Chapter 465

"There's less useful information than I thought."


At Yi-Han's words, Salko, who was next to him, made a puzzled expression.

Read it on

The gist of what the tapir had just said was...

-Professor Kirmin Ku stored the nightmares eaten by the tapir in glass bottles to prepare for the illusion magic exam.-

-Professor Parsellet Krair mainly hides the student she takes to confuse their divination around Professor Kirmin Ku's workshop.-

...Wasn't this quite substantial?

"Wardanaz. I think this much is quite useful..."

Salko asked in a hesitant voice, different from his usual rough attitude.

It was because he was unconsciously intimidated by Yi-Han's madness.

Yi-Han rebuked Salko as if asking what he was talking about.

"Salko. Are you being deceived by the tapir's teary eyes? Are you really an Einroguard student?"



Not only the Black Tortoise Tower students but even the siren looked at Yi-Han, but Yi-Han didn't waver.

"If it stored its nightmares in glass bottles, it should tell us how to deal with them. What's the use of just saying it stored them? And anyone can guess that they're hidden around the workshop. It should also tell us how to get in."

Salko was not only amazed but also shuddered at Yi-Han's shamelessness.

How could a high noble family of the Empire have this level of shamelessness?

"Uh... Mr. Wardanaz. I have a question about the nightmares hidden by the tapir."

"Oh. Ratford. Did you think of a good method?"

Yi-Han asked with a brightened face.

The nightmares swallowed by the tapir were a powerful ability that was difficult to deal with easily.

Since he had tried to stop it earlier but failed, Yi-Han was thinking of coming up with a countermeasure even if he had to torment the tapir.

If they were nightmares it had swallowed, there must be a way.

"That... Mr. Wardanaz, you're not affected by nightmares anyway, so do you really need a countermeasure?"


Flap flap-


The students waiting at the fortress at the entrance of the library were puzzled by the paper bird that suddenly flew in.

"What is it? Did Wardanaz send it?"

"No. It came from the opposite direction."

'Shouldn't you first think about whether Wardanaz can send a paper bird from that distance...'

[To the students taking Divination Magic

Shyles, a student from the Richmond family, has moved locations for the exam. Find the student's location and submit it by this week.

Parsellet Krair]



The faces of the students who read the letter distorted.

What the hell was going on?

"...I forgot that all the professors are bastards."

Jijel's sense of betrayal was particularly great.

She had suspected the skull principal, but it turned out that another professor was the culprit.

"Wait. Then why did the tapir barge in earlier?"

"Isn't it because we occupied this place and made it angry?"

"Nah. Would it be for such a reason? What's so bad about borrowing this place for a bit?"

Jijel wanted to tell the White Tiger Tower student, 'That's enough reason for a monster to get angry,' but there were many things she had to do first.

"You two. Go to the pursuit team and tell them to come back quickly."

"Uh... Moradi. Wouldn't Wardanaz have figured it out on his own?"

The White Tiger Tower students made excuses as if they were reluctant to break through the fortress with just the two of them.

Then the Blue Dragon Tower students jeered.

"Is that something you should say?! No matter how much it's Wardanaz, how would he figure that out?!"

"Would you have done that even if it was a friend from the same tower?! The food Wardanaz fed you is wasted on you!"

"Coward! Boo! Spit out what you ate!"

At Gainando's last jeer, the White Tiger Tower students' faces turned red.

"We'll go, we'll go!"

"Boo! Boo!"

"...I'm definitely not going out until that guy shuts up. Make him shut up!"

The Blue Dragon Tower students stopped Gainando's jeering.

And just as the White Tiger Tower students were about to leave while grumbling, the pursuit team returned from afar.


"They're back!"

"Wardanaz! Come back quickly! It wasn't a monster, but a professor who kidnapped them!!"

Yi-Han, who heard his friends' shouts from afar, answered.

"I know! It must be Professor Krair who kidnapped them!"



The friends inside the fortress looked at each other with confused expressions.

How in the world?

"...Didn't I tell you?! I said Wardanaz would figure it out on his own!"

The White Tiger Tower student who had made excuses earlier suddenly shouted as if he had remembered.

Jijel tapped her friend's shoulder and then crooked her index finger, telling him to come closer.

"Why? Moradi?"

"Shut your mouth, it's embarrassing."


Yi-Han, who passed through the fortress gate, briefly explained what had happened with the tapir.

"Anyway, when I said we would vacate the library after the flood was over, it understood."



"...Wait, you need to explain a bit more for us to understand..."

When a student tried to ask how he had negotiated with the rampaging monster from earlier, Yi-Han stopped him.

"That's not important right now."

"If that's not important, then..."

"What's more important now is that the illusion magic exam and divination magic exam are coming up soon. Everyone gather by each school if you have something to tell."

Ratford, who was taking illusion magic, nodded and naturally tried to pull Yi-Han's arm to the illusion magic side.

Asan, who was taking divination magic, also nodded and naturally tried to pull Yi-Han's arm to the divination magic side.

"...Both of you, let go."


"I'm sorry."

The two friends let go, looking embarrassed. Yi-Han explained the information he had obtained, feeling bitter.

"The tapir's nightmares?"

"Yeah. Unfortunately, I couldn't extract a method to break them from the tapir. That vicious bastard."


"Ah, no. The tapir probably doesn't know that much either."

The friends were puzzled by Yi-Han's words.

Just as a snake with venom doesn't carry an antidote, the same would apply to the tapir.

An antidote wouldn't appear just because you caught a snake and demanded, 'Give me the antidote.'

"So I think we'll have to figure out the method to break them on our own... The divination magic exam is the problem. I found out that it's around Professor Ku's tower."


"How in the world?!"

The students taking divination magic were startled by Yi-Han's words.

No matter how genius-like Wardanaz's magic abilities were, it seemed impossible to narrow down the location like that without any clues.

Could it be that Wardanaz had proven the old saying that nothing is impossible with magic?

"Oh. I asked the tapir."



The listening students gradually became curious about how Yi-Han had asked the tapir.

Did he hang the tapir upside down and torture it to make it spill that much?

"Hey. Salko. Was the tapir okay?"

"It did cry a bit, but overall it was fine, so don't worry."

Salko said it to defend Yi-Han in his own way, but it wasn't very effective.

The Black Tortoise Tower friends whispered in horror.

"It was really fine. Honestly, the siren looked in worse condition..."

"What? Why is the siren being mentioned?"

"Well, it took on the role of pushing the boat."

"You caught the siren and used it as a rower???"

"Hey. Be quiet over there."

Yi-Han was annoyed by his friends who kept making unnecessary remarks.

Why were they chattering so much during this sacred exam preparation period?

"We know it's around the tower, but we're still far from figuring out the exact location. Since we lack clues, let's all cooperate and find it."

Gainando, who was listening next to them, spoke in a serious voice.

"I think it might be in the basement."


"In the last issue of the magazine, Toveris found the kidnapped person in the basement."


"Wait. You don't take divination magic."

"Huh? Yeah. But I thought everyone would need my help..."

The divination magic major students grabbed Gainando's arms and dragged him back.

Yi-Han ignored it and continued.

"Bring a map. Let's divide the areas. Asan. You're from this tall elm tree to the brick wall. You're..."

-A letter has arrived!-

When a death knight appeared at the entrance of the library and shouted, the students were startled.

-Why are you all like that?-

"Ah... it's nothing."

"A friend disappeared."

The students slightly changed the subject in front of the principal's subordinate, as it was awkward to answer, 'A kidnapping incident occurred, and we were suspecting the skull principal the most, so we were startled for no reason.'

-The master kidnapped them! I know nothing!-

"...Ah, no. It wasn't the principal, but another professor who kidnapped them."

-Oh. Is that so?-

The death knight was embarrassed.

-I thought the master had kidnapped them again.-



-Anyway, here's the letter.-

When the death knight handed over the letter, Yi-Han absentmindedly received it.

At that moment, the letter burned black, and a strong wave struck Yi-Han.


"Today's lesson is not to easily open suspicious letters!"

The skull principal's cheerful voice echoed in the air.

"You'll keep laughing, but think of it as the price of the lesson. It will disappear in about an hour."


More terrifying than the letter with a forced laughter curse was the awkward situation where the recorded voice flowed out even though the curse didn't work.

The students were looking at each other, not knowing how to react, and the death knight had its head bowed deeply, feeling embarrassed on its own.

"Well... maybe... he forgot because the probability of me receiving it was low."

-Please keep it a secret from the master.-

"I'll make the <Basic Magic Character Education in Depth> exam simple tomorrow morning. You've all worked hard, so shall we go on a picnic?"




The students were startled by the unexpected words.


"A, a picnic?"

"Isn't that good?"

"Hey. Look at the weather outside..."

"St, still, it seems better than an exam."

The students were confused between 'A picnic in this damn weather?' and 'Is this still fortunate to this extent?', unable to grasp the situation.

"Ah. Picnic preparation is also included in the score. Pack your lunch boxes well. It's absolutely forbidden for others to pack them for you. Wardanaz. Are you listening?"

The students' gazes focused on Yi-Han. Yi-Han felt slightly wronged.

"Then prepare well and see you tomorrow!"

The voice faded away.

"Where is the picnic location?"

-I don't know. Won't you be guided tomorrow?-



-I really don't know! Believe me!-

The death knight appealed with sincerity at the students' sharp gazes.

"Flip it now. No. Flip it gently. Don't you know the meaning of gently? Lower the heat. Lower the heat. Lower the heat!"

Gainando shook the frying pan, inwardly crying that from now on, he would cherish every bite when eating pancakes.

Who knew there was such a huge struggle behind the food he ate without much thought...

"I need to prepare for the divination magic exam, but this is taking too much time."

Yi-Han clicked his tongue, looking at the students gathered in front of the temporarily built stove.

There were still remaining exams, but he had to have his time taken like this.

"Isn't it a bit underhanded?"

-Uh... um... isn't student Wardanaz taking too many?-

The death knight answered absentmindedly and then covered its own mouth.

What grudge was it trying to hold against the future great mage by talking back like this...!