Chapter 575: I Have to Show Them How Wonderful I Am

Hearing what Xu Que had said, Liu Jingning was stunned.

She wasn't shocked by Xu Que's bragging, but instead by his overconfidence.

He's been so unlucky today, why on earth is he so sure that he'll definitely find something valuable in these stones?

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"Xu Que, are you mad?! Do you have any idea what you're saying?" Buttface was surprised. "Sh*t! You're lying to them again! I won't buy your words anymore! You are Xu Que, not Wang Sicong!"

Hearing this, Xu Que and Liu Jingning looked at each other and smiled.

"Silly! Wang (王) is the family name of Wang Sicong, so it will still be Wang if you write it upside down!" Liu Jingning shook her head and smiled.

Buttface was confused, then he shouted, "You're such a schemer! If I'm cheated by you again, I'll also write my first name upside down."

"Stop talking nonsense! I'm sure all the stones will be good!" Xu Que said and took out the X-ray machine from the System. It was as big as a human's palm, and with its help, Xu Que could see through the stones. The inside would be projected onto the screen of the System. Besides, it only cost one thousand Acting Tough Points a day.

"Little Que Que, I think you shouldn't waste your Spiritual Stones anymore. As far as I'm concerned, all the stones here are better than the ones you bought earlier, but still, there will be some bad ones. Also, the stones here are much more expensive. I'm sure you can get something nice from them, but I'm also sure that what you get from the stones will be far less valuable than what you'll have spent."

Liu Jingning shook her head, rather worried.

After all, it wasn't clear that if Xu Que would be unlucky again.

Xu Que was very calm and smiled. "You'll see! Buttface, follow me and play some background music!"

"What? What did you just say?" Buttface was confused.

"Background music! Come and take this MP3 player and play the song from 'God of Gamblers'!" Xu Que said and gave Buttface a recorder that he had bought from the System.

Buttface was stunned and excited to see the MP3 player. He had never seen such a thing and was about to chew it.

Seeing this, Xu Que shouted, "You idiot! It's not edible! Now press that red button, I need to show them how wonderful I am!"

"You mean this thing can play music?!" Buttface grew curious, as did Liu Jingning.

Xu Que smiled. "You're full of questions, aren't you? Be patient, you'll see how it works soon!"


At the same time, at the huge yard behind the arched doors...

The whole yard was as big as two football stadiums and was surrounded by walls made of brick.

In the center, there was a pond in which several ancient pavilions of the traditional Chinese style were built.

Each one of the pavilions was a figure of great importance and represented an influential family.

Around the pavilions, there were many beautiful flowers and plants. Green mountains could be seen, and the murmuring of running water could be heard, as well.

Some scholars were playing the zither on the other side of the pond, and the sound of it could also be heard from time to time.

The atmosphere was tranquil and elegant.

In one of the many pavilions, there were a few old men of the Void Training Stage chatting happily.

"How nice this place is! The stone-cutting convention, under the cooperation of the Jiang and Gong families, is going to be a great success."

"To my surprise, apart from us Eight Directions Green Dragon Sect, the other three Sects are also here, and the three big families in the Eastern Continent have sent many people here as well."

"Both the Jiang family and the Gong family are bound to make a fortune from this convention. They've dug out many ancient stones from the Heaven Dragon Cave, and you know what, everyone in the Eastern Continent wants to have a look at them!"

"The Heaven Dragon Cave is such a dangerous place. It seems like they found the stones on the outskirts, but still, to get the stones, many powerful men in the two families have been sacrificed."

"I'm so glad that Elder Qin is also here today. I'm sure you can get many treasures from these stones."

"Stop talking in nonsense! We shall not underestimate people from other influential Families and Factions!"

The few old men were happily talking with each other, while enjoying the beautiful sound of the voice and flute.

All of a sudden, the void of the entrance began to ripple.

The next minute, two shadows quickly passed through the entrance, accompanied by some pop music that was echoing in the whole yard.

"Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!"


Everyone all looked at the entrance, and found a handsome young man and a dog wearing black cloaks.

Both of them walked slowly and proudly into the yard.

Buttface was carrying a recorder on his shoulder and walked as a man did. He looked extremely arrogant and cold.

While Xu Que was wearing the same hairstyle as Chow Yun-fat, he was and a jade ring on his hand. He was walking slowly, while smiling and gently waving his hand, as if he was being welcomed by his fans.

Everyone was stunned by what they saw, but somehow, they all felt the two looked rather cool.

Those who knew something about music was terribly moved by the rhythm of the music, they had never heard of this sort of music before and felt it was really magnificent.


Xu Que suddenly said.

Buttface quickly turned off the music.

People were all drawn by the recorder and looked at it rather curiously.

"Hello, everyone! I am Chow Yun-fat, it's the first time for me to be here, if I have said or done anything wrong, come and f*cking hit me!"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

No one at present responded to Xu Que, after all, they all came from either a big Family or an influential Faction, it would be very disgraceful for them to reply to such a reckless young man.

Still, some of the young men at present looked at Xu Que coldly and sneered.

The next minute, Liu Jingning came.

Earlier, when Xu Que told her he wanted to get into the yard with a looking of Chou Yun-fat and with a recorder on, she decided not to get into the yard together with Xu Que, since she thought it was mortifying.

Seeing others' facial expression, Liu Jingning immediately knew Xu Que had got himself into trouble again.

"Little Que Que, can't you just behave yourself even for just a minute?!"

Liu Jingning sent a voice message to Xu Que.

Xu Que stared at Liu Jingning and said.

"Nonsense! I haven't got myself into any trouble, I was simply giving them a great show!"


At this moment, a young girl wearing extravagant costume came forward and smiled.

"The stone-cutting convention is about to start, please follow me!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Que answered politely.

Led by the young girl, Xu Que, Liu Jingning and Buttface were walking to a pavillion on the edge of the yard.

According to the rule of the stone-cutting convention, someone who was in the Infant Transformation Stage or came from an ordinary Family shall sit in the pavillion that was on the edge of the yard, and he would have to sit together with other three people.

When the three arrived at the pavillion, they found there were already a young man and a young woman sitting there. Both of them were in the Infant Transformation Stage and were elites.

When they saw Xu Que, their face immediately turned gloomy.

The young woman angrily scolded the young girl.

"Wait! Are you mad! Why on earth you brought these people here?! I can't possibly share a same pavilion with them!"

Hearing this, the young girl was embarrassed.

At this moment, there weren't many pavillions on the edge of the yard, and most of the pavilions had been occupied by three people or even five people.

There was only one pavilion that could accommodate Xu Que, Liu Jingning and Buttface.

"Miss Li, I am sorry..."

"Shut up! Although my Family is not one of great importance, still, I can't possibly sit together with these people! That's it!"

Hearing this, Liu Jingning and Buttface all looked at Xu Que and thought this happening was all due to Xu Que's bad fortune.

Xu Que was not angry at all, instead he smiled at the young girl and said.

"Don't worry, I am going to stay here and no one could ask me to leave! By the way, bring me some eels if you got any here, two eels will do."