Chapter 285

The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 285

With trembling voices, Seol Hong, Jin Ryeo, and Chi Woo spoke in unison, "Did it just say Spectre...?"

Read it on


Soon, Seol replied, "Why is he chasing us?"

Multiple options then appeared before Seol.

[[The dark ghosts were targeting your wagon. Unfortunately, it seems your wagon won't be able to outrun them. What will you do?]

1. Declare that you have nothing to do with the wagon's owner.

2. Attack since it doesn't seem like they will calmly listen.

3. Offer to surrender the wagon in exchange for your life.

4. Begin throwing the items in the wagon one by one.


The dark ghosts, suspected to be the Dark Execution Squadron, got closer to the wagon.

"Human! Don't test us!"


"Stop the wagon! Failure to comply will be seen as an act defying the will of the Ghost King!"

Seol frowned.

'They've known we were humans from the start... Even if we escape, they'll keep hunting us.'

If they encountered them again, it would likely be with stronger forces, and they would probably relentlessly pursue Seol and his group. The outcome of such would most likely be disastrous.

After contemplating for a moment, Seol looked at Seol Hong and said, "Lady Seol Hong, I'm going to stop the wagon."


Seol Hong, who had complete trust in Seol, didn't oppose it.



The leader of the Dark Execution Squadron sighed in relief as the wagon began slowing down.

"A wise decision."

As Seol slowed the gurds down, countless thoughts raced through his mind.

He was thinking about the Ghost King.

The Ghost King wasn't the most powerful being in the Ghost Realm. Much like Pandea, the Ghost Realm was an expansive world. The Ghost King's domain, the land closest to the human realm, was only a small fraction of the vast land that made up the entire Ghost Realm.

It was just the tip of the iceberg.

Even so, it was so big that it could easily overwhelm the Khan Empire. And the Ghost King, Spectre, who ruled over this land, was no ordinary being.


Spectre, the Ghost King, who ruled over the Ghost Realm—there likely wasn't anyone in Khan who didn't know his name.

He was one of the three Ghost Generals who had wreaked havoc on the human world under Hwagmu's command.

Seol had a vague understanding of the situation but chose not to elaborate. After all, they would likely hear the details directly from the Ghost King himself.

Chi Woo, the dog—no, wolf—said while being carried in Seol Hong's arms, "So we're meeting Spectre after having met Phantom and Shade? Did everyone plan this without me knowing?"

- Welcome to the 3 General family package, hahaha.

- Is this some kind of hidden camera prank?

- It's kind of absurd, for real.

"We will probably meet him soon."

Hearing Seol's response, Jin Ryeo mumbled to herself, "Kunna, could you also take my comrades? I'll put everything on the line, so could you send us out of the Ghost Realm...?"

It was no surprise that the group was flustered.

Spectre was known to be the strongest of the 3 ghost generals. However, little was known about him.

'On top of that, we're currently in the Ghost Realm.'

This place was practically the ghosts' headquarters.

In the Ghost Realm, ghosts became stronger. Ghosts that could only exercise Legendary-rank power could deal Transcendent-rank power once they returned to the Ghost Realm.

That's how much this land overflowed with ghost energy.

Seol might not have been able to win if he had faced Phantom and Shade in the Ghost Realm.

'That aside, why does the Ghost King want to meet us?'

The most likely reason he could think of was that he wanted to punish the humans who had recklessly crossed into the Ghost Realm.

And if that wasn't the case...

'Is it because of Yaksha?'

The Yaksha incident was like a feast for the ghosts. They freely crossed into the human realm, feasting on humans to satisfy their hunger.

'From the Ghost King's perspective, it might be different.'

Seol thought he would have to meet the Ghost King and hear his thoughts on the Yaksha situation directly.

After stopping the wagon, Seol's group accepted the Dark Execution Squadron's offer to escort them to the Ghost King. Without getting off the wagon, they were headed straight to the destination.

Apart from briefly stopping for meals, the group continued to speed across the wasteland.

Eventually, a city came into sight—its bright lights spilling onto the wasteland.

"Where are we?"

Seol asked the leader of the Dark Execution Squadron.

Instead of answering him, the leader pulled out a map from his coat and marked it before handing it over.


After checking the map of the Ghost King's territory, Seol asked.

"Have we arrived at the marked location?"



They were close.

They had essentially arrived at the capital, where the Ghost King resided.

"You were lucky. The Ghost King commanded me to go there and greet you."


It seemed Spectre had anticipated Seol's group's arrival there and had sent the Dark Execution Squadron to greet them.

'So we wouldn't have been able to escape at all.'

In the Ghost Realm, they were undeniably at the mercy of the Ghost King. Yet, thanks to him, they had saved time—time that would have otherwise been wasted on the road.

"The Dark Execution Squadron is here!"

"The Dark Execution Squadron has returned!"

"Open the gates!"


The grand gates of the city opened.

The Castle of Joy.

It was the capital of the Ghost Realm, ruled by Spectre.

The leader of the Dark Execution Squadron turned his head while riding on the gurd and said.

"Welcome to the Ghost Realm, humans."


[Your Rest location has changed to the Castle of Joy]

[You have moved to a different location. The 'travel luck dice' are rolling.]

[Travel Luck Dice has rolled a 5.]

[You are very lucky.]

[The Adventures you undertake near the Castle of Joy now will proceed smoothly.]

[The Adventures you undertake near the Castle of Joy now will have an easier difficulty.]

[The Adventures you select near the Castle of Joy now have a low chance of forcibly changing to a Sudden Adventure.]

[Luck will be on your side if a Sudden Adventure occurs.]

[Your luck is decent enough to take on the Adventures nearby.]

Along with the message of a Rest location change, more messages followed.

[You have set a Rest location in another world for the first time.]

[You have earned the achievement 'Rest location, how far did you go?']

[You have earned the Inaugural Title 'Explorer of the Unknown'.]

[You have set a Rest location in the Ghost Realm for the first time.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Achievement 'I shouldn't be here yet'.]

[You have earned the Inaugural Title 'Advance Party'.]

The titles 'Explorer of the Unknown' and 'Advance Party'.

They were given as soon as the City of Joy in the Ghost Realm was designated as the Rest location.

Surprisingly, both were first-time achievements and thus, he was given the Inaugural Title.

[[Inaugural Title: Explorer of the Unknown]

Related Achievement: Rest location, how far did you go? (Adventure: Ghost King's Land)

Bonus Effect: If you roll a 5 or higher on the Travel Luck Dice, the effects you gain will increase.]

[[Inaugural Title: Advance Party]

Related Achievement: I shouldn't be here yet (Adventure: Ghost King's Land)

Bonus Effect: Upon entering a Rest location for the first time, you learn parts of the local language.]


As expected of Inaugural Titles.

Explorer of the Unknown allowed him to greatly benefit from already favorable circumstances, while Advance Party could prevent troublesome situations from arising.

'It's a bit disappointing that these aren't stat-related... But since the achievements are fairly straightforward, I guess it was expected... Huh?'

The messages didn't end there.

[You are staying in the Ghost Realm.]

[Related Title: Ghost Door's Guest has been deleted. Your Charm stat increased by 20.]

[Due to the influence of Charm, you now receive favorability from the ghosts.]

The Charm stat he had obtained in Seong Jo combined with the Ghost Door's Guest title he had obtained at the Southern Ghost Gate. Judging by the wording, it seemed like there wouldn't be any major differences.

"Are they new prisoners?"

"They keep getting captured, day and night."

The ghosts of the Castle of Joy murmured as they glanced at Seol's group.


Accompanied by the Dark Execution Squadron, their wagon headed toward the center of the Castle of Joy.

Translator - SCM

Proofreader - Karane

* * *

"Over this way."

As they arrived at the center of the Castle of Joy, Seol's group was guided by a sultry ghost.

'At least, they're treating us like guests. However...'

The overwhelming amount of Ghost Energy was starting to make the group feel slightly dizzy.

Thanks to his 'Sleep Paralysis' title, Seol could withstand the Ghost Energy to a certain extent and wasn't affected.

"Wh-whoa... This place is massive. Isn't it bigger than the Dragon Palace?"

Jin Ryeo was awestruck.

Huff... Huff...

"Yes... It feels like we've wandered into the wrong place."

The ghost leading them said, "I can't go any further. You just have to keep walking from here. Ah... Also."

The female ghost looked down at Chi Woo and asked, "What kind of animal is this furball?"


Chi Woo, who had been through this several times, seemed to have resigned and replied, "I'm a d... a wolf."

"I see. How adorable... You can even talk. What a clever animal. I like cute things. So here's a piece of advice."


"Do not defy the Ghost King."

After saying that, the ghost disappeared.

Making a displeased expression, Chi Woo wandered ahead of the group, wagging his tail.

"Why did she guide us only this far? The path ahead seems to go on for quite a while."

The group followed Chi Woo.

As they moved forward, eerie flames flickered to life on both sides of the path. The flames, resembling will-o'-wisps, danced and burned brightly on concave torch stands.

"H-how spooky."

Jin Ryeo whispered while holding tightly onto Seol Hong's hand.

In the human realm, Jin Ryeo was taller than Seol Hong, but here, it was the opposite, so the scene wasn't awkward at all.



Even after walking for a while, the flames didn't follow them, which made Seol realize that someone would soon appear.


And as expected.



Jin Ryeo clung to Seol Hong while trembling.

From both sides of the path, twelve fearsome-looking ghosts appeared.

Their presence even reached Seol's heart.

'They're all incredibly strong.'


Jin Ryeo gulped.

The most vicious-looking among the ghosts spoke.

"To think humans would step foot in the Ghost King's castle..."

"Hihi... To think they wouldn't tremble before the 12 Ghost Souls."

Of the group, only Jin Ryeo was visibly trembling. She was someone very easy to read.

It was understandable for Jin Ryeo to be scared.

After all, the 12 Ghost Souls were beings with a strength that was above Transcendent-rank.

The oppressive energy that they exuded wasn't something that could be easily dismissed.


But that only lasted for a brief moment. The 12 Ghost Souls soon dispelled the sinister energy.

"Enough with the prank."


The voice that followed was utterly terrifying.

It was as if fear itself had spoken.

Seol gazed at the front, where there was a curtain. The voice had come from the other side of it.

Soon, a terrifying figure became visible from beyond the curtain. Its presence was even larger than its massive body.

Jin Ryeo immediately prostrated herself.

However, the rest of the group didn't bow.

One of the 12 Ghost Souls took issue with that.


"Leave them be."


"Don't make me repeat myself."


That overwhelming presence was probably the Ghost King.

Seol glanced at the 12 Ghost Souls one by one.

'Beings whose names were taken...'

All of them had their names taken by the Ghost King.

Spectre had devoured them completely. And instead of their real names, they were now called 1st soul, 2nd soul, and so on.

Still hidden beyond the curtain, The Ghost King said, "Come closer, humans."


At that moment, Jamad talked to Seol.

- He's an extraordinarily strong being. Avoid a fight.

Seol nodded.

There probably wasn't anyone foolish enough to face a ghost in their realm, especially a being like the Ghost King.

'Fortunately, he doesn't seem hostile...'

"I've been waiting for you," Spectre greeted.

"You've been waiting for me?"

"I've been watching you for quite some time."

Seol seemed confused upon hearing that Spectre had been watching him.

"I caught your scent from a distant land."

A shadow of a hand pointed to its nose.

"What scent are you talking about?"

From beyond the curtain, Spectre replied, "The scent of an intriguing figure, a hero overcoming trials, and..."


The shadow opened its mouth, revealing the silhouette of vicious fangs.

"The scent of Yaksha..."


"I can't even imagine what your connection to it is... But I'm sure of something. You reek of that beast's scent."

The sudden mention of Yaksha.

On top of that, he declared that Seol was connected with Yaksha. Upon hearing that, the 12 Ghost Souls were in a frenzy.

"Yaksha? If it's Yaksha, he deserves to die!"

"I'm going to take his entrails out and serve it in a bowl!"

Spectre chuckled, "Hahaha... Save the small talk. What do you plan to do after taking out his entrails and serving it in a bowl?"


The terrifying atmosphere instantly dissipated at Spectre's following words.



The room instantly fell into silence again.

"Interesting. How interesting... Now that you're closer, I can smell other things."



Spectre took a large whiff.

Seol could feel that Spectre's eyes were fixed on him.

"Phantom and Shade. Did you kill them?"

At that question, the faces of the 12 Ghost Souls stiffened. Those that were dark became darker, and those pale became paler.

However, no one dared to speak a word.

After all, the owner of this place was Spectre.

"How could that be... Even if Phantom had just woken up from his seal, Shade had long been—wait... Ah, I see. So that's how it happened."

Spectre's gaze shifted elsewhere—to Seol Hong and Chi Woo.


"Damn it..."

Chi Woo and Seol Hong couldn't bear the weight of his gaze.

"I can smell a terribly pungent odor from the two of you. A smell so foul it gives me a headache... This scent is..."

Spectre ground his teeth.

"The stench of that monk I despise."