Chapter 506: It Was A Good Fight

Chapter 506 - It Was A Good Fight

Rudra was backed in a corner. While no-one realized it yet from the dark faction , or the billions who were watching on. The truth was that he was completely out of gas

This was the most high intensity battle he had fought in his life , and he was running on fumes , close to being completely spent.

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Usually he would have stamina and health potions stocked in his inventory. But he did not expect trouble today , hence did not have his inventory stacked with these essentials.

This left him vulnerable and without many options as he could only slowly defend his ground while the other six went all out against him.

The dark faction players did not dare underestimate Rudra anymore , as there were 4 dead rankers , and it was not a joke anymore. For every member that Rudra killed , the fight got easier for him and tougher for the dark faction members. However six was still a huge numerical advantage and with the right pressure , they did not give Rudra even a slight chance to counter , as they chipped his HP down from 42% to 30%.

The moment Rudra's HP went below 30% , the orange color turned to a hue of dark red , as it signalled that the end was near. As everywhere he moved , he was met with a myriad of different attacks.

The dark faction players were relentless in using tier 3 moves when they pressed on Rudra or their weird class specific moves that Rudra had never dealt with before. Hence not knowing on how to counter or evade.

The first time when Karna realized something was wrong was when he saw Rudra an attack graze him instead of avoiding it , which he was perfectly capable of doing. While a little later he could not swing his sword in time to parry two arrows flying his way.

It was then that Karna observed Rudra's ragged breathing and the sluggishness in his movement. Only then did he realize that Rudra was on his limits.

Shadow mocked Rudra as he said " What happened , Batteries getting low? ".

Everyone across the barrier booed shadow for the showboating , however Rudra 's exhausted expression conveyed the truth of the situation perfectly.

' NO , NO , NO , NO , NO , NOBODY CAN TAKE YOU DOWN , NOBODY ! ' Karna thought in his mind , as he banged his hands on the pink barrier as he shouted " COMEON GUILDMASTER , THE WHOLE GUILD IS WATCHING , WHATS WITH THIS SLOPPY FIGHTING!!! ".

Rudra who was barely blocking the attacks coming his way heard Karna's charged voice as he found a little bit of adrenaline rush fuel himself as he ducked and dodged an attack and returned an overhead slash of his own!

' That's right , the whole guild is watching me ' , thought Rudra . He had forgotten about how everyone who respected and idiolized him was around him here. He could not fall before them , atleast not soo pathetically that they see him bleed slowly to death.

Rudra's mind went into hyperdrive as he thought about what else did he have left in his arsenal , when one sun god's bracelet shined in his arms

Rudra smirked , as he formulated a plan . Which could take down atleast one of these dark faction rankers or even Two if he was lucky enough to get them in a line!

The sun god's bracelet charged on solar power , and discharged solar power , hence it did not use much mana except for activating and deactivating the bracelet.

Solar Flare !

Declared Rudra , as a blinding flash momentarily clouded everyone's vision. The move was actually super effective on the dark faction players who were more accustomed to living in places where the sun did not shine soo bright , hence they had a harder time adjusting to the shine.

Rudra followed it up with a Solar Descent , as a blazing hot ball of flames descended onto the battlefield , bringing the heat up and turning the barrier into a covered cooking pot.

The sun crashed with the ground underneath near a dark faction ranker as it turned the very soil into Magma with its high temperatures , as the ranker struggled to keep his vision open took burning damage by being to near to the lava.

Rudra had already started to prepare solar beam at this point as he pointed it towards a trajectory that would hopefully affect two rankers at once. However it was definitely wishfull thinking on his part , as the rankers were never going to let him take a point blank shot on them.

Naturally a flurry of long range attacks went towards Rudra's direction , as with him preparing the solar beam , there was nowhere to escape for Rudra.

The spells the dark faction members had launched were all very powerful and to be hit by them would be extremely detrimental to Rudra. However there was not much he could do about it, Or so thought shadow , as he could not see Rudra dodge it.

But to everyone's surprise . At the last possible second dissapeared as a small fox took his place , as the attacks went right over the fox's head and hit the barrier behind.

It was Furball! Furball had used replace!

The moment that Rudra used solar flare , he had summoned Furball and told her to silently sneak behind a dark faction player and wait for his order to use replace!

And replace she did use as she teleported Rudra right at the back of one dark faction player , as goosebumps went down the spine of that player as he turned to face Rudra.

" BOOM ! " , Said Rudra as he unleashed Solar Beam at point blank range absolutely destroying the dark faction player , and also being able to pick an angle soo that another dark faction player was inside the range of the blast as although not dead he was greviously injured as well .

The elites cheered from the outside , as one more dark faction member had fallen , as Rudra cut down the number of rankers down from 10 to 5 now . As the world watched how he made a fool of the best dark faction players alone , outnumbered!

A growling Furball by his side , ready to defend her master at all costs . Rudra was heavily panting yet the fire in his eyes was not gone yet. He wanted to see this through , although he did not have many cards left with him exhausting the sun god's bracelet now too. But he wanted to see this through. Till the last drop of HP he had in his bar.

/// Bonus chapter for all the summoning pens and love you all have shown this book. Thankyou guys for the constant support ! ///