is the best.
"Fina-chan, did you like my little birthday present?" (Eleanora)
"Yes, I never thought I would see such a beautiful view. It is the best present. Thank you, Eleanora-sama." (Fina)
Fina has a wide smile on her face.
"This is all thanks to Shuri's request to go to the top of the castle." (Yuna)
I think she just wanted to go to the top of the castle. But thanks to Shuri, we could see scenery that we could not usually see.
"Thank you too, Yuna-oneesan." (Fina)
"I didn't do anything, though." (Yuna)
Fina shook her head.
"Yuna-oneesan, you brought me to the royal capital. If it weren't for you, Yuna-oneesan, I wouldn't have gotten to know Noa-sama, I don't think I would have met Eleanora-sama. I would've never seen such beautiful scenery in my entire life, so thank you." (Fina)
Fina had a big smile on her face.
I placed the bear puppet on Fina's head.
"You're welcome." (Yuna)
After that, we went sightseeing in the royal capital until Fina and Shuri got bored.
Ruimin was also impressed the whole time.
Author's Note:
I am late.
And I apologize.
Next time I will be late again.
The bookwork, after many rewrites, was not finished.
I apologize for the inconvenience to the readers who have been waiting for it.
※ As always, thanks to everyone who has reported typos. I am unable to reply, so I will leave this here.