Chapter 383: Not Funny Anymore

Rudra made his way towards Advani as he easily dodged the poor attempt of a sword swing from the man. Rudra kicked the sword from his hand as it was sent flying away.

Rudra raised his sword to attack , however Advani out his hands up against it as he crawled into a small ball . He looked like a small kid Afraid to be hit.

Rudra found this ridiculous , if he was a decent man he would have hesitated to hit the defenseless advani. But unfortunately he was not. Hence Rudra started to stomp on the poor guy , as he said " Atleast grow a pair and fight me like a man ".

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The other white Radiance members , did not interfere with the beating of their leader at all . Because of two key reasons. One they were terrified of the masked man , and two was that they genuinely had no respect for Advani . He was a snotty nosed cry baby , unfit to lead them.

It was at this moment that someone from the crowd said " I've had enough of this , I'm not going to follow a good for nothing brat like him anymore , I quit White Radiance ".

Saying so he removed the guild robe and spat on it , before quitting the guild.

His actions had far reaching consequences though , as it resonated with the inner feelings of thousands inside the guild. Soon the guild chat was flooded with ferverent messages , as one after another , thousands and thousands left the guild.

Advani kept shouting " HELPP..... HELPPP.. "

however noone turned up to help him . If he would have just fought Rudra head on , even if he had no chance to beat him. The others would have tried to save him and tried to fight off Rudra. However , with Advani himself being soo spineless as to not even look at his opponent. The guild morale plummeted.

With the carnage that Rudra alone left in his Wake the guild members started to question if , it was worth staying in a guild where even one man Alone can bully them all.

Although they were mad at Rudra , they were more ashamed at their own incapability , hence when they saw their spineless leader , they blamed it all on him and decided to leave the guild.

Within minutes only a handful of people were left around the scene , even they clicked their tongues and moaned about the contract they had signed that made them a core member of the guild , making them incapable of abandoning it.

As Rudra stomped advani to death. Looking around he could see that noone wanted a piece of him anymore , as everyone mentained their distance from him. However Rudra was not done yet. He asked a guild member for directions to the church of light , where he swiftly went because he wanted to greet the dead Advani.

Advani who was crying as he came out of the church of light , was terrified when he saw Rudra waiting for him. Screaming he tried to run away , only to turn and ram straight into Rudra.

Rudra had used blink to teleport behind him , and when Advani saw him he said " BOOO! "

A little girl like scream escaped Advani's mouth , as he was dragged by the neck , on the streets of Reviere town. The local authority who had seen Rudra run rampant , also decided to keep a distance from the Duke of Hazelgroove. As they sold their own mayor out and turned a blind eye to his suffering.

Clobbering away on Advani , Rudra sent him to the afterlife for a second time , only to be waiting for him outside for a third.

Terrified , Advani simply logged out of the game , which caused even more dissatisfaction within the guild members , as even more decided to leave the guild at that point.

After that it was a simple job for Rudra , who burnt down the mayor's office , the White Radiance guild hall. And raided the white Radiance guild treasury alone.

Facing some resistance , Rudra did make their way through them as if he was cutting through butter , as soon the resistance thinned out to nothing.

The news of this fight breakout had long reached the forums as many white Radiance members had been live streaming it. It brought in enthusiasts like Dewdiepie to the small town , as he did not want to miss on the action.

Although he could only livestream Rudra burning the mayor's office down , and killing a few stragglers of the white Radiance guild. His viewership was still well into the millions.

Gathering courage , Dewdiepie decided to interview Rudra , after the carnage he had left inside the Reviere town.

He ran beside Rudra as he said " Sir , sir , one interview please sir , can I ask you a question , for the millions watching this program ".

Rudra stopped and looked at the interviewee running behind him , as he waited for him to ask away.

Rudra said " Alright , one question ".

Dewdiepie enthusiastically asked " What's the reason for this attack on White Radiance guild , what beef does the True Elites guild have with White Radiance?".

Rudra nodded , it was just the question he wanted " well , these kids stole from us , a shipment passing through this small town was seized , and it caused a construction delay for our guild . Hence being the guilds enforcer , it was my job to make the ba***** pay , to all the viewers watching this worldwide , let me tell you one thing here , DONT MAKE AN ENEMY OF THE ELITES, alright interview over ".

Dewdiepie was dumbfounded , what was this reply , what was this attitude , he quickly asked " You alone took down an entire second rate guild? "

Rudra laughed as he said " HAHAHAHA, I did , and I did it unharmed , and guess what , I am not even the strongest in the elites , the guild master , he is someone who defeats me within 5 moves ".

Saying soo Rudra went on his silver wolfs back and rode off , leaving millions watching worldwide comprehend the meaning behind his words.

The meaning behind , how ONE man was equal to entire GUILD of people . How ONE man could venture into enemy territory , burn it down and leave unharmed.

Just how freakishly strong were the Elites? , Is the game still balanced with such monsters roaming? One man taking on 10 is still acceptable , but one man taking on an ENTIRE GUILD is too much.

Naturally this made the headlines in media all over the world next day , as the bit where , don't mess with the Elites was played on replay.

First the incredible war victories , then the VR Olympics, now this incident. Slowly but surely the world was not finding the Elites a joke anymore. Noone doubted the strength of the guild anymore , as it was not funny how a guild of a few dominated the entire world scene!

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the golden ticket target , good job everyone ,

It has been 6 months since I started writing this novel , and it has been a great journey with all of you.

I cannot name everyone of the 8.7 thousand fans supporting this book , as much as I'd love to . However let me tell you this , every single comment , every single powerstone , every single Golden ticket you have given me , has given me the motivation to write this work , and that I thankyou all from the bottom of my heart for that.

Thankyou for the support you have shown for my work.. If this book made it this far , you people are one of the biggest reason behind it. ///