Chapter 274: The World Reacts

Parallax kept staring blankly at the screen for a while , he was stupefied , he wanted to beleive that maybe it was fluke , that maybe the guy had been lucky when he cleared floor 70 .

However reality slapped him hard when he looked at the videos of Shakuni climbing , the guy cleared floor 70 with over 30 seconds to spare , he was in a league of his own.

He was unwilling to admit it , he wanted to say that maybe that guy cheated , but it was not possible to cheat in Omega. Gaia did not let anyone cheat . It was overall a hard pill to swallow , but the truth was that if Rudra had been allowed to climb further , he would have easily crossed floor 75 at the least.

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Parallax was not a man with weak will , and such losses will not detrack him , however he did take extreme pride in being called the best in the world , now he never said it explicitly himself , but he sure beleived that way. Now , when he could not proove that he was best in the world with his performance , and that there was someone even better , it broadened his horizons. He understood that the worldstage was much bigger than he anticipated , and that he would have to work harder to get the gold.

Bitterly accepting silver medal for his first event , he swore to make a strong comeback , in the second one!

( The True Elites headquarters , Real world )

The Elites had gathered in the floor 60 guild hall. Where they had set up a massive screen , they were collectively watching the Olympics and cheering on their teammates.

When Neatwit secured a medal , the crowd inside went ballistic and whistles and cheers rained supreme in the hall. However , the guild hall descended to mayhem when Rudra won the gold medal.

The guild members always knew that their guild leader was a strong player , but his performance on the world stage just showed , exactly how strong of a player he was.

Cool and claculating , he sure took his time to advance , however when he did , he made sure to do it with style. The respect they had in their hearts for the guild master just went up by tenflod.

Karna grinned wide looking at the screen , his buddies Neatwit and Shakuni had stolen the show with their first day appearance , he felt pumped for his own event now . He wanted to win a medal too.

This was not just for Karna , everyone in Japan currently felt this , Rudra's victory gave a lot of confidence to te Japanese , who wanted to recreate more and more of his success. Ethan had long anticipated this , hence he wanted Rudra to change his demeanor , to make him cold and unreachable , soo that all those who wanted to be like him would continue to strive harder , thinking that the peak is too far.

The Japanese and world media were all over Rudra now , from his birth , to every notable event that he was a part of In Omega , everything was being broadcasted , as the show got good ratings , because the world wanted to know more about the guild leader of the True Elites.

Rudra was invited for a small medal ceremony by the cuber officials , who wanted to strap the gold medal on his neck , Rudra and Neatwit accepted their invites however Parallax did not . Hence , in the medal ceremony , the cuber official crowned the two Elites with their medals.

Neatwit made a V sign on the podium , whole Rudra raised his hand , his fist balled up and only one finger pointing at the sky! He was telling the whole world he was number 1 !

With Parallax not present , this photo was definitely going on the guild wall. Neatwit was not unhappy about winning bronze , but he was unhappy that the gap between him and silver was soo large. He vowed to improove ! However , he was genuinely happy for Rudra , to whom he gave a bear hug for his win. The two had a good relationship.

Rudra logged out of Omega after the medal Ceremony , as he wanted to lay low for his off day before the third day where he had to participate in the one v one fight competition.

For now he wanted to look at Fatty Kalash and Sir Jhonny's blacksmithing event live . As he walked down the stairs of his room , he saw his mom , dad and little brother standing there waiting for him. His mom had tears in her eyes , while Max's eyes were gleaming in admiration. Father Rajput was happy too , but tried his best to mentain a indifferent expression.

Mother Rajput weakly said " Congratulations...".

Rudra went on and hugged his mom , he was happy that she was proud , but she did not need to stress over it , it was alright nothing too big.

Max tried to get between the two people hugging as he kept saying " Big brother big brother you are soo cool.... I want to be like you when I grow up ".

These words melted Rudra's heart , little did max know how much his ears wanted to hear these words in his past life , looking back , he felt he changed a lot eh!

He ruffled little Max's hair , and nodded at father Rajput , who had a lot of words to say , but only muttered 'good ' before he sat back down on the couch. Rudra sat beside him , as they watched TV , apparently the media was still showing coverage about him.

Mother Rajput was busy preparing Rudra's favourite dishes , as she only gave a nutritional drink to Rudra pre dinner to revitalize after his game. Rudra was sipping it slowly , as father Rajput changed the channel to the one popular in country X .

Shockingly when Rudra's past about how he used to live in country X came out , the citizens there started to plead that he returned home. Some called him a traitor , while some accused the government of talent drain. It was a entertaining show overall , Rudra was enjoying it.

However then on the TV with a banner of ' please marry me Rudra ' , he saw his old girlfriend from his past life. Rudra spat the drink he was drinking as he started to cough.

Memories flashed in his mind , his old girlfriend that he made in the full time office job he worked , they never dated , they never acted like a real couple and did intimate stuff, they were more like a work couple , Rudra helped her with her workload and that was pretty much it , she never helped him back , and he did not mind because he thought that's how relationships worked.

When he moved to playing Omega full-time , she supported him in the start , when he rose to a party leader position in a second rate guild , she agreed to eventually go on a date with him. Things looked good , untill when he introduced his girlfriend to his guildmates and one of the superiors took a liking to her.

A few days later she would not return his calls or messages and later he saw her in the guild with his superior , apparently she was also a party leader now and the superiors girlfriend. They had been together for 2 years , and he had never even held hands with her , but apparently she had no problem kissing the other guy in public at that. The incidence broke his heart , he was not heads over heels for the girl , but the betrayal left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.

Now seeing her becoming a fangirl , Rudra found the whole situation ridiculous. Agreed he would probably never see her in this life , however somehow this small scenario made him feel validated inside. Indeed , success was the best revenge!

Father Rajput misunderstood the situation however , he thought Rudra had spilled the drink because of the marriage sign , that the boy was shy of marriage.

Father rajput said " Boy , listen to me here , see you are already mature enough and earning good money. You have good prestige as well , you might not understand but these are very endearing qualities that women like , instead of goofing around with two or three girls it's better to pick one and settle down ".

Rudra " .....".

Mother Rajput's voice came from the kitchen next " even if you want to goof around , make sure that the girl is good at heart and pretty in looks , don't choose a dumb hag ".

Rudra "....".

Father rajput " The other parents often ask me , is your son dating anyone , I feel embarrassed telling them that my 22 year old is still single and has never dated a girl in his life ".

Rudra "....".

Mother Rajput " Aiyo , yes I feel that too , your father had already gotten me preganant when I was 21 , we were dating 2 years prior to that , yet our son is soo useless , when will I have a daughter in law? ".

Rudra decided that staying in the house any longer was detrimental to him , hence he bolted out of the door .


Rudra slammed the door as he ran away.

Father Rajput "....".

Mother Rajput ".....".

Max " I have a girlfriend! ".

Father and mother Rajput " !!!!!!!"

/// Guys I have shared a picture of Naomi in the discord channel , about how she looks in my mind , come join if you want to check it out.

For every super gift I will give you all ! ///