Chapter 52: Even if the chastity contract is broken, I'm still not going to marry.

Even if the chastity contract is broken, I'm still not going to marry.

However, that was that. It was a totally different thing to say it herself. Thatcher scanned her up and down with a disgusted gaze. It was a totally different attitude than the one he'd seen when she came to hand in her manuscript.

"That man, does he know that you bring out a notebook at the most random times?"

Read it on

"Of course."

"Oof, he really does have a strange taste."

Wasn't he a pervert? A man who could accept Vivian just the way she is would not be a normal person. Thatcher sincerely considered whether to approve or disapprove of this relationship.

"Well, that's that. What are you supposed to do when you first start dating?"

"Why are you asking me? Perdie, the greatest of all."

"Because I don't know a lot about actual dating. If you're being sarcastic, I'm not giving the next manuscript to you."

"Ask me anything."

Thatcher rubbed his chin as though he fell into thought for a brief moment. At the beginning of a relationship, dates were the answer to her question. Because it was the process of them getting to know each other, it was better to visit as many places and share as many conversations as they can together.

Of course, Thatcher himself had never dated normally either. It was because the majority of his efforts involved the seduction of a lady and have sex with them. However, in order to receive Vivian's manuscript as smoothly as possible, he used what little knowledge he had to plan a date for Vivian.

"I heard that during the Spring Festival, the Central Palace's Garden would be open. There are a lot of cafés and dessert shops nearby as well. Since you have a lot of money, it would be good to go watch a play, opera, or a ballet concert as well. And when it gets dark, why don't you flip a wish coin into the garden fountain and kiss."

Kiss, she'd already done it. Vivian recalled that day and her face filled with expectations. "For something that Thatcher is teaching me, it's rather dry."

What is she spouting? How can she consider whether or not the dating course was dry despite never being in a relationship before? Thatcher looked at her with a gaze filled with absurdity as he listened to her act as though she held the entire world in her palm.

"You have to be dry."

Thatcher looked at her with an unusual expression and forcibly reminded her of the fate of her eternal chastity.

Oh, right. That's true. Vivian carefully hid her left hand behind her back. She didn't want to announce that she was in a relationship with the Black Grand Duke of the royal family.

"In any case, talk about your field of specialty. You never know if I'll take it into account."

"Hmm. Well, okay."

Thatcher leaned in till his face was right next to hers and started to whisper as though he was about to tell her a big secret. Rather than advice on dates that he'd never done, something like this was far more his aptitude.

"To be honest, sexual compatibility is just as important as compatibility."

"Sexual compatibility?"

She rolled her eyes and appeared to hesitate before asking.

"You mean they should be on the same beat?"

"It's true that's when they usually say a couple is sexually compatible. However, for a perfect man like myself, there are skills that I can use on any woman I meet. As long as the other person isn't as stiff as wood, sexual compatibility is something that can always be synchronized."

In the end, it was merely a boast. He truly must have nothing to boast about. Vivian answered him dryly. "Oh, is that so?"

"Every person's genitals are different in both shape and size. However, there are some rare cases where the sword and sheath fit together perfectly without a single fault. This is the sexual compatibility I'm talking about." Thatcher spoke as he made a circle with his index and thumb and simulated the movements with the fingers of his other hand. Despite his explicit actions, Vivian blinked her eyes with rapt attention without a trace of embarrassment.

"There are certain partners who are just the best even without consideration of face, body, or technique. A partner whose body fits so perfectly with my body that I could cum just from imagining it. No matter how our personalities don't match and our relationship had become twisted, I would never be able to break up with such a woman. She gives me a pleasure that could never be felt again."