Chapter 517: A Genius Ploy

Chapter 517 - A Genius Ploy

Victor thought about committing suicide when he was being bound and restrained by the Elite assassins , as two daggers kept drawing blood from both his legs , as he was incapable of using them for movement.

However unfortunately he did not have a hidden poison in his tooth that he could take for an easy death . He was doomed to be with his captors.

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SMG looked like he had gotten a new life as he felt his soul leaving his body at the thought that Victor might escape , however luckily Jhonny English came to the rescue just in time.

SMG said " Thankyou sir Jhonny , without your timely assistance i would have lost him ".

Jhonny just waves his cane as he looked to the skies and said " Don't worry too much boy , I've seen way mor Christmas than you, you will reach my heights someday ".

Had anyone else dared to utter such bold words , SMG might have smacked them then and there , however it was Jhonny who said it , hence the impact of those words changed completely.

SMG could only look towards the ground and say " I certainly hope to reach ur heights someday , haha ".

Jhonny faintly nodded as he liked the youngsters response.

( Back at the elites HQ )

Victor's soul sunk as he was put inside the same restraints that were imposed on him not so long ago , however this time there was also mana cancellation applied to the walls of the room , which would make conjuring any spell for victor impossible.

Victor could not help but blame his big mouth for his current situation , however in his heart he felt a burning rage , as he sneered at Rudra's attempt to hold him captive.

Xietian had already planned for the worst , as if victor did not meet up with them at their pre-determined location , the other two would split up and flee towards the nearest blood merchant camp. Where they would then ask for help and gather forces to carry out an operation to save him.

Victor had no doubt that the organisation would come for him , as not only was he in the posession of a page from demon's diary , that he refused to give up at all costs from his inventory space to Rudra , as he had that one thing as leverage over the elites , knowing that should he die , his system space would vanish as well.

However had he known that Rudra was currently pretending to be him as he went to meet up with the other two blood merchants , he would probably puke blood.

Rudra had taken the appearance alteration potion as he walked , talked and looked exactly like victor as he used the mirror to reach the location they were supposed to meet.

( An abandoned goat path , outside Purplehaze city )

When jack and xietian saw victor ( Rudra) approaching they breathed a sigh of releif , as he was late by 40 minutes to reach this location and they had started to fear the worst.

" What took you so long ? " , Asked Jack as he raised an eyebrow to see jack hurt a little.

" Those motha***** ambushed me as soon as I left the city . It was that smartass in the cabin who pulled the stunt off , i thought me was a goner . Luckily I used a smoke bomb and blink to escape , the f**** don't know where i went anymore ". Rudra said in the most victor like way that he could.

By this point Rudra had figured out that victor was a loose tongued mad rabid dog , with his short conversation with the man , hence he picked the essence of his character , which worked percectl to fool the other two blood merchants who looked angry.

" I knew he was upto no good , a lying SOB". Xietian said.

" A light faction wastrel , a lying scum , then they pretend to be all holier than thou just because they follow the light ... Fakes all of them ". Jack said with disgust evident on his face.

The talk would have went on , however forever, but just like Rudra had planned with the follow elites a small explosion went up not so far from their current location

" Uh - oh , we need to run now! ". Said Rudra his voice cracking unde panic apparently as xietian asked " You have the page? ".

To which victor ( Rudra ) nodded and said " I have one , the other is with an elite".

Xietian and jack stopped running , as they looked at jack in rage as if they wanted to offer him as cannon fodder to Lucifer.

" WHY DID YOU NOT BRING BOTH PAGES IF YOU KNEW THE ELITES HAD TWO ? " , Questioned xietian as a vein popped in his forehead , he was about to loose it.

" Why ? Because of the contract why , why else , the contract only gave me one page , and i was unaware that the bas**** had any more just like you both . I'm not stupid , don't blame me ". Rudra said as he raised his hands up in defence , as xietian and jack fiercely debated on what to do next.

Rudra watched in joy as the two men walked around in circles as they looked frustrated and angry at the news that Rudra still had posession of one more page left.

" We need to go man , deliver the package in our posession first then think about that page later! ". Said jack .

However xietian was not convinced as he said " Not possible man , we can't fail this mission . Go with a page less and the higher ups will have our heads ".

Exasperated the two of them talked back and forth , untill Rudra waited for the perfect opportunity to lay his trap.

Throwing two daggers suddenly , he alarmed xietian and jack as the daggers went towards a nearby busy where Furball was hiding.

Furball doing its role perfectly as it began to flee .... " It's that runts pet , if the pet is here he must be nearby! " , Exclaimed victor as he gave Furball a chase

As his sudden actions made it so that xietian and jack were forced to follow without giving it much thought.

The duo had reached a tacit understanding to see and take-out Rudra should he be nearby, while not approach the city walls of Purplehaze by any means , as they suspected a trap to be laid for them once they entered the city.

Their instincts were indeed sharp as they were running right into a trap. However not one that was inside the city unfortunately , as their opponent was Shakuni of the elites , whose schemes had no plotholes in them.

Many killometers away at the centre of the city , Medivh watched in anticipation as he saw Rudra lead the two men into his effective range of operations as he waited patiently for the signal to deal with them.

The effective range of the mage tower extended to 3kms beyond the city walls of Purplehaze city , which made it a very potent weapon for city defence . However today Rudra had decided to use it for the petty purpose of restraining two men , as he led the duo right into an elite trap.

Just when it looked as if Victor had reached Furball's tail , and would now attack her , victor stopped in his tracks and turned towards his team - mates , his actions baffling his team.

" The runt is running away , why did you stop ? ". Asked Jack as he prepared a spell to attack Furball . However victor placed an arm on his shoulder.

" HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND EH VICTOR ? " , Asked Jack who was getting omnious feeling seeing his friend not respond to his words.

At this moment a streak of light exploded from the mage tower in Purplehaze city as it headed straight towards their location. As the two men found themselves suddenly being gripped by darkness bind.

Shock and horror was evident on their faces as they saw a laughing shakuni's head over victors body.

It was too late now , as even though they broke free from their constraints , it was too late for them to escape , as the spell illusion chamber hit the trio , temporarily sealing them in a different space, with each of them being in a different transparent compartment.

Jack and xietian could only despair as despite their best efforts they could not even scratch the imprisoning walls , as soon they found themselves loosing their minds to despair as they realized how they had been played by Rudra at the palm of his hands.

They hurled insults at Rudra as they spat on their walls and swore to extract revenge for today. However it was nothing more than music to Rudra's ears as he sat with a satisfied smile to his face , waiting for the elites to take charge of the situation here.

They had not even gotten a whiff of Rudra's true intentions , however they swore to never hand off the pages to Rudra even if he tortured them to death.

Alas , even after failing soo miserably , they had not truly understood the true nature of the greatest mastermind to have ever walked on god's green Earth , as his true ploy had but yet started.

Rudra never planned anything for a half win. He had won the first round where he captured the men . Naturally he had his plans to get the pages of the demons diary from them as well.

/// Congratulations on hitting the powerstone target. As promised I will upload a bonus chapter tommorow .

Also on a sidenote , i have discovered that I am legally not allowed merchandising rights by WN , hence i can't partake in such activities. My regrets in not being able to give you guys some cool merch .. Apologies " .