Chapter 351.1: Side Kiara (I)

Editor Makoto


Side Kiara

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Just when one would think we were already out of the woods, the worst possible scenario struck...

The sword that Fran was holding began to rampage on its own. And when it came to the strength of its power, wasn't that already comparable to Asura? Maybe it's actually even more powerful.

Asura still had the ability to think and make sound combat decisions, even if he was out of control. Because of this, he was unable to go all out for fear of being caught in a dungeon collapse. His divine sword was best at widespread annihilation. However, in such a confined space, it wouldn't be able to show its true worth.

No, even without that, the sword was abnormal. It could activate the most powerful magic techniques in the world five times and at the same time it could even deploy Latent Potential Release, which was not normal. In addition, it has the ability to fly, transform, and it even took away Asura's skills. Having even just one of those skills alone would allow it to be called a top-tier magic sword.

"And we're not even close to the end of it yet."

It wouldn't be surprising to say that its power was on par with a top-tier divine sword. Really, just what was this place? How could a divine sword and a demonic sword suddenly just coincidentally gather here?

While I was thinking about that, Fran's sword suddenly transformed into a wolf-like figure made of steel, and gave off even more magical power. The ferocious red-black magical power that emanated from the steel wolf gave a feeling of pressure that made us feel uneasy just by looking at it from a distance. It's no wonder that Mea ended up being unable to move.

Mea began muttering about the mythical beast, Fenrir or something, but she might not be entirely wrong. At the very least, it was the strongest wolf-type demonic beast I've ever seen.


I blocked the attack aimed at Mea as quickly as I could, but I took a lot of damage from just that one shot, my whole body screaming in pain. Still, I can't let myself go down. That wolf is not the only enemy here.

"Oi, oi, old lady. You're very motivated aren't you? Should I give time for the little ones to escape?"

Yes, it would be nice if they went easy on us, but it was scary to think about if they didn't. If you get chased by either, there was no way to escape. Someone has to stay here. Letting Mea and the others escape, I drew my sword.

"You know that you're going to die right?"

"It's not like I still have a very long time left to live anyway, It wouldn't be a bad idea to use it to save the young ones instead right? -Senkai Jinrai!" (TL Note : in the raw it's written : 閃華迅雷)

"Kuhahaha! Good! No matter how weak you are, it's fun to deal with someone who's willing to die!"


And so the three-way battle began. The wolf of steel started relentlessly targeting the enemy in front of it, namely me and Xellos Reed.

And Xellos Reed was also trying to get at me and the wolf. No, it's more like he was enjoying the battle rather than aiming for it.

I could have tried stopping those two, only if I didn't collapse all of a sudden.

"The question is, how long do I have..."

I was hurt and I have been continuously fighting hard since last night. It was frustrating, but it would be impossible for me to fight for hours on end by now. The best thing to do is to launch a critical attack in one felling swoop and kill these guys in the blink of an eye, but....

I couldn't. Xellos Reed, who was able to withstand even the attack of the divine sword, and the metallic wolf, who is on par or even stronger than that Xellos Reed.

Then, what should I do?


"That's a good move!"


Bracing myself I daringly turned my back on the wolf, as I attacked Xellos Reed. The sword and black thunder blocked the movements of Xellos Reed, and I barely avoided the wolf's attack from my rear. I couldn't stop myself from dripping cold sweat. I didn't expect that wolf would attack me with his tail like a whip. If I hadn't been wary from the start, I wouldn't have been able to react.

But as I have intended, the attack from the steel wolf struck Xellos Reed. Although it was only a glancing hit, I could see that the evil spirit of Xellos Reed had been reduced.

"I think I can go on like this."

Yes, this is the only way I could keep on fighting. In my condition right now this is the only way I could beat Xellos Reed. To be honest, I don't know how to beat the wolf. Huh, never mind, let's focus and make sure the one that can be beaten will be beaten first. That's all.

"Oh, come on, you don't think I'm going to let myself get hit again and again with an attack like that, do you?"

"Oh really? Then let's try it."

I focused my all on speed and evasion. It took all I had to read and guide the actions of the wolf and Xellos Reed to hurt each other. Naturally, both sides would focus their attacks on me, but that didn't matter. One will not survive to this age if you couldn't juggle despair at this level.

The wolf's attack became more intense, but they missed me and caused damage to Xellos Reed instead. Xellos Reed tried to close the distance between them to regain control. But I wasn't going to let you get away with it. I used the full force of the Black Heavenly Tiger to chase after Xellos Reed. Of course, with the wolf right on my heels.

"This damn old hag!"


"Fuhahahaha! There! There! What happened to all your power just now! You evil person!"

I continued to abuse my body with intense pain as I kept on dancing, swerving around between the two monsters. The price for doing so was my life. I dodged the wolf's fangs with a paper-thin gap, parried the sword attack from Xellos Reed, and I ended up vomiting blood.
