Chapter 164: After Story : Roderus and Envers - 2

Inside the Redburn Mansion.

As soon as the uninvited intruder appeared, the servants and knights drew their weapons and aimed them at Envers.

Envers recognized about half of the faces; the rest were unfamiliar. It seemed some of the old staff had left, and new ones had taken their place over time.

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Silent hand signals were exchanged among the servants. Who was he? Garbage, an illegitimate child who left the family, abandoned when his mana core shattered.

So why had the front gate been breached?

Envers kindly provided the answer.

"I will say this only once. I have reached the state of Metamorphosis"


"I am now capable of serving the family. I have returned to work for the Duke. Stand aside; I must see him."

As Envers made his declaration, a servant who had known him since childhood stepped forward. This was the very man who had scorned both Envers and his mother with spiteful disdain.

It is rare to have to reconsider someone once you've already looked down on them. The man recalled young Envers, suffering from his broken mana core, and that image lingered in his mind.

There was no way this wretch had reached Metamorphosis. It had to be a bluff.

"If you're going to lie, at least make it believable. How could a peasant-blooded bastard like you possibly achieve Metamorphos—"

Envers raised his index finger.


The man froze, his sentence cut short.

It felt as if a sharp blade had wrapped itself around his neck. It was as if he were trapped in a room lined with razor-sharp spikes.

He couldn't move. It felt like the slightest movement would tear him apart, and the overwhelming fear of death paralyzed him. His mental resolve crumbled as cold sweat drenched him, but he couldn't even flinch.

The atmosphere felt heavy

Of course it did. The Emperor had not given permission—how could a lowly being like him dare even to think of moving?

『Emperor Sword Form (帝王劍形) : Sword Finger (劍訣指)』.

Envers was using a diminished version of the Emperor Sword Form, reducing its scope and intensity.

Tension escalated.

The servant's face flushed as he was nearing his death. Though the onlookers couldn't grasp exactly what Envers had done, it was clear he was no longer the same. Envers Redburn had undeniably grown stronger.

But should the return of this abandoned child be welcomed?

There was no telling what his true intentions were. After being banished in such disgrace, it seemed unlikely he still harbored loyalty to the Duke. There was a real risk of betrayal.

Moreover, the Redburn family was on the verge of an important endeavor. The Duke himself had warned everyone to act with utmost caution, emphasizing the importance of restraint.

It was impossible to ascertain whether Envers's pledge of loyalty was sincere. The servants began to form a tightening circle around him, inching closer.

Envers's hand drifted to the hilt of his longsword. He was ready to unleash the full power of the Emperor Sword Form if a fight ever broke out.



Just as patience was wearing thin on both sides...

A sharp, haughty voice, full of noble authority, echoed through the mansion.

"You've chosen a poor time to return, peasant. Duke Redburn is currently away. There is no one here to accept your pledge of loyalty."

"⋯⋯Brother Roderus."

Step. Step. Thud.

Roderus appeared, dragging the unconscious gatekeeper by the neck, and casually tossed him aside.

"He was defeated by someone at the Metamorphosis level, so there's no need for severe punishment. Treat his injuries and confine him to the punishment room for three days."

"⋯⋯Yes, Sir!"

"And⋯⋯ let him in. I grant permission under my authority."

"But, Sir Roderus, Sir Duke has strictly ordered that no changes be made in──"


The servant's tie was cleanly severed in half and fell to the ground. Roderus had created a slash using only his gaze, materializing his mana with ease.

"Must I repeat myself?"

"⋯⋯My apologies, Sir Roderus."

The servant turned pale and lowered his head.

With Roderus's intervention, the tense situation was quickly resolved. He then turned his attention to Envers, who met his older brother's gaze. After so many years, they were finally face-to-face.

His tone, his inherent arrogance—it was all the same as before.

Yet, Envers noticed a different gleam in Roderus's eyes. It wasn't the look of a man shackled by the family's name.

Just as Envers had changed, had Roderus changed too?

"Letting someone at the Metamorphosis level go to waste would be a mistake. I will take responsibility for Envers Redburn. You need notconcern yourselves with him."

"Yes, Sir Roderus!"

"Follow me."


Roderus dismissed the servants and confidently walked down the hallway. Envers swallowed hard and followed his brother, a strange tension building inside .

All the while, he was silently contemplating how to begin this long-overdue conversation


What is he thinking?

Roderus wondered as he walked down the hallway. Why had Envers returned to the family? Was his intent trulyto pledge his loyalty to the Duke? If so, he needed to be chased away.

There was no reason to pledge loyalty to this wretched family. If Envers hadn't realized that yet, Roderus would have to make him see.

And even if Envers was here for revenge on the Duke, that too would have to be stopped. Reckless actions could expose everything before it even began.

In either case, Roderus had to intervene. Fortunately, had held considerable authority.

After successfully dismantling Viscount Dompel's drug operation, Roderus had been gradually regaining the Duke's trust by carrying out his orders.

Now, he possessed enough power to give orders within the mansion without question.


Meanwhile, Envers was lost in thought as well. It seemed Roderus had earned the Duke's trust. After all, he had commanded those snobbish servants with just a word.

Brother Roderus had always said he would become the Duke's right hand. Perhaps he had finally achieved that dream. But⋯⋯ if his loyalty truly lay with the Duke, they were bound to fight.

There was no reason to serve this despicable family. If Brother Roderus hadn't realized that yet, Envers would have to show him the truth.

The brothers harbored the same thoughts as they walked down the hallway. At the same time, they both thought, I need to carefully ask what he's thinking.

Yet they each decided to keep their intentions to change the Redburn family hidden, for now.

And that decision created a miraculous synergy.

"Why have you returned to the mansion, Envers? I thought you were doing well at the academy."

"⋯⋯It is because I have achieved Metamorphosis. Now that I have gained strength, it is only right that I serve the family. It seems you've been doing well too, big brother. Ordering the servants around like that."

"Since the servants and knights are worthless, it's only natural I stand above them. Even the Duke acknowledges that."

"I'm pleased to see your loyalty remains firm. I, too, am loyal to the Duke."


"What have you been working on lately? The servants seem tense. Something significant must have happened within the family."

"Not something that has already occurred, but something that's about to. Under the Duke's orders, a grand scheme is unfolding. Only the Duke knows the full extent, but⋯⋯."

"I heard he's away. In that case⋯⋯ you'll be the one to inform me of what needs to be done for the Duke. Am I correct?"

"Exactly. You'll be working under me. When the Duke returns, we'll formalize your position. The Duke will be pleased to have a Metamorphosis-level individual on our side."




Both concealed their true thoughts, and their conversation continually circled back to the Duke.

It was frustrating.

Both brothers were floundering in a sea of frustration, as if they had just eaten five dry potatoes in a row. Was my brother still truly loyal to the Redburn family? Why?

Could this be a remnant of the brainwashing we underwent as children?

Of course, if Envers (or Roderus) hadn't gone through a life-altering experience in another world, he too would still be shackled by that shadow. So it wasn't entirely incomprehensible.

His brother needed something drastic to change his worldview—an experience that could make him understand what true familial bonds felt like.

And he was the only one capable of delivering that lesson here, in this mansion.

He needed to feign loyalty to the Duke while discreetly guiding his brother toward the truth, helping him recognize the family's wrongdoings and rebel against them.

In that case, they would use the tried-and-true method.

Recalling what had helped them break free of the Duke's brainwashing, Envers and Roderus simultaneously formed a plan and spoke at the same time:

"How about we grab a bite? There's a cake shop ahead with a wonderful pastry chef and⋯⋯."

"How about some sparring? I have developed a profound technique worth training with and⋯⋯."



They decided to do both.


After an extended session of shadowboxing with no effective strikes, the conversation finally became more productive.

"Brother, what is it that I am supposed to do?"

"As I mentioned, we're in a phase of lying low for the Grand Plan. Only the Duke understands the bigger picture, and we just follow his orders. Wait until the orders come."

"Then, in the meantime⋯⋯."

"Yes, it is free time. But first, you need to change out of that academy uniform. Wear something more befitting someone of the Duke of Redburn's bloodline. I'll give you some clothes I used to wear a few years back."

Roderus led Envers to his room. If his memory served him right, the clothes should still be in the corner of his wardrobe.


As they entered, a modest room came into view. Envers quickly scanned the surroundings—various weapons, neatly organized tools, and all the essential furniture were present.

The room reflected Roderus' meticulous personality. Envers could feel the echoes of the past within the decor. Even at the house of illegitimate children, Roderus had always maintained his weapons with great precision.

But⋯⋯ why was there a dressing table?

"What are you looking at?"


"You can use the room next door. Once I give you the clothes, take them there and change. You can either have a servant clean the room or do it yourself."

Roderus opened the wardrobe. Half of the wardrobe was filled with women's clothing.



Roderus quickly slammed the wardrobe shut. Those clothes were for his "Oh Dae-soo" persona, but since he rarely allowed anyone into his room, he had become too comfortable and forgot about them.

Envers blinked, his eyes narrowing.

Before the wardrobe had closed, he had caught a glimpse of a familiar design—the exact outfit worn by the red-haired woman he had asked for directions earlier.

And then, he noticed a faint kiss mark on the back of Roderus' neck. All of this could only mean one thing— Envers lowered his voice.


"⋯⋯It is not what you think."

"I'm not here to judge your romantic choices, but from what I saw on my way here⋯⋯ it seems like she has someone else. Did you know about this?"


Roderus' stunned expression was misinterpreted by Envers as a sign of guilt. The entire mystery suddenly became clear.

It seemed like⋯⋯ my brother had become a terrifying pervert over time.

Inviting a woman with a partner to his room? With a dressing table and her clothes there, it clearly wasn't a one-time affair. He must have been regularly inviting her for their secret affair.

Envers' imagination spiraled. The red-haired woman must have reluctantly accepted Roderus' advances under pressure⋯⋯ And even though she had a lover with red hair, she had no choice but to⋯⋯!

NTR is a sin!

"Even if it's a relationship between women, to pursue someone already committed to another is an immoral act!"

"What are you talk-⋯⋯ Ah."

When Roderus finally understood the depth of the misunderstanding, his face went pale. He was trapped with no way out.

It was either confess that he had been secretly transforming into a woman and meeting Kim Ruru or let his brother think he was a guy who intruded on a girl's romance.

After a long, agonizing pause, Roderus shut his eyes and spoke.

"⋯⋯Th- this is none of your business, peasant. Who I meet or what women I spend time with is⋯⋯."

"Brother, how could you⋯⋯!!"

"Just take the clothes. Get out!"

Roderus shoved Envers out of the room. Even as he was being kicked out, Envers gave him a pitiful look that seemed to say, You can't be like this, big brother. That look cut deep into Roderus' heart.

"God damn it⋯⋯!"

He was about to lose his mind.

No matter how hard he tried, his dignity was melting like ice cream in the sun. Was this the karma for the wrongs he'd inflicted on Envers in the past?

Roderus had been prepared to face Envers' resentment, even outright hatred for his past deeds. But to be seen as 'NTR enthusiast' was⋯⋯!!

Alone in the room, Roderus collapsed from the emotional damage. It was one of those days where he desperately wanted to see Kim Ruru and Oh Hye-in⋯⋯