Chapter 495: Too Late

Chapter 495 - Too Late

Rudra made the dummy guild ' Rebel Elites ' , the new owners of the Ninecloud kingdom capital. As if on a vendetta , he banned all the major guilds operating in the city , including the previous managing first rate guild of ' Rural warriors '.

Every single guild , wether small or big , if associated with dronacharya was banned from Whitecloud city as Rudra annoyed millions of players in a single day , displacing them of their homes.

Read it on

The rural warriors guild had the single worst nightmare of their lives , as the guilds stock plumetted from being traded at 1 gold a share down 90% to only 10 silver a share in a matter of hours.

They not only lost their home , and their wealth . But also their human resources as the tough times ahead made thousands of people jump from the sinking ship , as the guild lost 20,000 members including one elder and twelve core members.

This was a massive headache for the struggling guild , as it's guild leader turned to Dronacharya for help and support. However with dronacharya having major problems of his own , he did not entertain the struggling Rural Warriors guild at all.

Rudra's tyranny did not end at him just blacklisting these guilds. He systematically attacked the economy of Whitecloud city as he raised the toll entry to enter the city from 5 silvers to 5 gold coins , which was an astronomical number .

He disabled the teleportation array inside the capital , making long distance trade and travel impossible , as well as placed a night curfew and intra city travel restrictions to cripple the economy.

The capital city was not only special because it housed the palace and the royal army . Usually at the heart of a kingdom. But it was important to players as it had many unique and important buildings such as the administration hall , various tier promotion halls , the public library. Various mercenary halls , black markets , auction halls and other essential things that a player could not do without.

The Nineclouds kingdom capital , had the advanced swordsman hall , the mage association and the blacksmithing association HQ. Hence for players of these classes , it was absolutely imperative that they needed access to these buildings and structures , for quests tier promotion and the like. Hence they could not do without having to reside inside Whitecloud city.

This coupled with the fact that if they chose to move to other cities , they would not only have to pay the insane toll price of 5 gold coins everytime they visited the city , but also waste time in transportation made the players even more agitated about the current turn of events.

However with the Rebel Elites guild , giving the internal security contract of the Whitecloud city to the True Elites guild , the streets were literally being patrolled by thousands of Elites , who quashed any sign of protest at the very root.

The common man became powerless within Whitecloud city , as the stronger guilds had been blacklisted while the weaker one's were supressed in fear of being blacklisted.

One could not just leave the capital city and migrate , due to innumerable reasons , however they could not live in such tyranny either. This led to one of the most unique situations in the history of governance , as the one who committed the crime was also the judge the jury and the executioner . Leaving no palce for justice in the equation at all.

Generally such reforms meant that the Elites were gradually ruining a perfectly good piece of land , and bringing it to the ground . However with Rudra giving 0 F's about Whitecloud city . He did not care if his reforms would render the city a desolate wasteland not generating a single dollar of income over time.

With his massive pools of money , Rudra could pay the yearly central tax without having to raise a single cent from the city , hence he did not need to worry about governing the territory at all.

However this was disastrous for the Nineclouds kingdom , as Rudra positioned an impossible custom duty for all goods entering the city , isolating the largest NPC market of the kingdom , from cheap goods and services.

While his actions got heavy criticism from those who had fled the city or those who resided in other cities of Nineclouds kingdom . Nobody inside the Whitecloud city had the balls to whisper something bad about the Elites in fear of being permanently banned.

Shakuni had played a brilliant move , as he wiped nearly 1 trillion dollars of Dronacharya's assets in a single day and give him a massive nightmare as his best city slipped from his control without a fight.

While dronacharya always beleived that he may need to fight for Whitecloud city sometime with the elites , with him preparing barricades and equipment of war as the elites build up inside the city showed no signs of slowing down . However the psychological damage of him loosing the city without ever having the opportunity to even understand what was going on was huge , as he finally understood the gravity of messing with Shakuni of the elites.

Dronacharya was one of those third party spectator who would look at a elites scheme , like the one where they lured the Six guilds alliance And blew the entire fort up to kills hundereds of thousands and be like ' Id never fall for that stupid strategy '.

Or some other scheme of Rudra and be like ' The enemy leader must have a pea sized brain , i could see that trap from a mile away '.

Yet when faced with Rudra's schemes himself , he finally understood what it meant to go one on one with the leader of the Elites and just how terrifying his prowess was.

The world's attention was on the developments within Whitecloud city , as everyone called the Elite takeover of the city as the heist of the century. As Rudra blatantly ruled like a tyrant , turning a perfectly fine city to its ruins.

( Meanwhile in hell )

Lucifer sat on his throne as he held a wine chalice in hand contemplating about the incident of Aman slipping through his clutches a few days ago.

The six alive deadly sins wanted desperate revenge on the mortal who used Micheal's powers to kill the sin of pride Leviathan. And Lucifer had a hard time containing their rage.

To be frank he was pissed off himself , however he wanted the demon's diary more than anything else in the world. It was an Artifact that he had been looking for centuries. And now a human mortal had almost the complete collection ....

Lucifer had issued a quest inside the church of darkness , as the 10 best dark faction players had been given the job to reclaim the diary from Rudra as a compulsary quest.

Rudra did not know this yet , but he had became the number one target on the 10 highest ranked players within the dark faction , as everyone of them were slowly crawling into light faction cities and hiding their identities as they moved towards Nineclouds kingdom.

While manually traversing kingdoms was a lengthy and time consuming process , since Rudra had shut down the Whitecloud city teleportation hall , the dark faction players could only be safe and traverse multiple kingdoms manually to enter the city , as teleporting into any other light faction city that is nearest to Whitecloud city would most likely get them arrested by the local authorities.

Hence while Rudra was focused on toppling the Nineclouds kingdom , 10 extremely strong enemies were on the hunt for him.

It would be Rudra's first encounter against the strongest the dark faction had to offer. And a clash that the world would remember.

( Meanwhile in reality)

Max was in Rudra's room as he picked his nose and looked at the coffin size VR pod in confusion , as no matter how he looked at it , it seemed exactly same like the mummification coffins the Egyptians used to bury their Pharaohs.

The only difference being the one wire connected to the power generator which was missing from his social studies textbook.

While Max was a little small , with Omega taking over the world , he understood that his brother was a bigshot in the world now , as everyone in school treated him with respect and asked him questions about his brother all the time.

However , curiosity about Omega still never escaped his mind as he wondered what would happen if he tried to play the game without his brother ever finding out.

Making up his mind , he decided that someday when Rudra was not inside the pod , he would go in to try play the game.

A decision that would alter his life forever , as Rudra's pod was not meant for normal people , with him being a cultivator.

The special VR pod he had also did not have the restrictions that most VR Pods had on age and the like , as it was only tailor made for one person.

Max's life was about to change ....

/// Guys good news , i am back from my vacation , re-energized and ready to give bonuses again!

In the 4 days of my vacation i have to give a total of 4 . Which will start from tommorow!

Thankyou for your patience during these days :)///