Chapter 273


TL: SupremeTentacle

ED: Exkalamity

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"You, weak," said Fran .

Guendalfa did not reply

"SoI don't think he can respond very well while unconscious..."

"That punch? Goldalfa would barely feel . "

"Well, yeah . Goldalfa was almost immortal . Not a fair comparison . "

So what the hell are we supposed to do with a knocked out rhinokin anyway...?

Fran wasn't satisfied and was glaring terribly at Guendalfa .

"Get up . "

She kicked him, but the only response she got was an unconscious groan . The rhinokin showed no sign of waking, so she kicked him again and again . A guard came out of the station and approached us .

"Okay okay, that's enough, everyone break it up," he said .

"Hmph," said Fran, giving one last kick .

"Oh man though . Hell of a way to knock him out in one hit!"

Oh shit! We may have gone way too far . I hope they'll still let us in .

The guard poured a generous amount of recovery potion on Guendalfa's body and spoke to Fran .

"Sooo, can you let him go now? I know he was being an ass, but I don't think he deserves to be killed . "

Huh? So we're not in trouble at all? Wait . If he knew he was being a little shit, this means that he saw the confrontation leading up to the fight . Why didn't he stop us?

"Didn't stop, why?" asked Fran .

"To be honest, he had it coming and I wanted to see someone beat the crap out of him," said the guard . "I already knew how strong were, so I thought you would be the perfect person for the job . "

"Nn . Easy," Fran boasted .

Oh god dammit Fran . Don't go tooting your god damn horn just 'cause he praised your ability to beat up some random grunt .

"I used to know Goldalfa back in the day," said the guard . "He really saved my ass when I was starting up myself . I really looked up to him . Guen too . He was really attached to his uncle back in they day . He would go on and on about how he was going to do everything to help ol' Gold out once he became the family Patriarch . "

Goldalfa as some sort of patriarch? Yeah, I could see that . The guy's mad strong, so I could totally see him pulling it off .

"Goldalfa became the Beast Lord's guard and renounced his position before it was even passed to him," continued the guard, "Guen saw that as betraying expectations . The position went to Guen's father instead . And as of recent, Guen's started channeling his emotions into surpassing his uncle . "

So that's why he challenged Fran . If he could beat Fran, who beat Goldalfa, then the implication is that he would be stronger than Goldalfa . He's oversimplifying it and kind of wrong, but I can at least see where he's coming from .

"Sorry about him," said the guard . "I'll make sure to tell him off . I'm not sure if this is enough to make up for this, but if you need any help just call me . I'll do whatever I can . You have my word . "

The guard bowed then effortlessly picked up Guendalfa with one hand and slung him over his shoulder . I was shocked because the guard was a scrawny man and Guendalfa was no lightweight . After a quick appraisal I saw that the guard was a high leveled oxkin on the verge of evolving .

Not bad for a city guard .

He was apparently going to be throwing Guendalfa into the slammer for a bit so he could cool his head .

"At this point I think we should just forgive him . It's not like dealing with him really cost us anything, after all . "

"Nn . Good exercise . "

After that we managed to enter the capital without further incident . We got its location of the Adventurers Guild from a guard when passing through the gate, so we didn't have to stop and look for it en route . Passing through the city had once again demonstrated to us the sheer amount of respect with which beastkin treated those that had evolved . Not a single beastkin adventurer messed with on our way to the guild, and all the non-beastkin that seemed to want to were quickly shut down by their buddies . Guendalfa had been the only odd one out .

Vestia was an enormous city, so we expected the guild to be scaled up proportionally . But upon reaching it, we found that it was disappointingly only about the same size as the guilds in Roserraccoon and Argentlapn . Fran entered the guild .

"Good evening," she said .

"Welcome," replied the receptionist . "How can I hel- ahh . Would you happen to be Fran?"

"Nn . Know me?"

"Yes! All of us guild staff in the beastkin country know you . The staff from the Argentlapn branch sent out a message from a magic communicator informing the other branches of your arrival . "

Wait, there's such an item for long distance communication? That's probably how the guildmaster in Roseraccoon quickly received the info on the assassin I nabbed . Thinking about it, It only makes sense for every branch to have such a device . But then,why would they need to have us deliver a letter if they have something that convenient? I thought they gave us this letter because they had no other way to send messages over long distances . Then again, Dias did mention they he talked to other guildmasters around the time of the tournament . At this point I don't know what to make of the situation so let's just hand over the letter .

"This . From Roseraccoon's guildmaster," said Fran .

"A letter?" The receptionist received the envelope . "Let's see . Hmm... I see . There's no mistake . Please wait a moment . "

After examining the seal on the letter, the receptionist got up and hurried to an office in the back . After a couple minutes of waiting, she came back, brought us around the counter, and took us to the back .

"Guildmaster, I have brought her," said the receptionist .

"Good work . Please return to your post," said the voice of an old man .

"Understood . "

We entered the office and saw an old man with a crooked back, a set of white fox ears, and a white tail .

Normally, I'd get all excited if upon encountering someone with real fox ears and a fluffy tail, but an old man...? Yeah, no .

"I am Melrosse," he said . "Master of the Vestia's Adventurers' Guild . "

"C ranked adventurer, Fran . "

"Hohoho I see . You are even more powerful than the rumors suggest . Indeed very reliable . "

My first impression was that he was just a kind old man . But his eyes carried a very sharp glint as they evaluated Fran .

There's more to him than he gives off . We can't underestimate him .