Chapter 375: Blood Punisher, Creator of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art!

Arriving at his room, Xuan Hao entered and soon found a place to sit down before he took out the three books that he had gotten from the sect quest.

Heaven Splitting Sword Art, Volume One... Two... Three...

Examining the three books, Xuan Hao quickly found out that all of them were a part of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art, just that sword art in question was split up into three different volumes.

Read it on

This alone was a sign that the Heaven Splitting Sword Art was a high-level sword art... At Xuan Hao thought so until he opened the first volume and began reading it.

In essence, the first volume contained no sword art, instead it contained the legendary exploits of the sword art's creator who called himself Blood Punisher, though it sounded like nothing more than someone bragging about all the things they had allegedly done... Just reading through the entire first volume was a challenge in itself...

"Did I... Perhaps make a mistake...?" Muttering this to himself as he began realizing the fact that he might have lost the opportunity to get his hands on a Mystic Grade Natural Treasure for three books filled with the heroic exploits of some random crazy person, Xuan Hao felt like he wanted cry as he picked up the second volume and began reading.

Even if he didn't want to continue reading the last two volumes, he at the very least had to see if there was a sword art hidden inside the three books.

In the end, the second volume was not better than the first volume. Mainly going over how the legendary Blood Punisher himself had fought of a legion of immortals while at the same time using his legendary blood arts to revive an entire race that had just been wiped out by the legion of immortals he was fighting.


Without saying anything about the second volume, Xuan Hao slowly picked up the third the third volume.

"A sword art!?"

Having expected for the third volume to just be the same as the other two, Xuan Hao could not help exclaiming in surprise upon turning the first page and seeing a sword art instead of yet another story about the awesomeness of the Blood Punisher... Not really that he knew what that name even meant in the first place.

Maybe it was because he was skilled when it came to the Dao of Blood and Blood Techniques? But why the name Blood Punisher?

Not wanting to continue thinking too much about the creator of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art, Xuan Hao began reading through the sword art and soon found himself immersed in a brand-new world.

Very quickly, Xuan Hao realized that the Heaven Splitting Sword Art was far above any sword art he had ever come in contact with. Even the Untold Swords Mantra could not be compared to it.

Meaning that the Heaven Splitting Sword Art was likely above the Heaven Rank!

The appearance of a sword art above the Heaven Rank would easily be enough to cause even those at the Soul Ascension Realm to come out!

The sword art was divided into three moves.

Earth Splitting, Sky Splitting and Heaven Splitting.

The main requirements of each move being in one's current sword realm.

To perform Earth Splitting, it required him to comprehend a sword domain.

Sky Splitting required him to reach the realm of a sword soul, that was likely the realm after a sword domain.

"Hm? The Heaven Splitting is missing..."

Not knowing what to say, Xuan Hao could not help cursing out silently when he realized that the last move, Heaven Splitting, was not present in the third volume of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art.

He managed to get his hand on the Heaven Splitting Sword Art, but the Heaven Splitting sword move was missing...

At least he did not end up with another one of the Blood Punisher's stories and even learned about the name of the realm that would come after a sword domain... But for some reason, he did not feel happy about this and just felt like he had been scammed...

"Hah... No use thinking about it, I still got my hands on two new sword moves from a sword art that is likely above the Heaven Rank!" Muttering this to himself, Xuan Hao slowly began reading through the third volume of the Heaven Splitting Sword Art once again.

The First move, Earth Splitting, was the move that he decided to focus on first. Mainly because he fulfilled the requirement of having comprehended a sword domain and at the same time because it was the first move mentioned in the Heaven Splitting Sword Art.

Slowly, Xuan Hao began immersing himself in comprehending the first move, Earth Splitting. Only to be taken out from his concentrated state of mind by the random sentences thrown in by the Blood Punisher every now and then, bragging about how awesome his Heaven Splitting Sword Art was...

Through this experience, Xuan Hao sincerely hoped that he would never have to experience the pain of trying to understand anything written by Blood Punisher ever again.

The sheer difficulty was far above anything he had ever read before, this was not only because the level of the sword art was above normal, but also because of how bad the creator was at writing down even a small part of the sword art before mentioning how awesome he was and how strong his sword art was...

Just reading and memorizing the first move ended up taking him more than a few hours, where it would normally only have taken him a few minutes! Simply because he had to exclude the sentences where Blood Punisher bragged about himself from the sword move itself...


Closing the third volume of the Heaven Splitting Art, Xuan Hao let out a sigh of exhaustion. Not looking forward to opening the book again to go over the second move, Sky Splitting in the future.

For now at least, learning the first move should be more than enough to keep him busy for a while...