Chapter 567: Ye Chong's Preparations

Chapter 567: Ye Chong's Preparations

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sha Ya was already waiting at Yedda City. She was sent to the city ahead of time. Though she did not know what Ye Chong was up to, she obeyed Ye Chong's orders dutifully. Knowing how strong Ye Chong was, she left for Yedda City feeling assured that Ye Chong did not need her protection. Here in Eastern Cloud, abandoning one's master was a despicable act. Sha Ya was grateful that her master was not that of a bad person.

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When Sha Ya saw the massive army arriving, she was still caught off guard. She was used to seeing all five thousand training vehicles together, since they all flew together during the usual practice flights. However, this was the first time they had a few transport aircraft tagging along. She threw Ye Chong a look of bafflement, but discreetly kept her questions to herself. Sha Ya had already contacted the local authorities and prepared supplies for the army. Ye Chong and his security detachment replenished their stock of food and water here. Yedda City authorities were used to this. Master Ye Chong was a local celebrity. Besides, they were already used to having the Army of Glutinous Rice Balls restock their supplies in the city. Since they could claim for reimbursements every time the army resupplied, it was a good opportunity for the local authorities to profit from it.

Instead of flying in her own aircraft, Sha Ya boarded the transport aircraft that Ye Chong was on.

Ye Chong had modified the transport aircraft for greater load, better flight stability and slower flight. More importantly, the aircraft can now land vertically on the ground, bypassing the need for a landing field. These were all functions that normal transport aircraft and fighters lacked.

"What's our next stop after the resupply?" Sha Ya asked. Sha Ya was one of the few people in the Army of Glutinous Rice Balls who had actual battle experience. She was also a shooting instructor for the army. Sometimes, she would lead the group of young recruits herself out for training. Everyone in the army knew her.

Ye Chong replied with an air of calmness, "Dual Forest."

Sha Ya was surprised. "That's too dangerous! They're not ready to enter Dual Forest." Dual Forest was not particularly challenging for Sha Ya, but it would be a very dangerous place for the inexperienced young soldiers. Sha Ya thought that the students would need at least another year's training to be ready to enter Dual Forest to practice actual combat. Surely her master understood this, but why did he still choose this course of action? Sha Ya did not think Ye Chong was the kind of person to train his soldiers without regard of their lives. This was clear from the way he designed the protection systems for the training vehicles.

Ye Chong replied without expression, "If we move quickly enough, there should be no problem."

"You want to enter Dual Forest?" Sha Ya gasped.

Ye Chong nodded. "Yes."

To enter Dual Forest would mean ... Sha Ya began to have an inkling of what Ye Chong was planning.

Dual Forest was full of tall and imposing ancient trees. Strays of sunlight found their way through the foliage, leaving scattered shadows on the grassy floor below.

The students were hesitant. This was a dangerous operation. Shu Mo'er was the only one amongst them who had been here. Not even Duan Qian and Shu Man'er had visited Dual Forest. Nevertheless, all of them were aware of the risks of entering the place.

The transport aircraft landed. The hatches opened up, and a huge spider walked out of it. Another Spider followed from behind, then another Spider, and another, and another ...

There were 40 Spiders in total. The first Spider looked leaner and more agile than the other 39, which had a larger pilot cabin. Ye Chong and Sha Ya were in the first Spider, the only one designed for battle. The rest of the Spiders were built for transport.

Duan Qian and the other students had a simple order - follow the first Spider. The training vehicles were not fast, but they would fly quietly in the air while following the Spider. Besides, their smaller built allowed them to navigate through the forest more easily. All five thousand training vehicles slowly ascended until they were about five meters from the ground. They maintained this altitude and followed the first Spider in a long line. The five thousand training vehicles were separated from each other by three meters, and formed a long line behind the first Spider.

At the leading position was a student called Fisher. He was the best pilot in the army, especially when navigating complicated terrain. Hence, he was assigned to the first position. Since all the training vehicles used identical photon processors, geopositioning systems, comms systems and holographic scanning systems, all the training vehicles can be programmed to follow the route taken by the first training vehicle.

Ye Chong gave the order, and the army began its journey into Dual Forest. Many members of the public saw them, but none dared to follow.

The fully armed Spider led the army, with Ye Chong and Sha Ya in it.

Dual Forest did not cause them any distress. The creatures in Dual Forest all remembered the terrifying Spider. None of them approached to challenge its power. Having been here before, Ye Chong had the Spider marched full speed ahead, wasting no time investigating the route.

His time, they took only two days to traverse Dual Forest.

The students were all excited, having never been into Dual Forest. The looming trees and scattering wild animals that they saw along the way had gotten them stirred up.

After Dual Forest was the Desert.

Sha Ya watched the desolate place with cold eyes and reminded Ye Chong, "We need to go pass the Desert as quickly as possible. The longer we spend time in here, the riskier it gets."

Ye Chong nodded. He shared the same concern. With such a large army and so much cargo, the only ones who were combat ready were him and Sha Ya. This meant that he and Sha Ya had to ensure the safety of the students.

It was a difficult situation, but Ye Chong also realized that this was the best chance to escape. Once he missed this window, it would only get harder to leave. Ye Chong had prepared extensively for this operation. Without Mu/Shang's help, he had to figure things out himself. Fortunately, this was not his first time leading an army. Compared to last time, he was now more composed and mature to deal with the situation. This was an improvement for him.

Before this, he had arranged for the students to practice long distance flights frequently. Yedda City and its vicinity were a common destination for them. Hence, they had had no trouble so far. The local authorities thought they were only having another routine training session. No one imagined that this was actually an attempt to escape.

Moreover, Ye Chong had taken great care when designing the so-called glutinous rice ball training vehicles. They were designed mainly with this escape operation in mind. The vehicles did not fly fast, but they were small and agile. As long as they did not encounter a sandstorm, they should be able to reach Darkniss without a hitch. Of course, Ye Chong had also prepared many other tools for contingencies.

The operation was sudden. Not even Sha Ya was informed of it. Ye Chong wanted no surprises. The students, whom he had promoted now to be his security attachment, were also oblivious. They only thought it was one of the more important training exercises that Ye Chong would lead sometimes.

Ye Chong released the Hummingbirds. He used all 16 of them, instead of four. The students were too vulnerable now. Ye Chong had to be extra careful to reduce the odds of an accident.

All 16 Hummingbirds took off into the air, sending back images to Ye Chong in his Spider.

All good so far! Ye Chong sighed in relief. The sandstorm was his biggest concern. They were in luck this time. Everything was going smoothly so far.

Ye Chong delayed no further. He ordered the army to advance as quickly as possible.

320 training vehicles separated from formation and went to the 40 Spiders. A hook came down from each training vehicle, which was now attached to a mounting ring found on each of the Spider's legs. Eight hooks secured each Spider, which was then lifted by eight training vehicles into the air.

Ye Chong had come up with various scenarios in crossing the Desert, and found this to be the fastest way to get them across. He had also insisted that every student pass their training in lifting objects in a team. The students now realized the significance of their seemingly pointless training before this.

Weather in the Desert was unstable. The longer they stayed there, the more dangerous it would be. What was the fastest way to get across the Dessert? It had to be flying.

All five thousand training vehicles took off into the air, with the 320 training vehicles carrying the Spiders positioned at the center.

Now suspended in midair, Ye Chong did not spend his time idling around. He looked grim, or at least that was how Sha Ya perceived it. She knew the pressure that Ye Chong was facing now. The plan was simply too crazy for her to accept!

She could see that Ye Chong had made plenty of preparations for this operation. Now that Ye Chong decided to leave Eastern Cloud, Sha Ya felt that she understood her master better. However, she still could not understand why Ye Chong would choose to bring an army of inexperienced students to Darkniss. It looked like a suicidal operation, at least to her.

"Why are you bringing them there?" Sha Ya could not help but asked. The matter puzzled her greatly.

Ye Chong did not answer. He kept his gaze firmly on the holographic screen, where the live feed from the Hummingbirds were displayed.

The training vehicles were slow, but still much faster compared to the Spider. Since there was no sandstorm, the students flew without meeting much resistance. With the exception of Shu Mo'er, none of the students knew they were now in the notorious Desert.

Being ignorant of the facts, they traveled without pressure.

After a whole day and night, they finally crossed the Desert. With no sandstorms, and with improved fighter aircraft, the Desert was actually not too dangerous for a shooter.

Now that they arrived in the Mist, it was still dangerous for them, especially for people without parapsychic sense. Nevertheless, Ye Chong had prepared for this as well. The training vehicles were now all linked in a straight line with hooks and mounting rings. As long as the leading training vehicle was heading in the right direction, the army would be able to advance without issue. For this part of the journey, Duan Qian was assigned as lead. He was one of the few students who had parapsychic sense. The Spiders were also linked to each other with hooks. This deceptively simple strategy was also very effective. In the Mist, comm channels were no longer usable. It was the only way to keep them together.

With the comms down, the students faced a challenging situation. The longer this went on, the more likely for the students to have a mental breakdown. With no view of or communication with the outside world, it was a harsh situation for the inexperienced students to deal with.

Ye Chong did not to stay long in the Mist. He had also prepared the army for this.

Just outside the forest, his Spider came to a halt. Behind him, the training vehicles all crashed gently into the vehicle in front of them like a domino effect. The students were also used to this part thanks to their training. No one panicked. They simply stopped their training vehicles, and the whole army came to stop as well.

Ye Chong came out of his Spider, and took out a big heap of mechanical parts. These parts were all big, some even bigger than Ye Chong.

Sha Ya looked at Ye Chong, confused.

Ye Chong quickly assembled the parts. After five minutes, Sha Ya something she had never seen before - a big *ss photon cannon!

The barrel diameter was seven meters across, enough to fit a few people in it. Sha Ya swallowed with difficulty. She felt a little numb.

Ye Chong redirected the cannon's barrel, and then began to fill it up with energy crystals. He stopped at 50 of the energy crystals. Sha Ya was shocked speechless. This was simply too crazy! The world had gone crazy!

A ship cannon! Ye Chong was familiar with these. He had thought of building one ever since his last visit. It was easier to clear out a path using a ship cannon.

Hence, he brought one with him this time.