Chapter 430

As Yi-Han stepped inside through the ladder, the priests hurriedly followed.

Priestess Siana carefully looked around the interior.

The spacious room had an antique atmosphere.

Read it on

Vintage furniture, soft velvet curtains, and plush carpet rugs decorated the room, and a horn-equipped recording artifact played a song from somewhere.

"Ah. Only the professors' lounge would be this luxurious..."

Priestess Siana looked at Yi-Han as if she understood.

She wondered how he knew this was the professors' lounge, but it was clear he deduced it from this scenery.

As expected of a boy from the Wardanaz family.

"No. It's written 'Professors' Exclusive Lounge' on the entrance over there."

Professors' Exclusive Lounge

-Absolutely no student entry from the founding until the end of the world!-

Os Gonadaltes



The priests saw the brass nameplate on the entrance and nodded their heads.

It was clearly the professors' exclusive lounge to anyone's eyes.

"Then what do we do now?"

Priestess Siana asked in a voice full of disappointment.

What was there to do in a lounge like this, not a warehouse or a library?

"Huh? We need to take useful things. Everyone, take out your backpacks."

Yi-Han immediately took out his backpack and started sweeping in the professors' snacks first.

It didn't even take a full minute for the tea leaves, coffee powder, and various snacks in the lounge to disappear.

The priests had an enchanted expression at the sight of him filling the backpack tightly without gaps with the skill of a seasoned thief.

"Is there space magic on it??"

"No. I just packed it well. Now that we've secured food, next are reagents and artifacts. See if there's anything useful."

"How about this recording artifact? If we could listen to music in the dormitory lounge, that would be a truly immense luxury..."

"No. It's too bulky. And listening to music won't fill your stomach anyway. Let's find something else."

Priest Nigisor and Priestess Siana became gloomy at the same time.

They wanted to pray while listening to music!

"I found a reagent box here."

"Excellent. Priestess Tijiling. You have the talent of a thief."

"...Thank you? Wait, is it okay to take all of this? If the professors need to use it..."

Priestess Tijiling hesitated while holding a bronze box engraved with a small cauldron piece.

She was worried that if they took the entire reagent box from the lounge, the professors might be in trouble.

"If they need to use it, they'll find a way to get it. We're also finding a way to get it ourselves."

However, Yi-Han mercilessly took the box and put it in his backpack.

If students also need reagents, they have to go outside to get them, so how would professors be any different?

Professors could even just go outside and buy them.

"If it's really important, they would have hidden it themselves."

"Well said. Priest Nigisor."


Yi-Han and Priest Nigisor high-fived each other and looked for the next item to permanently relocate.


Yi-Han, who was about to move to another room along the passage, tilted his head.

'What's this?'

The room itself was just one of the many rooms in the lounge, but...

There was something peculiar inside.

It was a bulletin board made of carved wood, placed alone in the room.





[There's no break time!]

[Someone help me teach automatic defense enchantment! I'm not making progress!]

[Eat shit, Beavle]

[Looking for someone to lend lecture time.]

[Once again, there is no break time now. If I see someone trying to add more, I'm seriously going to send a petition to His Majesty the Emperor.]

[...Everyone, please respect Professor Garcia's words.]

'Is this the professors' lecture schedule?'

Yi-Han was lost in thought as he read the memos written on the bulletin board.

Judging from the professors' names appearing, it seemed to be a lecture schedule, but there were a few phrases he couldn't understand.

'Is it the professors' code or jargon that I can't understand?'

In addition to the written memos, there were also a few erased memos.

[Enchantment magic is too lacking]

[Orthodox illusion magic? (Not sure if they'll teach)]

[Lesser telekinesis control O]

[Advanced water element O]

[Lightning element O]

[Cold element O]

[Wait, he did all this???]

[Iron transformation O]

[Spin attribute enchantment △]

[Professor. Let's talk for a moment.]

'It must be a list of senior-year lectures.'

That's what Yi-Han thought, but for some reason, it bothered him strangely.

'What is it? It's too far ahead to preview...'


With the sound of the doorknob turning, the door at the end of the lounge passage opened, and Professor Garcia entered carrying an armful of books.



"I came on an errand for Professor Verduus."

If it weren't for the priests behind him, Professor Garcia would have almost been fooled by Yi-Han's words.

To that extent, the boy from the Wardanaz family had a talent for saying absurd things seriously.

"Student Yi-Han... What are you doing here?"

"If you give me time, I can explain."

"It's fine. I think I know even without an explanation."

Professor Garcia sighed deeply and put down <The Art of Becoming Close Without Scaring the Other Party> and <The Speech Methods of Fear-Inducing Races> that she was holding.

"You came in here while on a night walk, right?"


"Even so, how could you fearlessly enter the professors' lounge..."

Professor Garcia didn't scold him too much.

Einroguard's whims always exceeded expectations, and even outstanding mages who were unfamiliar with the school would sometimes get lost.

It wasn't so surprising for a student to get lost while on a night walk and end up in a strange place.

Of course, it was the first time she saw someone come to the professors' exclusive lounge, but...

"So how did you come? Did you happen to meet a headless knight in the corridor who said he would guide the way? You shouldn't trust that knight."


Yi-Han vowed to never trust a headless knight if he met one in the night corridor.

"We came in through the Spider Web Lake."

"...You came in through the Spider Web Lake!?"

Professor Garcia was so startled that she put down the books she was about to pick up again.

This was truly unexpected.

"How could you go in there!? Even if you float a boat, it would sink?!"

"I made an ice boat with magic."


Professor Garcia finally belatedly recalled what kind of disciple he was.

Indeed, with that level of ability, it was fully possible to find a way to cross the Spider Web Lake.

"How did you find the way? Did you get a map? The sirens must have harassed you?"


Yi-Han vowed to definitely prepare an artifact to block his ears the next time he went to the <Spider Web Lake>.

"Uh... there were no sirens. It said they all ran away before the water spirits go on a rampage."

"Ah. It's already that time."


Yi-Han was puzzled when Professor Garcia accepted it too calmly.

"Professor. Uh, as far as I know, Einroguard is a place with very powerful mana veins... and thanks to that, the power of spirits is also strong. If such spirits go on a rampage, won't there be a flood?"

This time, it was Professor Garcia's turn to be puzzled.

"Ah. That's right. I'm sorry. It might be inconvenient for the students. You'll have to row a boat to go to lectures every time."



The students, who suddenly got a glimpse of the future, were dumbfounded.

They had no idea what would happen if a big flood hit Einroguard...

So that's how it turns out!

"When you stay in Einroguard for a long time, you keep getting used to strange things. After seeing floods a few times, I started reacting like that. I'm sorry for speaking thoughtlessly."

"Ah, no, it's fine."

"Wait. But who told you?"

When Professor Garcia asked in puzzlement, Yi-Han revealed the encounter with the immortal eater.

Professor Garcia's face brightened after hearing the full story.

"Ah. You met that immortal eater? Isn't it cute?"


Priest Nigisor and Priestess Siana had questions in their eyes, but Yi-Han poked the priests' sides once each with lightning-fast movements.

"Yes. It was cute."

"Ugh. It's cute."

"Ouch. It was cute."

When everyone agreed, Professor Garcia seemed a little excited.

"It's hard to see an immortal eater raised to that extent."

"Was it you who brought it, Professor?"

"...Ah, no? What are you talking about, Student Yi-Han?"

'So it wasn't the professor.'

When Professor Garcia firmly denied it, Yi-Han believed her words.

Unlike the skull principal, Professor Garcia was not someone who would lie.

"Anyway... you came to secure supplies after hearing there would be a flood."

Professor Garcia looked at the students as if they were quite pitiful.

Priestess Tijiling fidgeted her lips, pricked by her conscience. It wasn't really because of the flood that they came.

"There won't be much to take from the professors' lounge."

"You're right. It's quite disappointing."


The priests looked at Yi-Han's heavy backpack.

'Isn't that a lot to take?'

'I don't think so.'

"Everyone, wait a moment. There were some waterproof cloths somewhere."

Professor Garcia started rummaging through the lounge's closet to give something to the students.

"Would it be good to have a sea crystal too? I think it might be too early for you to use... No. Student Yi-Han would quickly learn to use it, right?"


"Other than that... there are scrolls too, but... No. It should be fine for Student Yi-Han."


Yi-Han raised his voice as if asking to be heard, but Professor Garcia paid no heed.


When the sound of the lounge door opening was heard from the opposite side, Professor Garcia quickly embraced the four students, shoved them into the closet, closed the door, and then cast a magic to erase their presence.

Even while being shoved into the closet at ultra-high speed, Yi-Han couldn't help but admire Professor Garcia's magic.


With a single staff motion, she tidied up the messy surroundings and cast a barrier to conceal various energies outside the closet.

"Is... isn't this big trouble??"

Priestess Siana whispered, terrified. Yi-Han shook his head.

"We haven't been caught yet, so it's relatively okay."


His friends looked at the back of Yi-Han's head in shock, but Yi-Han didn't notice as he was focused on what was happening outside the closet.

"Professor Garcia. You must be tired."

"It's my pleasure."

"Then stop listening to the requests of that evil brat."


Professor Garcia glanced at the closet, bothered by the skull principal badmouthing other professors.

It was originally the skull principal's hobby to badmouth other professors whenever he was bored, but it was a bit embarrassing to do it in front of students.

"Principal. Even so, the professor didn't have bad intentions..."

"No. Beavle is evil. I'm telling you, he's just an evil brat. No matter how much you try to be kind, he's evil."


"What's this?"

The skull principal looked puzzled to see the tin can of tea leaves empty.

Not only that, but the coffee powder was also empty.

'Professor Garcia must be under a lot of stress.'

The skull principal looked at Professor Garcia with pitiful eyes.

Even if Professor Verduus brewed tea leaves three times, it was a waste, but it was okay for Professor Garcia to pour a bucket of tea leaves and drink it.

It seemed like yesterday when she was a tiny student, but now she had become a proper professor and was suffering from other professors...

"Wait. Professor Garcia. Have you seen the reagent box by any chance? A bronze box engraved with a small cauldron piece."

"I haven't seen it? What is that?"

"I prepared it to use during this spirit flood... Damn it. I got it."

The skull principal made a bone-clattering sound as if he understood.

Professor Garcia tensed up.

Yi-Han also tensed up.

"Beavle! That son of a bitch, really! I told him not to touch other people's stuff!"

"...Ah, could it possibly be someone else?"