Chapter 484: A Seduction Attempt ... Twice!

Rudra was perplexed to see Naomi in his living room . That too feeding max ? , However the little one still loved brother the most as the moment he saw Rudra he shouted ' Brother !' and ran into his arms.

Rudra was satisfied , he was indeed a true man with the virtue of bro's before ahem .

However his next words completely broke Rudra's confidence in the mental capacity of the little one to handle food . As Naomi said " Max you want a biscuit ? ".

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Max ran out of Rudra's arms pushing him aside as he ran to eat the cracker he was offered , while Rudra was left there stranded alone , his eyes twitching as his hands were still in that hugging position.

Someone could literally kidnap max over sweets as the glutton would even betray Rudra's deepest secrets for a piece of candy. He needed to keep this brother of his in check.

Rudra eventually said " hey , what a pleasant surprise ". Referring to Naomi as she replied amiably " Hello guild master nice to meet you too ". And basically started ignoring him the next minute as if he was not there as she continued to chat with mama rajput.

This greatly perplexed Rudra as usually Naomi would be giving him a lot of attention unlike today. However he just shrugged it off as he took a seat beside his pops.

Looking at this both Naomi and mother Rajput released a big sigh as mother Rajput said " men are such idiots ". While Naomi looked at the heavens apparently cursing as she said " Yes , yes they are ".

While father Rajput and Rudra looked at each other in fear , as to determine who was the culprit behind this outburst.

Years of survival instinct had taught the duo , that when vague generalization of the male species was being made , it meant that it was especially not vague and completely directed towards them .

The only question was , towards whom? , As the two listened intently on the conversation to figure it out .

What Rudra and father Rajput were unaware off was the fact that Naomi had approached mother Rajput yesterday and told her the truth about her feelings for Rudra and how she wanted her help to make him realize that she loves him.

Mother Rajput had long since approved of Naomi and having gotten the chance to see his son settle down with a family , she naturally was not going to let it slide as she promised to help.

Their first genius plan was for Naomi to not give Rudra any attention and behave like he did not exist. This was supposed to bother Rudra and make him probe more into the reason why she wasn't giving him attention.

According to mother Rajput men wanted things they could not have , hence women had to play hard to get for men to fall for them. However seeing how Rudra casually sat down without giving a single thought about Naomi's changed behaviour , both women audibly sighed at the peanut that was a man's brain.

Plan B from mother Rajput was food. All 3 members of her household were complete gluttons and loved food . She was a firm believer that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach as Naomi prepared an exquisite meal and all the dishes that Rudra liked for dinner.

This technique worked! As Rudra thoroughly enjoyed dinner , and soo did Max and father Rajput as the three showered Naomi with compliments after every bite , while Rudra started to look at Naomi with sparkly eyes , wondering if he could get her to cook for him more often.

Seeing some progress the two women high fived , plan B was a success! It was time for plan C then which was entirely upto Naomi.

For plan C , mother Rajput had suggested that Naomi play the shy girl . As she should try to seduce Rudra with her charms while being equally reserved and shy in the process . Having a delicate balance that would drive any man crazy.

For this purpose , Naomi and Mama had even gone shopping buying amazing lingerie for Naomi to wear.

Naomi was embarassed doing such things with her mother in law. But she was helplessly in love with Rudra and needed to go all out this once to try win him for once and for all or let the matter be . Hence even when embarassed she went along with the shopping with enthusiasm!

Hence after dinner , mother Rajput started the act for plan C , as she said " Ohh look at you , all sweaty after cooking dinner for us . Go take a shower in Roro's room and freshen up , then roro will take you for a walk ! ".

As Naomi tried to downplay it , and say that she could just leave , mother Rajput glared daggers at Rudra who under intense pressure had to say " Mother's right , freshen up why don't you ".

Hence Naomi was (cough ), forced to take a bath in Rudra's room to freshen up. While Rudra patiently waited for her to finish up, soo that they could go out for a walk.

He was casually checking the forums on his mobile to pass time , when an incredible sight got his grip loose on his mobile phone as it slammed into the ground

An incredible beautiful Naomi stepped out of bath wearing only her inner garmets as her hair were tied into a bun. She looked incredibly sensual with wet water droplets gliding on her smooth waist as her fair and tender skin was on full display.

Her voluptuous hourglass shape gave Rudra a lump in his throat , as her red lips and red flushed face made his heart race out of his chest.

Naomi had voluntarily stepped out of the bath , half naked ..... As Rudra's mind was in a dissarray as to what her intentions were.

/// Guys if you all are team Naomi show the love in the comments section of this chapter. Your love will literally decide the outcome of the soo it's upto you guys!

If you want Rudra x Naomi to happen . Then this is the chance ! ///