Chapter 261: Birthday 11

Chapter 261

261 Birthday 11

Local time, 20 00.

Read it on

It was the closing time for the evening at the gallery cafe [Gold coin].

Well, it may be a little longer because we can't turn away customers at exactly the closing time......

There's also, cleaning and tidying up.

Some shitty customers in this world don't want to leave even when it's closing time, but apparently, most of the customers here have a lot of common sense and generally leave within 10 minutes before closing time.

And for some reason, the regulars are kicking out the remaining stubborn customers by saying, <The more customers remain, the greater the risk to Rudina-chan and Shirua-chan>.

I'm thankful for that...

They live here, so it's not like the girls will have to walk home alone late at night, but the later the store closes, the greater the chance of being robbed.

The longer they finish their work, the more dangerous it becomes since the closing procedures cannot be done because the last customer refuses to leave, so the staff will be left vulnerable in the store.

But once that's done, the shutters will be lowered, several heinous security devices will be set up, and the lights in the store will be turned off, so they won't suddenly become a victim of a break-in.

It's impossible to get upstairs in the dark since you have to clear the first floor of the building and go up the stairs without tripping the security system.

This place is pretty close to the police station, but...... just because I chose to live in such a location, it doesn't mean that the danger is completely gone.

I can't help but think that the government has its hands in it and is protecting us from the shadows, but since I didn't ask for it, I don't know if there really is a secret security detail or not. So, I'm not stupid enough to assume that there are such things.

Well, let's just say I'm blessed with a good group of regulars. I'm so grateful for that.

One of these days, we can come up with something like customer appreciation days, tickets, discount coupons, point cards, and so on.

But we can't invite them to our first-anniversary party or anything like that.

It's suicide for the business to give special treatment to only a few customers or certain regulars.

Those who are given special treatment tend to get carried away and will start acting like they own the place. They would enter the counter without permission and try to help, or give instructions to other customers as if they belonged to the store.

And of course, it won't be fun for those who weren't given special treatment.

Besides, these two girls are the only ones that work there. There are bound to be people who will misunderstand or think crazy things.

......Yeah, the line between the customer and the staff should never be crossed.

I told Rudina and Shirua to go upstairs when they had finished cleaning up everything in the store.

And since tomorrow is a regular holiday, there's no need to prepare anything. So they should be able to finish earlier than usual.

Now then, it will take a little longer for them to come upstairs, so......

Kon Kon (TN: Knocking sfx)

Kita kita!* (TN: They're here)

[Come on in!] Mitsuha

Rudina turns the doorknob and steps into the room, and Shirua stands behind her.

Panpan, Pa ~ n!

[Kya~] Rudina

At the sound of the party popper, Rudina was shocked in surprise, Shirua reflexively crouched and put her right hand inside her skirt, then she looked at my face...... and slowly pulled her <right hand that didn't have anything> out of her skirt.


No no no no no no no no no!

What was she trying to do just now?...... Wait, this girl, what was she trying to <take out> from her skirt.......

She suddenly put her right hand inside her skirt, right?

That's the same place I'm equipping my Walther PPS, right?

And, in a position where Rudina is exactly sandwiched between me and Shirua...

......I'm scared right now!!

[A, ah, ano, ha, haha, Happy Birthday! It's Shirua's birthday today, so I thought I'd wish her a happy birthday......] Mitsuha

Yes, I'm an employer. So, of course, I have the personal records of my employees. That's why I know their birthdays.

Well, they both say that they don't know <their real birthdays>, but they each say that the day they entered the orphanage or the day they were picked up is their birthday.

It seems their actual age is unknown, but since infants' ages don't deviate that much, it's probably around a year or so at most. It's not a big problem.

Anyway, no matter what the truth may be, today is Shirua's 18th birthday here at the Gallery Cafe <Gold Coin>.

......What's with that reaction?

Shirua becomes solidified and won't move...

[......Birthday?] Shirua

Shirua's stupid vacant face is unusual.

I mean, I've never seen that expression of hers before.

But it's not as if she doesn't know the word <birthday>. She is 17 years old after all...... Ah no, she's 18 years old.......

[Birthday............] Shirua

There are foods, cake, and drinks lined up on the table... Not the 1-liter paper carton for 98 yen that I always buy, but a luxury item that costs 198 yen... However, Shirua just keeps repeating the word birthday.


No, is she okay?

[............] Shirua

Shirua, who looks like her soul had left her body, was being guided by Rudina and sat her down to a chair.

That looks severe......

What's with this situation?.......

[Ah, you've never been to a <birthday party> in your life? You've never been invited to someone else's, let alone have your own? And you thought that such a rare event was something that you would never be a part of in your life, that it was a pipe dream comparable to being invited to a royal ball......] Mitsuha

Shirua, who still looked strange, nodded her head.

[What about Rudina?] Mitsuha

[Ah, I'm at the orphanage....... Everyone whose birthday was in the same month will be celebrated together in one day. There was only one extra dish for dinner, but we got songs to celebrate and handmade dolls were given to us......

Oh, orphanages seem to do such things as well, don't they? A few fun and events should never be neglected for the sake of the children, right?

That's why they never expect such an event in [Gold Coin].

......In this country, though, when you turn 15, you're considered an adult.

Well, that doesn't matter.

I've prepared a proper gift for her.

Let's have some fun with Shirua today...... when she comes back to her senses.

Oh right, Shirua is 18 years old, but the oldest of the three is me, who is 19 years old.

However, I would appear to be the youngest from anyone's perspective.

......Where do they look to determine that? (TC: Her chest.)

Shut up!! (TC: Okay...)