Chapter 409: Things Going South

Hao Mi was absolutely hell bent on perfecting her revenge plan on the elites , while learning from her past experience of allying with Mithun Ambani , she understood that the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

She had secretly negotiated with Mithun for the full support of the Ambani super guild .... Where Ambani was ready dispatch a total of 500,000 troops in support for Hao Mi's cause provided that the complete Elites warehouse was to be given to him in lieu of war compensation.

Hao Mi did not care about the money anyway , all she wanted was the trio of Ethan , Jhonny English and Rudra to pay. She wanted to watch the city of Purplehaze burn , hence she readily agreed to the conditions.

Read it on

Meanwhile it was an incredibly lucrative opportunity for Mithun , as to win over the Elites treasury was undoubtedly a profitable venture. The elites were known to be rich , and their warehouse was to be stocked with precious skill scrolls equipment and the like.

This was the only reason why Hao Mi was soo hell bent on making sure that the Super Guild under Ethan Grey would not meddle with this fight. As her tipping the odds in her favour would not work out if the other party did the same.

However this was not the end for her gathering allies for her cause . Original Manchester , True Manchester , the remnants of Demolitionboys and Musicians inc , everyone with hate and beef for the Elites was rallied by Hao Mi to play by her side.

Not only that , she even rallied hired help from mercenaries to help her cause in this war. Blowing a 1.3 trillion dollar hole in her finances , she went all in in this war against the elites.

Jhonny taking her nose was the tipping point for Hao Mi , where she decided that enough was enough and lost all sense of reason as to sparing no safe cushion to fall on should she fail.

From Unstable Alchemical reagents exclusive to her organization , that she developed after pouring resources after resources behind the mad alchemist , was a card she held in this war , alongside the sheer number of forces that she rallied under her banner.

If one hundered thousand fell , then two hundred thousand would take their place . If two hundred thousand fell then four hundred thousand would take their place.

The total army under her comprised of 1.6 million troops , who were supposed to start gathering tommorow morning , as only 3 days remained in the protection period of the cities.

Officially it was the small village of Rohannesberg taking on the Purplehaze city forces. However , the reality of the situation was the triad coalition were picking on the Elites.

This war would fall under internal dispute , and the state would not interfere with it under regular circumstances .

The Elites took the one year protection period very seriously , building a massive reinforced wall around the city as well as gaining strength and influence, both individual and as an organisation. However would it be enough to ward off this massive invasion?

The odds seemed very low . This was truly the steepest fight that the Elites would find themselves in.

Thankfully Rudra had developed a city millitary force under his own command , consisting of 150 thousand soldiers at level 95 tier 2. It was a formidable force second only to the royal army. However for this war it was an unquestionably pivotal Part.

Rudra had a total force strength of 200,000 strong . Of which 30,000 academy passouts were basically cannon fodder in a all out one vs one fight.

The fight odds were 1:8 against the Elites , which were pretty bad , but not as bad as many fights they had fought where they were ridiculously outnumbered.

Hence the Elites being the defenders in their home turf , had a fair chance of winning this fight.

With both sides holding hidden cards , the side with the better and deeper hidden cards was going to win.

One such card that Hao Mi desperately wanted to play. Just like Rudra had did inside Fort Magma was to create inside disturbances for the Elites.

However she was unaware of one feature of the inter City wars , that Rudra was aware off.

The inter City wars immediately triggered a martial curfew for all NPC players , while teleported the adventures not associated with the managing guild outside the city walls. Hence creating internal nuisnace was impossible unless she did not have a member of the Elites on her side , which she did not.

The other thing that was going to eventually bite Hao Mi in the a** was the ridiculous amount of money she would have to pay as war indemnity to even challenge Rudra in Purplehaze city.

As inter City wars would only be approved by the government , when a suitable war indemnity was paid by the aggressors.

For a small village like Thol for example , the indemnity would be around 10,000 gold or 5 million dollars .

However for the capital city of Hazelgroove kingdom .... The war indemnity was 50 million gold..... Or 2.5 Trillion dollars.

Hao Mi was going to realize this fact when she would declare war on the Elites after the protection ended , as the government would ask this amount as security against damages to approve of the fight.

This feature was implemented because without it there would be no stability in the game , as territories would be constantly fighting against each other without it.

However these rules were not yet made public , and would only come out the day that the protection period ended and the fourth system update was announced.

This meant that Hao Mi by splurging on hiring help , had to dig even deeper into her coffers by attacking Purplehaze city.

This has became a money pit , which would proove to be fruitless if she could not win the war .

If Rudra was to successfully defend his territory he would get 50% of the war indemnity as war reperations meaning 25 million gold. While the other would go to the state for not interfering.

If Hao Mi would win , all the money would go to the state , in return for declaring them the new managers of Purplehaze city .

The Purplehaze city was a money mine.... If managed properly it would yield a yearly income of 10 million gold in direct tax revenue with 15 million more in buisness options.

Hence an investment could be recouped within 2-3 years of operation by successfully capturing the city. However , Hao Mi 's ambition to burn it to a crisp was a waste of resources and unreasonable.

She would soon find out about that exact thing , as she would bleed even before the war officially started.

( Meanwhile in the valley of knight's )

Rudra was now completely in hallucination mode , he was reliving his past life where he was a nobody , going on dungeon runs to farm for equipment and make some money by selling it off .

" NO , I want the level 30 armour set , i did the most damage in this raid , i need to get the first pick ". Rudra said angrily

SLAP! his superior slapped him as he said " Be grateful I let you tag along , and even give you the last equipment choice in the raid , you are a slave of White Radiance guild who we pay a fixed salary to , without us you will starve on the streets... Soo shut your mouth about loot distribution you dog ".

Rudra's blood boiled as he said " How dare you talk to the Leader of the True Elites like that ...."

" What leader of the True Elites? ... " The man gazed at him perplexed

This is when Rudra's mind reminded him that he was no longer a slave of White Radiance but the honorable master of the Elites. He was no longer a dog wagging his tail before these bastards , but it is then who would be lucky to even exchange greetings with him now.

Realizing his true worth , Rudra broke out of the hallucination , as his eyes regained some focus of his surroundings , as slowly his memory returned as to where he was and what he needed to do.

Rudra grit his teeth as he slapped himself hard , he needed to keep focus and get going ... Remembering his past he knew that he had came too far to fall like a dog.

Lazer focused , Rudra continued on his journey , one step at a time .....

/// Special shoutout to Coop for the 2000 coin gift and to _blank39 for the 500 coin massage chair. The patronage for my book keeps me motivated and going.

We are very close to hitting the golden ticket target , soo let's get it soo that we can have a two chapter day tommorow .

Also here is the new riddle for this month. You all know the drill the privilage readers get a 12 hour headstart over others .

The riddle is :

The inverse of


You don't need to DM me if you solve this riddle , cause you will know the answer ..... Soo to the first ten people solving this .... happy claiming free coins! ///