Chapter 495: Mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks

Easily making his way down the Second Star Peak, Xuan Hao soon found himself on top of the Fourth Star Peak. Different from the other mountains among the Shattered Star peaks that he had visited so far.

The Fourth Star Peak was covered in a special kind of alpine vegetation that had survived even under the chaotic qi that swirled around in the air. Even more bewildering to Xuan Hao, was the fact that the vegetation consisting of several small flowers and different types of grass and bushes absorbed the chaotic qi in the air. Allowing the top of the Fourth Star Peak to have around the same level of chaotic qi in the air as the top of the Ninth Star Peak!

Just this alone was more than enough for Xuan Hao to grow interested as the plant life on top of the Fourth Star Peak seemed to have the same properties as the ones found on the Ninth Star Peak. The only difference being that there weren't any spiritual herbs present. Making it a far more ideal place to make the Flying Sword Sect in the future. At least when compared to the Ninth Star Peak...

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Staying for some time to investigate the Fourth Star Peak without finding anything interesting outside the special plant life, Xuan Hao soon left and made his way down towards the Fifth Star Peak. For now, the Fourth Star Peak was the best location he had found so far, but it was also the first among the remaining mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks he had yet to explore.

Hopefully, the other mountains would be in a similar, if not better condition than the Fourth Star Peak. This would make it easy to expand in the future when the time came for them to fully settle the entire Shattered Star Peaks.


"Well... This was not what I expected..."

Arriving at the Fifth Star Peak, Xuan Hao could not help exclaiming in surprise upon witness the scene of the mountain top in front of him.

The reason for this, being that instead of a normal somewhat flat mountain top like the other mountains in the Shattered Star Peaks had, the Fifth Star Peak instead had a massive lake covering almost the entire mountain top, with some of the water cascading down the side of the mountain in the form of small waterfalls, that later formed into rivers going through the valley of the Shattered Star Peaks below.

Not only that, but the chaotic qi on top of the Fifth Star Peak was far more violent compared to any of the other mountains. Only being comparable to the chaotic qi on top of the Main Peak!

Even more baffling, was the fact that the chaotic qi seemed to calm down the farther away from the lake on top of the mountain it got...

"The lake on top of the Fifth Star Peak seems to agitate the chaotic qi around it..."

Muttering this to himself as he stated the obvious, Xuan Hao only casually investigated the lake with his divine sense before moving towards the Sixth Star Peak. No matter what, it would be quite hard to build the future Flying Sword Sect on top of a massive lake...

Investigating the lake on the Fifth Star Peak could always be done at some other time. For now, he wanted to investigate the other mountains and find out which one would be the most suitable to house the future Flying Sword Sect!


Leaving the Fifth Star Peak, Xuan Hao went over the remaining three mountains inside the Shattered Star Peaks that he had yet to visit.

The Sixth Star Peak was filled with all sorts of small caves that covered both the top and sides of the mountain, it was also here that Xuan Hao saw the first demon beasts outside of the ones on the Main peak. The demon beasts were quite different from ordinary demon beasts, as they seemed to have adapted to the surrounding chaotic qi over time.

However, this came at the cost of their strength. Even the strongest among the demon beast had only reached the Qi Condensation Realm!

Building the future Flying Sword Sect on top of the Sixth Star Peak was doable, but it would require some effort, as the caves covering the mountain would have to be dealt with.

The Seventh Star Peak was similar to the Third Star Peak, completely barren without anything on top of it other than a few different rocks. The chaotic qi in the air was also nothing out of what Xuan Hao had expected. All in all, the Seventh Star Peak was a decent location to build up the new Flying Sword Sect in the future.

Even if the new Flying Sword Sect did not get build on top of the Seventh Star Peak, it could still be used for expanding the sect in the future without any issues when there were enough resources for a second Qi Gathering Formation or the original one could be expanded to encompass more than just a single mountain.

Finally, the Eighth Star Peak, the last among the mountains of the Shattered Star Peaks that Xuan Hao had left to visit.

The Eighth Star Peak was nothing like any of the other mountains before. Instead, a giant hole presented itself in place where the even mountain top should have been.

Looking closer, Xuan Hao discovered that the hole led all the way down to what should have been the middle part of the mountain. Here, a small valley had formed inside the hole. Even weirder, the valley had no chaotic qi inside of it. Instead, it was like a normal valley down on the ground!

As if that was not odd enough, Xuan Hao discovered a small town inside the valley after scanning the place with his divine sense.

Even weirder, the town was not a ruin like he had expected but was instead a town filled with living beings walking around and going about their day...

Not only that, but the living beings inside the town, were not humans...