Chapter 1744: Crossing The Line

Qin Yaoguang made up her mind and gritted her teeth, refusing to admit it. She sneered, "Is there really no law in this day and age? Letting this crazy woman fabricate facts out of thin air and ruin my reputation?"

She stood up from behind the dock, her hands hanging by her side as she clenched them into fists, she said sternly, "I, Qin Yaoguang, was admitted to the best university in all of China at the age of 16 with the best results in the imperial capital. After entering the university, I skipped grades one after another. At the age of 20, I received a master's degree and went abroad to study. At the age of 24, I received a double doctorate degree in biomedical science from Harvard University. After I returned to China, I established my own biological gene laboratory and proposed the concept of 'gene editing', which started a revolution in biological gene research."

"After returning to China, I worked as a brain surgeon in Qin's private hospital. For decades, I performed brain surgery on countless patients and saved many of them who were on the brink of death."

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"Who did you think I am? A semi-illiterate woman who didn't graduate from middle school and dropped out to learn how to grow flowers?"

"You treated this man like a treasure, to me, he's no different from a passerby!"

Qin Yaoguang said passionately as she looked in the direction of He Chengjian, "I, Qin Yaoguang, have only loved one person in my entire life, and only him. That is my ex-fiancé, also my ex-husband, General He Chengjian. No matter what conflicts I have with him, even if we were no longer together, the only person who could resonate with my heart is him!"

Everyone could not help but look at He Chengjian, who was still handsome and powerful. Then, they looked at Wen Dayou, the humble gardener, who could not even straighten his back. All of them were biased towards Qin Yaoguang's words.

That's right. How could she be interested in Wen Dayou?

Even if Qin Yaoguang wanted to keep a man, she had a lot of choices.

From a middle-aged man with a lingering charm to a fresh and handsome young man, she could have everything she wanted.

Wen Dayou was only fit to be Qin Yaoguang's gardener.

Qin Yaoguang's mood gradually improved when she saw everyone looking at Liang Meili suspiciously.

To be honest, the thought of her having an affair with Wen Dayou made her feel disgusted.

How could she be interested in Wen Dayou?!

"So if you were finding the mistress, please look elsewhere. Don't be used by someone who has ulterior motives and sullies my reputation," Qin Yaoguang pointed and cursed. She glanced at Gu Nianzhi.

Liang Meili was tongue-tied by her words, but she refused to give up. She shouted, "Then why did you look for my husband in the middle of the night eight years ago?! I don't believe that you guys were really drinking coffee!"

"When did I look for your husband?" Qin Yaoguang denied flatly, "It's really baffling. Provide evidence, don't use your imagination and make a fool of yourself."

Qin Yaoguang's lead lawyer, Lawyer Qin, also stood up and said with a straight face, "Ms. Liang Meili, as Ms. Qin Yaoguang's lead lawyer, I have to warn you that you could be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than five years and a fine of ten million dollars for civil claims."

Liang Meili was so angry that blue veins popped out on her neck, "I'm not lying! I'm not spreading rumors! She went to look for my husband..."

"Looking for your husband, being your husband's mistress, and having children with your husband were completely different concepts. Ms. Liang Meili, I think you should understand that my client is a scientist and brain surgery expert who is famous both at home and abroad. What about your husband? Did he graduate from high school? Or did he go to college?"

Lawyer Qin's face was full of undisguised disdain, "You're overstepping your boundaries!"

"Liang Meili, admit that you were misled, and I won't hold you responsible." Qin Yaoguang slapped her in the face, "It's just that some people think they could do whatever they want just because they're lawyers, but they've got the wrong idea!"

Qin Yaoguang narrowed her eyes at Gu Nianzhi, almost unable to hide her embarrassment and anger.

Wen Dayou rushed over again and tugged at Liang Meili, "You shrew! Come here!"

Liang Meili was almost scared out of her wits when she saw Wen Dayou scolding her and wanting to hit her, while Qin Yaoguang stood at the side and watched her make a fool of herself. She was filled with grief, she roared angrily, "So what if you're a scientist! You cheated! You fooled around with my husband! You had an illegitimate daughter from an affair!"

She pounced on Qin Yaoguang, grabbed her hair, and slapped her a few times.

The female marshal who was staring at Liang Meili was shocked. She didn't expect this seemingly honest woman to dare to fight in court.

"Stop it! Stop right there!" The female bailiff quickly rushed over and grabbed Liang Meili's arm from behind.

The other two male bailiffs also rushed over and grabbed Wen Dayou, preventing him from pouncing over and hitting Liang Meili.

Seeing this, Gu Nianzhi also walked over and pretended to save Qin Yaoguang from Liang Meili's 'Iron Claws' She grabbed Qin Yaoguang's hair from behind and yanked it hard, pulling out a bunch of hair and holding it in her hand.

She yelled at Qin Yaoguang, "What were you arguing about?! Didn't you say that you're a scientist?! If you were, then stop talking nonsense and use your DNA!"

She then turned and pointed at Wen Shouyi, whose face was as white as paper, "... Does it have anything to do with whether you're her biological mother, whether you're a doctor, or whether you're a scientist?!"

"Test the DNA directly! Test the direct relationship! It's obvious at a glance!"

"It's so simple to test the direct relationship in modern society. You're wasting everyone's time by spouting nonsense!"

The court fell into a strange silence once more.

Everyone had fallen into the illusion that the two of them didn't match at all. Very few people thought of DNA testing.

No matter how they looked at it, Qin Yaoguang and Wen Dayou did not look like people who would bear a child together.

He Zhichu curled his lips slightly and gave Gu Nianzhi a thumbs up from the spectator stand.

Gu Nianzhi caught a glimpse of it and smiled at him.

Lu Jin and Huo Shaoheng were sitting at the back of the crowd. When they saw this scene from afar, they both scoffed at the same time.

After Lu Jin finished mocking, he realized that Huo Shaoheng was also mocking him. He turned to look at him and frowned, "What were you sneering at? Were you dissatisfied with my daughter?"

Huo Shaoheng's lips twitched and he said slowly, "... I'll mock whatever you mocked."

Lu Jin looked at him suspiciously for a while and muttered, "... Both of them were staring at my daughter like wolves."

Huo Shaoheng kept quiet.


Qin Yaoguang's flushed face instantly lost all color and she almost collapsed in her seat.

She gritted her teeth so hard that the people around her could almost hear the sound of her teeth chattering.

No one knew whether she was scared or humiliated by her appearance.

Qin Yaoguang's lead lawyer was dumbfounded. After a while, he finally exclaimed, "This is ridiculous! Does Lawyer Gu believed that my client was having an affair with Wen Dayou... The gardener?!"

Gu Nianzhi remained calm, "I don't care if they were having an affair or not. I just want to know who Wen Shouyi's biological mother was. If it's Qin Yaoguang, then Liang Meili was telling the truth!"

She took a step forward and spoke even more harshly, "It meant that eight years ago, I was kidnapped from the He family by Wen Dayou and Liang Meili under Qin Yaoguang's orders!"

"If Qin Yaoguang is Wen Shouyi's biological mother, then she had a motive to act. In other words, she wants to make room for her biological daughter!"

Lawyer Qin was puzzled, "... This was a motive? But you are also my client's biological daughter. Why would she kidnap another biological daughter for the sake of another biological daughter?"

Gu Nianzhi was stunned.

Yes, why?

But she quickly came back to her senses. She would not be led around by others.

Gu Nianzhi retorted, "What's so strange about that? Did you not know that parents are biased?"

"They're both biological parents. Some people use their daughters to subsidize their sons, and they want their rich children to subsidize their poor children. Some biological parents dote on the older ones and not the younger ones or vice versa."

"There were so many weird parents out there. Why can't Qin Yaoguang torture another biological daughter for the sake of one biological daughter?"

The more Gu Nianzhi spoke, the more reasonable she became, "Of course, you could only ask Qin Yaoguang yourself what the reason was."

Qin Yaoguang's face was as pale as a ghost. Her pupils were dark, but her eyes were red. In addition, her messy black hair hung by the side of her face, made her look like a medieval vampire.

She waved her hand and said weakly, "No, I'm against DNA testing. I did biological genetic research and DNA testing doesn't prove anything."

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" Gu Nianzhi couldn't help and almost swear in English.

"DNA testing doesn't prove immediate family ties? You set this standard on the spot? Unfortunately, the internationally recognized standard is still DNA!" Gu Nianzhi stretched out her hand, in her palm was the hair that she had pulled from Qin Yaoguang's head, "This is Ms. Qin Yaoguang's hair. Everyone saw me pull it from her head with their own eyes."

Qin Yaoguang's lips trembled violently. She looked at Gu Nianzhi as if she was looking at the Devil. Finally, her eyes rolled back and she fainted completely.

Her lead lawyer, Lawyer Qin, quickly helped her up and said, "Lawyer Gu, please don't put more psychological pressure on my client. Otherwise, we would request for a new trial date."

Gu Nianzhi glanced at him lightly and said calmly, "Lawyer Qin, does that mean I can't ask her anything? Your client is so fragile, but she could experiment on a two-year-old child."

"A two-year-old child has grown up strong and overcame psychological trauma and stress, but she became a glass princess. The wind could blow her into pieces, right?"

"Lawyer Gu, you need to have evidence when you speak! What do you mean by using a two-year-old child as an experiment?! You have to be more reliable with your nonsense!" Lawyer Qin was furious at Gu Nianzhi, he only felt that this young lady was particularly fond of speaking without evidence. It was as if she was telling the truth when there was no evidence.

Gu Nianzhi snorted, "That's one thing. Today's trial was a kidnapping case from eight years ago. When this case is over, I would show you Qin Yaoguang's evidence of using a two-year-old child as an experiment!"

She ignored Lawyer Qin and walked up to the judge's bench. She spread her palms and said to the judge, "Your Honor, I'll hand them over to the court now. I hope the court would do the DNA test at the military lab."

The judge looked at her deeply and rapped his gavel, "Bring Lawyer Gu's evidence over."

A female bailiff came over with a transparent plastic bag containing the evidence. She wore white plastic gloves and carefully took Qin Yaoguang's hair from Gu Nianzhi's hands. She put it into the transparent plastic bag.

The judge immediately declared, "As the prosecution had found new evidence today, this Court announces that after the results of the DNA test, the trial will be rescheduled."