Chapter 162: After Story : Wrap Up

After finishing Envers' Doki Doki Martial Arts Adventure, I laid down on the sofa and said,

"I'm thinking of taking a little break from TRPG."


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The Purple Magic Tower Master, who had been resting her head on my lap, suddenly sat up in shock. Her expression was like someone who had just been told that the world was ending tomorrow.

She even reached out to touch my face, as if checking whether I was an imposter. No matter how hard she pinched my cheeks, my skin remained intact. Because I was real.

While the Tower Master flailed and panicked in every conceivable way, Pink-Haired Lesbian emerged from the bathroom, her body warm and freshly washed.

Her skin was slightly red, probably from a hot shower. Though she was wearing pants, her upper body was bare. Instead of a shirt, a long towel was draped around her neck, covering her chest.

If it weren't for Sexual Desire Suppression, my eyes would have been all over the place. But in my calm and composed state of mind, she looked no different than a guy fresh out of the sauna.

⋯⋯No, that was a lie.

I averted my eyes, fighting to escape the gravitational force pulling my gaze towards it. It was a little pathetic that, even with full awareness, I still fell into this trap.

"⋯⋯What's wrong?"

"Yuri! Something's seriously wrong with him—he says he's taking a break from TRPG!"

"It could be a doppelganger pretending to be Mr. Crazy Wizard. I will verify by pulling down his pants."

"Why are you pulling my pants down⋯⋯?"

I hastily grabbed my belt to fend off the Pink-Haired Lesbian's attempts, thinking.

Was this really that surprising?

I tried to soothe the panicking Tower Master, speaking slowly and deliberately. "Nothing blooms forever," I said. "It's just a natural cycle."

"How can someone think about TRPGs day in and day out? You need to take a break every now and then."

⋯⋯You did!"

"No matter how fun something is, nobody can do it nonstop, 365 days a year."

"⋯⋯You did!"

I did. I did, but—

In both my past and current lives, no hobby had ever excited me as much as TRPGs. So I had thrown myself into it, without a single pause. TRPG was still my lifelong passion.

But sometimes, balancing hobbies with life was also necessary. Now⋯⋯ there was more to my life than just hobbies. I wanted to enjoy my time with Yuna and Yuri for as long as possible.

Moreover, the quality of my sessions would decline if I didn't take breaks.

For the sake of TRPG and myself, I realized that it was necessary to create a little distance between us.

"Then what⋯⋯ Do you plan to do instead of session? You're not planning to destroy the world, are you?"

"How about casting a large-scale illusion spell on the moon to brainwash the entire continent and crown yourself ruler of the world? I read it in manhwa."

"What am I in your minds?"


I pulled Yuna into a hug, wrapping her in my arms. The fussing Violet Tower Master was easily subdued, her cheeks already flushed as she purred in contentment.

These days, the three of us often found ourselves huddled together like this.

Yuna was someone who frequently felt lonely, and I, too, needed human warmth, so it wasn't unusual. What was surprising, though, was that Pink-Haired Lesbian seemed to enjoy being close as well.

At first, I thought she was doing it just to tease both Yuna and me at the same time.

But now, instead of trying to seduce us like some sly fox, she seemed more like a relaxed cat lounging on a warm car hood.

Maybe it was simply her nature, or perhaps something had happened to her.

It made me wonder if Yuri Lanster's past wasn't as happy as she let on.

Yuna nestled her head under my chin and asked,

"So what are you really planning to do?"

"I'm going to rest. Maybe just lounge around, or maybe⋯⋯ catch up on the relationships I've been neglecting. Maybe go out for drinks. Stuff like that."

I wasn't going to live as a TRPG-obsessed machine anymore. It was time to return to life as a human being.

"⋯⋯Is that really it?"

"Someone as sharp as the Tower Master deserves a good hug."


But Yuna wasn't entirely wrong. There was more to it than just taking a break.

There were two main reasons I made this decision.

First, seeing the former Envers, now Namgung Cheonghwi, engage in family roleplay made me realize I needed to do more than just play games—I had to contribute to the family, too.

"Then how about starting with a gender-swap date, Mr. Crazy Wizard?"


I wasn't ready for that yet.

The second reason was that I was chasing a lingering sense of unease in my mind.

Ever since I joined the Purple Magic Tower, I had been relentlessly 'running'. I treated TRPGs as if the world would end if I didn't pour my entire being into them, constantly researching and spreading the results everywhere.

That part felt off. Why was I so serious, so desperate about it?

It was just a theory for now, but I suspected that there was 『That』 in my mind influencing my actions. Could there be a reason I felt compelled to spread TRPGs to so many people?

I was thinking about digging into that part.

The idea that I might be led by something beyond my control disturbed me, stirring up my fighting spirit. One's fate should be decided by oneself—not dictated by anyone else. That was my belief.

This was why I despised those who used people as pawns to achieve their own goals. No matter how clever their schemes were, they would always drag the player to a bad ending through sheer stubbornness. They were despicable for a reason.

Yuna clapped her hands as if something clicked.

"Now that you mention it, I did think it was weird how you'd prepare session material before going to bed every night⋯⋯!!"

"No, I did that in my previous life too."

"Indeed. I thought it odd as well. Didn't you once stare at the floorboards, claiming that the wood grain looked like a squid, and then start planning a deep-sea fishing session?"

"That also happened in my previous life."

GMs were the type of people who would see a leaf drifting in the wind and think, "Oh, that could be a session idea." There was nothing strange about it.

But Yuna's face twisted as she listened to my hypothesis.

"⋯⋯You're just obsessed with TRPGs, aren't you?"

"No, it's different."

"That was the least convincing thing I've heard all year, Mr. Crazy Wizard."


That's why⋯⋯ I decided to take some time off. Clear my head, and explore some new things outside of sessions. I could level up a bit. I haven't even reached metamorphosis yet, have I?

And there was a spell I needed to complete.

During the battle with Roderus, I defeated him using a hologram wearing Power Armor. The suit compensated for the hologram's lack of physical strength.

That experience inspired me to create an artifact. One that could strengthen holograms, provide emergency power, and efficiently convert belief into mana.

With such artifacts, I could equip named NPCs, turning them into companions I could summon whenever I needed them.

That's why I had been having Evil God-chan appear in all my sessions. Even though the forms were different, the essence remained the same, and the faith collected from both Roderus and Envers had been steadily accumulating in the Evil God.

Here's what I was envisioning:

Heavenly Demon(天魔) in the frontline, Evil God(惡神) in the backline.

An unyielding AI parry machine leading the charge, while the evil god, skilled in tormenting others, casts all kinds of debuffs. And I would leisurely cast spells to annihilate the enemy.

It was the perfect plan.

I glanced at the clock, then gently lifted the Tower Master by the waist, placing her beside me. Next, I carefully disentangled Pink-Haired Lesbian's arms from around my waist and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Envers said he's applying for a leave of absence. Apparently, he needs to speak with a professor for that, so I'm heading over to handle it now."

"⋯⋯It seems like Envers wants to return to his family, right? It's probably dangerous, but I hope it goes well."

"It'll work out well."

I wasn't just offering empty optimism. I genuinely believed things would turn out fine.

I was still connected to Roderus through the Stygian Arrow of Mind Destruction. Occasionally, I'd peek into his dreams to monitor the Crimson Duke's movements. At the moment, Roderus was in the Duke's mansion.

He had set aside his Magical Girl activities and was biding his time, following the Duke's orders while looking for an opportunity. He appeared to be struggling, though.

It wouldn't be easy to confront such a powerful family alone. But what if he had an ally?

Reinforcements are on the way, Roderus. I'm sending your little brother to you*.*

Prepare yourself because Cheonghwi, the ultimate Metamorphosis user, is on his way!


Envers Redburn sat up straight and made a request to the Wizard.

"I plan to leave the academy for a while."

"Very Well."

The conversation was brief. The Wizard pulled a leave of absence form from a drawer, placed it on the table, and Envers signed it.

Envers exhaled deeply. A mix of anxiety and tension surged within him—uncertainty about the journey ahead and doubts about his own success.

Yet, amidst this turmoil, he clung to the vision of the sky he held close to his heart.

He would return to his family and change everything. He wanted to replace tears with laughter. Only then would he truly have a family.

As Envers stared at his signature, collecting his thoughts, the Wizard casually spoke.

"Burying the past and starting anew could be an option too."


"Because you have friends, a budding romantic relationship, and above all⋯⋯ you're mentally prepared to create a family. Starting over wouldn't be difficult."

It probably wasn't.

He could graduate from the academy with excellent grades and have countless offers lined up. He could become a noble's knight or even build his own power.

For someone who had reached Metamorphosis, the possibilities were endless.

He could lead a life of luxury and comfort, in a home with a sprawling garden, raising children with his wife and basking in lifelong happiness with his new family.

But if there was a reason he was willing to forgo this guaranteed happiness and step into danger, it was because...

"I do not want to leave behind any regrets in my life."


After thinking for a moment, he pulled out a deck of cards from his robes and asked Envers:

"Are you familiar with Astrology?"

"I recognize it as magic that reads the stars to predict the future."

"Indeed. These cards were designed as a 'fortune-telling toy.' I could read your fortune if you'd like. It's just for fun, so don't take it too seriously—it's just meant to lighten things up."


Envers scrutinized the deck of cards in the Wizard's hands. They looked like ordinary playing cards with no trace of any mana, but it was in the hands of an extraordinary individual.

A man who could effortlessly send someone to another world might very well be able to foresee the future while sitting in this room.

With that thought, Envers shook his head decisively.

"I need no fortune-telling. I have already set my mind on this path, and no matter whether the path ahead is bright or dark, it will not sway me. I will only walk forward stubbornly──"

"I could also tell you your love fortune."

"⋯⋯I would like you to tell me my fortune."

Envers immediately pulled his chair closer to the table. Even the most resolute heart could falter when it came to matters of love.

As the Wizard shuffled the cards, he asked,

"How are things progressing?"

"We kissed, but nothing beyond that. I cannot tell if it was just a bet between friends or if she truly has feelings for me."

"I don't need cards to see that. You both have feelings for each other, so keep moving forward."

"But her expression is always blank, and I hesitate every time I try to confess. I'm unsure if⋯⋯."


The Wizard fanned out the cards across the table, gesturing for Envers to choose one.

After a prolonged standoff with the cards, Envers finally selected one after five minutes. When the Wizard flipped it over, it revealed an inverted image of a moonlit night.

"Your uncertainties will be resolved, and clarity will come. The confusion and tangled emotions you've been feeling will all be sorted out. This applies not only to your love life but to everything."

"⋯⋯Those are good words to hear."

"However, you must be ready to accept someone's transformation, no matter how unexpected it may be. It will be an undeniable truth."


The advice was cryptic.

Even so, Envers trusted there was wisdom in the Wizard's words and engraved them into his heart.


Envers Redburn packed his belongings and walked through the Academy's main gate. As he turned to look back, he saw Luna standing there to see him off. However, her expression was far from cheerful.

It was because someone... someone had kissed her, but he was now leaving for an extended period and had even filled a leave of absence from the Academy.

His Gaze Insight revealed everything. Envers avoided Luna's piercing stare, knowing he had to follow through with what he needed to do.

With a somewhat awkward smile, he said,

"I shall see you again soon."

"If you take too long, I'll forget about you."

"⋯⋯I shall be back soon."

Only then did Luna give him a thumbs-up, seemingly satisfied. Envers took one last long look at her, imprinting her face in his memory, before turning away.

His destination was the Duke of Redburn's estate. A reunion with his older brother, Roderus, was waiting for him.

Much had changed since he had left. He had reached Metamorphosis, found a new family, and had faith. The world had given him what his birth family never could.

Now, it was his turn to repay that debt and restore his family from its very foundations. He would make things right!

Brimming with the righteous energy of the world (浩然之氣), Envers shouted at the sky.

"I am not the illegitimate son of the Redburn Duchy. I am Cheonghwi, the First-Grade Disciple of the Great Namgung Clan!"


His resounding laughter echoed high into the sky.

Namgung Cheonghwi was finally returning to the family that had made him.