Chapter 497: Calamity Upon The Capital [Pt 2]

Amu'ra raised his hand up high, ready to send another burst of lightning down to the humans.

He shot a quick glance at them—all their pain and misery—and he felt nothing like pleasure from watching all of it.

He just felt... nothing.

Read it on

'Why am I so different? Is there really some intense pleasure about killing insignificant creatures like this that I do not know of?'

Ever since he was little, Amu'ra was different from the rest of his peers. While being incredibly exceptional and disciplined, he simply could not understand certain emotions that the rest of his race exhibited.

The most prevalent one was the satisfaction that Dragons had upon killing those deemed to be inferiors.

He initially wondered if it was a biological function, but after learning of their anatomy in the Draconic Empire Academy, there was no specific hormone released when a Dragon killed a human, or any other member of an inferior race.

It wasn't biological.

Was it a social construct then? He strongly felt that it was, but why was the exception?

He was raised in a culture that valued and encouraged the genocide of every other race except the Dragons.

So why? Why did he not share their values? It wasn't like he particularly cared for humans. They weren't particularly impressive or interesting. Their knowledge of the world was lacking, they were incredibly small, and very weak.

They were also highly unattractive, unlike the Elves—who had a glimpse of his attention. But, after kidnapping a few and carrying out several experiments on them—such as breeding and torture—he found that interest waning fast.

Even the prettiest flower would grow tiring to the eyes after gazing upon it for so long. That was how Amu'ra felt about the Elves, who had now become an eyesore.

Perhaps he would capture a Fairy next? Those ones were highly evasive, and he had never even set his eyes on one before.

He felt a tiny spark within his cold heart. Maybe an 'interaction' with Fairy would give him the awakening he needed.

'I so desperately want to feel what you all feel...' He stared at all his comrades and made an internal sigh.

Amu'ra knew what everyone said about him.

They called him a killjoy, a tryhard, a stiff... and so on. All he really wanted was to fit in with everyone—ever since his academy days.

Unfortunately, that never happened.

'Let's get this over with so I can go home...' With his hands raised high in the air, he prepared himself to activate [Absolute Thundercloud] and blow a relatively populated portion of the city into smithereens.

"Fall and—"


Before Amu'ra could complete his words, he felt a blade pierce him from behind, instantly striking his heart from where he floated.

"—gurgh....?!" His eyes bulged as his face showed a mix of pain and shock.

The Dragons around him now stared with an equal expression of surprise. Some stared at him, but their prevalent gaze was on something—or rather someone behind him.


Before he could do anything else, another blade was embedded into his neck, causing even more pain and shock coursing through his body.

Dragons were resilient, but these two weapons that were lodged into his body were draining his Life Force faster than anything in the past.

Amu'ra already knew it... he was dead.

"L-lady... K-kare...n... pro-omisd..." His fading words vanished almost as soon as they left his lips, and the blades were instantly dislodged from his dead body, sending a trail of blood splashing away.

All of this happened in a split moment—evident by how the Dragons barely had any time to react.

His eyes went blank, and regret filled his last moments in the void.

It seemed... Amu'ra's desires would never come to pass.


"Why you—!"

All eyes were on the figure that just dislodged his blades from Amu'ra's corpse, causing the latter to descend to the ground.

One of the Dragons instantly rushed after it, while the remaining three had their gaze on the one who perpetrated the act. It was a man coated in Light, with hair as golden as the sun, and eyes burning bright amidst the chaos.

On one of his hands was a blade of light, while on the second was a powerful and beautiful blade that was indescribable.

'L-Light Magic? At this level?! This is Grand, no... this is in the Absolute Level!' Kar'en's eyes widened as she glared at the human before her.

How could a human possibly possess power at such a scale?


Right as he killed Amu'ra, he sped off, almost like a flash of light. He was too fast for Kar'en to follow, so she swiftly barked orders to the fastest member of their team.

"Catch him, R'ashu!"

"Y-yes ma'am!"


Blue lightning instantly covered his body and he sped away in a burst of power, leaving two Dragons left in the sky.

Before they could even get a breather, a barrage of powerful Magic Attacks—ranging from ice to fire, and even lightning—

charged at them with immense intensity.

All of them hit their mark, sending a surge of explosion etched into the sky.


The display of fireworks was high enough for everyone to witness, and the shockwave spread across the entire sky. As the winds rushed with pressure, the darkened thundercloud in the sky began to dissipate, and the intense smoke that previously rose from the city slowly ceased..

All of this seemed so spontaneous—like a miracle born out of thin air.

However, it was not.

This was the result of a well-coordinated effort of the ones who were the champions of humanity.

—The Otherworlders.

With only seven members participating in this task, they divided themselves into two groups.

The Assault Team and the Rescue Team.

Belle Vanitas and Rey Skylar took on the role of rescue, considering the former's Magic Prowess, and the latter's speed and versatility.

Also because Rey could be a liability in a battle with Dragons.

As for the others; Adonis, Billy, Alicia, Trisha, and Clark... they were members of the Assault Team.

Their role was simple—eliminate the Dragons!




Thanks for reading!

Alright! The battle has officially begun. Place your bets, everyone.