Chapter 512: Does He Have The Guts?

Chapter 512 - Does He Have The Guts?

Sitting inside the Purplehaze city headquarters , Rudra had locked his chambers from the inside , as there was a flood of elite members who wanted to have a talk with him.

Naturally while he could avoid the Elite members for a while , the same could not be said for karna and Neatwit , who were demanding explanations regarding the entire incident that happened a while ago.

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But Rudra just told them to wait for a few hours for those answers as currently he had an even bigger problem at his hands.

He was a cripple right now , and the curse that was afflicted on him had to potential to end his gaming career.

Rudra knew for a fact , that the world revered the elites right now , but the moment they would see the guild master of the elites fall in levels every few days , they would start to encircle his guild like sharks smelling blood.

Had Rudra been a solo player without any responsibilies on his back , he would have undoubtedly chosen to stand his ground against Lucifer . However , it was nothing but foolhardy bravery , as there was no chance in hell that he would be able to face the might of the devil.

Considering the scenario , Rudra knew that he did not have many options left to play , and his back was against the wall , with there being hardly any time for him to come up with anything since the blood merchants would come knocking on his doorsteps anytime now.

When all odds seemed stacked against him , Rudra could only turn to the inner mastermind Shakuni persona of his to cook a ploy to offset this unfavourable situation into a favourable one.

Rudra firmly believed that there were more than one ways to get out of a situation where your back is against the wall , one of them being that you could break the damn wall down!

And that was exactly what he planned to do.

However with his pitiful level 10 stats he would never be able to mount any resistance at all much less what his plan required him to do.

Hence in this perilous time , he could only turn to one master assassin SMG who had just recently gotten promoted to tier 3!

Rudra sat down with SMG in his office as he explained to the veteran the crazy ways of his schemes after which the two went to plan the exact details of the plan.

Mid-way through the planning however , they encountered a major roadblock to circumvent which they added one more player to their team , who was Medivh the mage!

Rudra explained how Medivh was to activate and take control of the mage tower as SMG explained the specifics of the plan !

After listening to the whole plan , Medivh was left with a dry throat and sweaty palms as he said " This is madness... Guild leader ... You will turn this city into rubble if things go wrong! DONT DO IT! ".

Rudra was naturally aware about the dangers of his plan , as he knew that he was playing with fire here. However now that Rudra knew how badly Lucifer wanted the pages of demon's diary , he knew better than anyone to just give such a treasure up.

He had not started this enmity , he had not started this fight . It was the hypocritical fallen angel who had stomped his foot on Rudra's chest as he looked down on him.

Rudra agreed that he was powerless against that monster , agreed that he could have done nothing. But disagreed to just play ball with Lucifer's schemes even after he was back on his home turf.

Rudra had not reincarnated to become anybody's bit** in this second life. Nobody could control him to their whims , not even the devil himself , as Rudra was prepared to defy Lucifer himself.

Rudra was gambling a big hand here , a hand that would either have him suffer a huge loss , or put him in an unavoidable clash path against Lucifer.

Be what it may , Rudra was prepared for it!

( Meanwhile in the cuber corporation )

" PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO ASK QUESTIONS ... THIS CANNOT GO ON ! " The official slammed his hand on the desk

" IT IS TOO EARLY , WHY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? " The other official threw a desk clock to the nearest wall and smacked it to pieces.

" The fuc**** government of country Y is asking us explanations for why did an individual undergo such changes and discharge black tar while playing Omega , only to come out healthier than a 4 year old baby unexposed to pollution? , How long can we hide it anymore eh? People have to know ! They have to ! They have to know before the trial ends , this is the 265th cultivator .... You know what happens when we touch 50,000 right? ". A senior official said .

Silence descended on the room as the seriousness of the situation set in . Omega was not as simple as it seemed to the citizens , nor was cuber corp a future gen company that created this miracle. They were merely the managers of this game on this planet.

Managers obeying rules from above.

In a heavy voice a cuber official asked Gaia " How much time do we have untill there is an expected 50,000 th cultivator Gaia ? ".

To which Gaia replied " Expected time.. 11 months and 24 days ".

The initial estimations that the cuber corp had were down the drain now , they needed to decide now ... They needed to take radical steps for the fate of humanity. As the endgame was here!

/// Today will be a two chapter day , as i have bit of a freetime from my studies, eventhough no bonuses are due as I wish to increase my chapter rate to 2 a day regularly from now on, like i did in the past. Hopefully I will be able to keep this pace up .

All i ask in return is drop some tickets and some comments down in the comments section as they keep me motivated and rolling ! ///