Chapter 555: Finding The Entrance

Chapter 555 Finding The Entrance

Rudra had a good laugh with Karna as he patiently listened to the events that transpired at the event dungeon before hugging the man for the item he had brought back for him.

The necklace now bound and equipped in his neck was sure to improve his combat proficiency.

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However the fun had to stop as Rudra had to bring Karna upto speed on the latest developments in the game world.

At first karna was utterly stupefied by how much the world had changed in the time he was gone and how much had really transpired in the two weeks he was off dungeon raiding.

There was a system auction , new enemies , some ruin mystery as well as an impending war. The world was just falling apart.

Karna's hands trembled when he heard that the enemy army was estimated at nearly 30 million in strength as he understood that this was a kingdom level crash that would affect the entire continent , and not a local battle affecting a single region.

This was going to be undoubtedly the biggest war the elites had ever fought and the stock prices were sure to tumble once the war broke out , as this time even karna would not want to bet on the elites coming out as victors.

Karna said " So boss , what's the plan? ".

He was nervous , however had faith in Rudra , since Rudra uncovered the ploy so early he would definitely be able to come up with a counter strategy.

Rudra said " Right now this is what we know for sure about what the enemy has :

1) A massive army in excess of 25 million soldiers at the best case , while 30 million or more is the most likely number , not counting the additional mercenary help that maybe dispatched.

2) Atleast 50 tier 4 rankers within their ranks , with their leader scar-face being a peak tier 4 existance who was unrivalled .

3) A mysterious shaman whose capabilities were unknown

4) An unknown player named dronacharya in their camp , who has excellent means and a high level .

5) The support of the devil

Also The army is well equipped and the quality is extremely high with the majority of them being tier 2 at the minimum.

We estimate the time till the war breaks to be roughly two months.... 2 months is all we have ! ".

Karna sucked in a breath of cold air as he realized that as it stands the chances of an elite victory was 0.

He knew better than anyone that alongside the kingdoms own NPC army that could be mobilized without damaging internal security was only 1.5 million soldiers at best , adding them to 500,000 elites of tier 1 or higher that could participate in the war in a meaningful capacity and the numbers they had on their side were barely 2 million. Which was without a single tier 4 being within their ranks .

The Elites were in trouble bigtime , currently they were only sitting on a timebomb waiting for annihilation.

Rudra continued " This is what we have on our side for now .

1) Defenders advantage , we have the architecture and defence mechanisms planted.

2) War weapons like bombs , archballistae , dragonhead flamethrowerz and the mage tower.

3) 2 million strong army of our own

4) Defence pacts with both Hazelgroove Empire and a favour from the Pope , from where we can expect reinforcements .

5) We have the Elite main guild as our subsidiary now alongwith some first rate guilds , on whom we can call for support , from where we can manage atleast 5 million troops.

All in all i expect 10 million in numbers , 2 of our own , 2 from Hazelgroove Empire , 1 from the church and 5 from the subsidiaries .

While I expect 5-10 tier 4 rankers to come at our aid , but nothing more than that.

This war does not concern emperor Cervantez hence i donot expect him to take action personally , the True Elites Kingdom is only a vassal of his empire and i don't pay any annual fees to him , while he doesn't have the right to interfere in our sovereignty.

Since i am not a minister of his court , ruling the lands under his name , i doubt he will leave Hazelgroove to help . The same story goes for the pope , as i don't expect him to be personally involved either ".

As Rudra laid out the facts the reality was plain for anyone to observe.

The elites were on the loosing end of the battle effort even with time to mobilize everything that they had got .

Had they been surprised and not been able to call on reinforcements on time for help , they would have been a million defending a city not prepped for war , falling in less than 1 hour for sure.

Even now with their entire means being mobilized the possibility of the war drawing longer than 2 days seemed grim. No matter how Karna analysed it , he found no chances of an elite victory with the means they had in hand.

Hence he asked " What now boss , i think we both know we won't win like this ".

Rudra let out a heavy sigh , this was one of the moments where even he did not have answers at the moment , however he took out the key to the ancient ruins and held the orb in his hand as he said " I put all my gamble on this thing here that I bought from the auction.

It's a key to some ancient ruins , however without a proper map the location of the ancient ruins is hard to find , however from the text inscripted on this orb my analysis says it has to be right here in Purplehaze city. However we have spent our lives here at Purplehaze city and if there was some ancient ruins , we would know right? ".

Rudra placed the orb in Karna's hands as he racked his brains about the mystery of the orb . However with the war looming over his head and a million things to achieve , Rudra's mind was in a state of dissarray as he was forcing his brain to function at a high level rather than it doing so by itself.

This made Rudra's brain work at a lower level than what it usually functions at.

Karna took the orb and studied it closely as he just said " Give me the orb for 1 day boss , you get rid of your debuff , if the ruins are in Purplehaze city , i will find them for you ".

Saying this karna walked out on the streets of Purplehaze city , trying to figure out the location of the ancient ruins.