Chapter 250.2: Embers Part 2

Since I needed to get permission from the mansion first, the discussion about Mei's living arrangements was postponed.

There's no point in considering other options before my dorm situation is settled.

Around the time the conversation reached a natural conclusion, Elodie and I stood up.

Read it on

"Then we'll be on our way."

"Congratulations on your return, Headmaster."

We each offered our farewells and left the headmaster's office.

I couldn't help but feel bothered by the conversation about Mei.

Hmm, and moreover, with Elodie, Mei, and me walking side by side like this, it truly did look like...

"Fron, you're not having any strange thoughts, are you?"

"...Calling me Fron again, I see."

"Well, whatever. Just here."

Elodie replied, sounding both coy and grumpy.

I looked at her and asked,

"What are you going to do now? Everyone must be quite confused."

"First, I need to go home. Just thinking about calming my brother down is already giving me a headache."

Elodie sighed and muttered to herself.

Revet was probably already crying, overwhelmed with guilt for forgetting Elodie. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was in despair.

"Then Mei will have to go back to the cabin for now."

"Hmm, Mei. It might be a bit lonely, but I'll be back soon, okay?"

Elodie crouched down to meet Mei's eye level. Mei silently nodded.

Elodie smiled brightly.

"See you tomorrow then! Don't forget to tell me about the dorm situation!"

Elodie waved goodbye as she descended the stairs in the hallway.

I waved back at Elodie and let out a light breath before resuming my walk.

With this, the incident has mostly been resolved for now.

I'm curious about how Osprey ended up casting that spell and venturing outside the world, but since he said it's not something a student should hear, I'll put it aside for now. I need some rest too.

Relieved that the world had returned to normal, I walked down the hallway and opened the classroom door.


"Welcome back, Frondier."

Osprey was there, along with Jane.


With the classroom door still open, I took a step back and looked up at the nameplate.

'Headmaster's Office'.

...I clearly left this place, walked down the hallway, and opened the classroom door, yet I ended up back in the headmaster's office.

I had a rough idea of what was going on and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

"Did you use spatial magic just to call me here?"

"Our conversation isn't over yet."

"...But you said it wasn't something a student should hear."

"That's right. That's why I sent the student away."

Did he mean Elodie when he said "student"?

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"I'm a student too."


Osprey laughed at my words. Is this funny?

"Before me stands a comrade who fought alongside me. A man who eradicated the Indus and defeated their leader."

Osprey's eyes shone with such intelligence that it was as if I was seeing him in his prime.

"Such a man cannot be a student. Let's not joke around."

"...I suppose I did want to hear it. What exactly happened."

I gave in and replied, half-resigned.

Who was Osprey running from? No, who could possibly exist that would force Osprey to flee?

I assumed it must have been the intervention of one of the gods.

The fact that Osprey could be found anywhere on the continent, coupled with his need to escape beyond the world, all pointed towards the involvement of a deity.

"As you might have guessed, there is a god who seeks me."

As I thought.

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his words.

A god targeting Osprey meant that he was either very close to becoming an Archmage or had already achieved that status.

An Archmage signifies the elevation of a human's rank in this world. Ironically, this is precisely why a god could directly intervene.

However, what he said next was unexpected.

"But I have not yet become an Archmage."

"...Excuse me? Then..."

"Yes. The hand of a god cannot reach me yet."

A god is targeting Osprey, but their reach hasn't extended to him yet?

Yet, Osprey left the world. There shouldn't be any reason for that.

"In this world, gods can only influence humans through divine power. During my magic training, I sensed that I was nearing the level of an Archmage. However, at the same time, I felt a completely new presence and its murderous intent. The moment I realized this, I stopped my training."

"...That was the god."

"Indeed. But there was a problem."

"What was the problem?"

"The murderous intent wasn't directed solely at me. It was aimed at all of humanity. It was an uncontrollably swelling killing intent that felt like it would burst if I delayed even slightly."

With that, I understood.

The reason why Osprey left the world.

"...Headmaster, you didn't run away. You went to observe. To uncover the identity of the killing intent targeting all of humanity."

"As sharp as ever."

Osprey chuckled and nodded.

"As you said, I ventured outside the world to identify the exact nature of the killing intent. It's somewhat comical, but to escape the god and observe the entire world simultaneously, I had no choice but to descend to the world below."

"The world below..."

Osprey smiled wryly at my murmur.

"A place called Nastrond. There are no gods there."

"...That place is..."

"Yes, it's Hell."

In Norse mythology, there's a place called Helheim. The place where the Mana I currently possess originally belonged, the land of the dead, the afterlife ruled by Hel.

However, contrary to the origin of the word "Hell" signifying an infernal realm, Helheim isn't exactly hellish.

It's simply where the deceased go. It's a bit chilly, but it's said to be a livable place. At least, that's what's recorded in the in-game literature.

The true "Hell" in Norse mythology, the place deserving of that title, is Nastrond. It's where those who commit grave sins go after death.

There, one can encounter the infamous dragon Nidhogg. Not that anyone would want to.

"...You managed to survive."

"Of course, I remained hidden, barely setting foot in that world. If the wolves there had caught me, it would have been disastrous."

Osprey laughed heartily, like a young man.

"And I discovered it. The identity of the god and the human with divine power who harbor killing intent towards all of humanity."

"Who is it?"

"Care to guess?"

Osprey countered with a question. I thought he was joking, but he looked at me with a serious expression.

Is he testing me, or is the answer to this question unexpectedly simple?

'...Killing intent aimed at all of humanity.'

That single clue.

...And if that's enough to arrive at the correct answer...

I bit my lip.

"...Manggot, is it?"

"Indeed! Your wisdom is more befitting of the title 'sage'."

Osprey's exaggerated praise. However, his eyes weren't smiling.

He couldn't bring himself to smile while facing the truth he had uncovered and speaking of it.

"It took a long time, but the time has come."

"This is not something that can be resolved within Constel."

"Of course not. This is a matter that concerns the survival of all humanity on the continent."

If it were possible to postpone it, I would have wanted to delay it indefinitely.

Even after reclaiming all the territories lost to the monsters would have been fine.

No, if that meant clearing the game, I would have been satisfied.

"Frondier de Roach."

However, Osprey's heavy tone signaled that the time had arrived.

"The sins accumulated by the Empire will soon erupt into flames."

We have long referred to it as...
