Chapter 160: The Strongest in the Mortal World

Ay... Hao Ren let out a long sigh. He understood what Grandma meant, but there was not much he could do about it.

Although Grandma was senile, her mind was sharp. She could clearly feel that Hao Ren had been avoiding Xie Yujia in the past two days. Even when he talked to her, it was more just out of courtesy - a distance seemed to be maintained on purpose.

Little Carrot's family had reached out when Hao Ren's family was going through the toughest times. Therefore, Hao Ren's elusive behavior towards Xie Yujia had angered Grandma greatly.

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On top of that, Xie Yujia was kind and considerate, and there was nothing Grandma didn't adore about her. As Xie Yujia was loving, respectful and thoughtful like Grandma's own granddaughter, Grandma could not stand Hao Ren's aloof attitude towards Xie Yujia.

"Grandma..." Hao Ren wanted to explain himself. Yet, Grandma wanted to hear none of it and went back to her room.

This weekend, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili had not come to visit, and Zhao Yanzi did not call, either. Hao Ren and Grandma were all by themselves in the house, and it seemed desolate and dreary.

The contrast further demonstrated how admirable it was for Xie Yujia to come and help take care of Grandma.

Although, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili must be busy studying for their exams. After all, no matter how bright and intelligent they were, having to deal with exams right after they started going to school would be a serious challenge for them.

As for Zhao Yanzi, she was still young and could not fully comprehend the mind of a senior. Therefore, she did not think of giving Grandma a call from Nanjing.

As the slightly depressing weekend came to an end, Hao Ren had finished packing up for school by dusk on Sunday.

Thinking of the fact that Grandma would be all alone at home again, Hao Ren felt terrible.

"It's alright, you can go. Grandma will be fine at home. Uncle Wang will be back tomorrow, too." Grandma tried to make Hao Ren feel better as she saw the guilty look on his face.

For the past two days, Grandma had been cold to Hao Ren due to his attitude towards Xie Yujia. Yet, seeing that her grandson was about to leave for school, Grandma gave in and became soft and kind again.

"Aye, alright." Hao Ren put on his backpack and began walking out.

After he was a dozen meters away, Hao Ren turned around and found that Grandma was still watching him by the door. He felt a pang in his heart and suddenly started walking back.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Grandma asked.

"No," Hao Ren smiled and tried to sound lighthearted, "How about I take you to Zi's house to stay for a couple of days? I will finish my exams in two days, and I can take you to Zhejiang then."

"Well..." Grandma hesitated, "Why don't you give Hongyu a call, and see if it'd be convenient for them?"

"Yep!" Standing at the door, Hao Ren took out his cellphone and directly called Zhao Hongyu.

The phone call was connected quickly, and Zhao Hongyu immediately expressed her approval of Hao Ren's proposal. Her unconcealed enthusiasm actually made Hao Ren feel a little embarrassed.

Even though Grandma did not want to trouble Zi's family, she did indeed miss Zi and Zhao Hongyu.

Hao Ren looked around the house and found the keys for Hao Zhonghua's white Ford. After Grandma finished packing up some clothes, he drove the car out of the garage and brought her to Zhao Yanzi's house.

Since they received the news that Grandma was to stay with them for two days, the Zhaos had been eagerly awaiting her arrival. Hence, when Grandma arrived, both parties seemed a little excited.

While trying to help Grandma settle into the room she stayed in last time, Zhao Hongyu also invited Hao Ren to stay for the night. However, Hao Ren was worried about tomorrow's exams and was determined to go back to school.

Nonetheless, Hao Ren felt relieved to see Grandma's mood lightened. Watching Zhao Yanzi who was yawning with a weary look on her face, Hao Ren knew that she must have just returned from Nanjing and had an exhausting weekend.

Although Zhao Hongyu didn't seem to mind at all, when Hao Ren got out of the house, he thanked her again and again for looking after his grandma.

"Zi has been traveling a lot with us lately and has been exhausted. Don't take it to heart if she didn't seem interactive or responsive," She explained to Hao Ren.

"It's fine, I know how she is." Hao Ren smiled as he knew Zhao Yanzi had always been proud. Even when she seemed cold or indifferent, it was not indicative of her real thoughts or intentions.

"Don't worry about anything else and just focus on your exams. I'm planning to let Zi have a two-day break before her birthday party as well," Zhao Hongyu told him.

"Great. And Auntie, you could use some good rest, too." Taking out the car key, Hao Ren got into the white Ford.

Since the garage at Zhao Yanzi's house only had room for two cars, Hao Ren could only drive his to school.

As he drove to the southern dorm and was looking to park his car in a corner that was inconspicuous but not too out-of-the-way, he saw Xie Yujia. She was wearing a black jacket, blue jeans, and grey canvas shoes. With a small backpack on her back, she was about to walk out of the southern dorm area.

Hao Ren thought for a second before driving over and stopped right before her.

"Oh? It's you!?" Xie Yujia saw Hao Ren and burst out in surprise. She almost thought it was some good-for-nothing young man from a wealthy family who intentionally tried to block her way with his car. It had happened before when the fact that she was Xie Wanjun's younger sister was not well-known to others. That time, her brother had to come over in person and subtly handle the situation.

"Class President, it is so late at night, where are you going?" Hao Ren asked. Constructions were going on around the school lately. Hence, many unfamiliar faces were being active in the nearby area. Hao Ren worried about Xie Yujia's safety if she were to go out at night by herself.

"I am going to study at school. Since there is a curfew at the dorm, lights won't be allowed. I plan to pull an all-nighter tonight. Oh, my bike broke, and I won't be able to repair it until after the exams," pulling her jacket over her body tightly, Xie Yujia answered.

"How about... I go with you then?" Hao Ren suggested.

"That's okay." Xie Yujia shook her head in response.

"It's fine, I plan to stay up all night to study, anyway." Hao Ren got out of the car and pulled open the car door for her.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Xie Yujia got into the car.

Inside the car, it was warm and toasty with soothing music playing in the background - a sharp contrast to the piercing, cold wind outside.

When Hao Ren got into the car again, he drove out of the southern dorm and headed to Academic Building D. Fortunately, the materials that he needed for his review were all in his backpack, so he did not need to return to the dorm room first.

"I didn't know you could drive," Xie Yujia said softly from the back of the car.

"Don't make fun of me now, driving is way easier than cooking," Hao Ren responded as he drove steadily on the school routes.

"People would think that you're from a wealthy family if they see you drive to school," Xie Yujia added.

"That won't happen. I have planned to park the car in a far corner, then walk over to the guys' dorm building. Are you worried that the snobbish girls in our school would cause me trouble if they thought my family is rich, Class President?" Hao Ren asked while slightly turning his head.

Xie Yujia pouted, "Don't put words in my mouth. Alright now, focus on driving."

"Actually, Class President, your family's annual income is over 300,000 USD, isn't it? You indeed keep a low profile." Hao Ren suddenly said.

However, the annual income of 300,000 USD was likely only a modest statement from a casual conversation between the parents of the families. Xie Yujia's father, Xie Ming, had been continuously expanding his business in the United States and was the owner of at least four or five factories. His income was definitely far higher than this number. Yet, he probably did not want to make his old friend who was a poorly-paid scientist, so he gave a number that had been moderated greatly.

"That is the money that my parents make with their hard work. I only ask for a monthly allowance of 500 Yuan. I still think it's important to be self-reliant and to make money of your own," Xie Yujia replied without second thoughts.

Hao Ren respected how hard Xie Yujia studied and knew that she was telling the truth. Even before he found out Xie Yujia was indeed Little Carrot, he had secretly admired her for her calm but motivational attitude. When they reached Academic Building D, Hao Ren locked the car and walked in with Xie Yujia.

As there were only two days of exams remaining, the number of students studying in the building had decreased enormously, and it seemed all the quieter. Hao Ren did not actually plan to stay up all night to study, but he was concerned about letting Xie Yujia stay up all night outside of the dorm by herself. Moreover, remembering his grandma's words, he felt that he was now 'responsible' for Xie Yujia somehow.

Xie Yujia noticed that Hao Ren was following her closely and understood his concerns. Lately, there had been rumors about the disorderliness and danger around the school. She did not know whether the rumors were authentic, but she had made up her mind to pull an all-nighter, so she secretly hid away a few defensive weapons in her backpack.

However, the fact that Hao Ren took the initiative to be her company was a big relief to her. This feeling of dependence and safety was hard to come by in any other ways.

The clock was slowly ticking away. The study rooms in Academic Building D were open to students throughout the night. While reviewing for exams, Hao Ren had been practicing the Spirit Concentration Scroll and did not feel the slightest bit sleepy. Whereas, Xie Yujia was unable to resist the drowsiness and had laid her head down on the desk for a small nap.

Gazing at her tender lotus-root-looking arms underneath her exquisite face, Hao Ren had never imagined a time when he and Xie Yujia would go out and pull an all-nighter together.

The few other students in the room were all lying down to rest, and their positions were of a great variety of strangeness. If Hao Ren were not there to guard her, Xie Yujia could not have fallen asleep so peacefully.

Even though her breathing was even and stable, her curly, long eyelashes were constantly fluttering. Hao Ren knew she must be dreaming in her sleep.

As the Spirit Concentration Scroll could help people become calm and collected, Hao Ren stealthily touched her fingertip with his finger and transferred to her a sliver of nature essence.

As expected, Xie Yujia was now in a deeper and better sleep; even her breathing had become long and deep.

Browsing the pile of heavy textbooks and notebooks on her desk, Hao Ren could tell Xie Yujia was indeed studying very arduously. However, according to her, her reason for all these efforts was so she could become good enough for her Little Older Brother.

Although it turned out that Little Older Brother was actually quite terrible at school, Xie Yujia's beliefs and principals had already become established. No matter what she was doing, she had always been inspiringly serious.

"Huh? What time is it?" After she woke from the end of a dream, Xie Yujia opened her misty eyes and asked Hao Ren who was seated next to her.

"It's two o'clock in the morning." Hao Ren answered as he checked the time on his phone. At the same time, his face was burning quietly as he realized he had spent the last two hours studying Xie Yujia with his gazes and not his review materials.

"Ah, there are still two books that I haven't gone through!" Xie Yujia sat up abruptly while rubbing her eyes. Then she let out an elongated yawn with her arms stretched out.

Her actions were so natural and unpretentious that Hao Ren thought he had found the adorably cute side of her personality.

"Why are you staring at me? Don't you need to review, too?" Xie Yujia turned to watch Hao Ren, and while blinking her eyes, she asked.

"Oh. Oh, I am." Hao Ren quickly put his head down and opened the book before him.

Continually, time was passing them by. Since Hao Ren had an incredible memory - almost a photographic one, he was to able to skim through all the materials for his upcoming exams quickly.

Surely, in terms of understanding what he had just read, he did not acquire as much comprehension as Xie Yujia, but it shouldn't be a problem for him to achieve a "pass" on the courses.

Two hours later, Xie Yujia couldn't help but need another short break. Again, Hao Ren was still wide awake, guarding her while she slept. As Xie Yujia commended Hao Ren's endless energy, she also appreciated his attentive protection.

Yet, at the moment, her focus was entirely on the exams and had no time for any other thoughts.

Soon, dawn had arrived quietly. Hao Ren silently moved his fingers away which were pinching Xie Yujia's fingertip a moment ago. He was transferring slivers of nature essence to Xie Yujia. More or less, it had helped nourish her body and ensure a sufficient level of energy from a good sleep.

"This is weird. I feel like I'm not tired at all from this all-nighter." When Xie Yujia woke again, she did not have any feeling of soreness from her back or neck. Instead, all the ideas and concepts she had in her mind became especially clear and sharp.

"Thank you for pulling an all-nighter with me, let me treat you to breakfast!" Xie Yujia said as she started gathering her belongings.

Xie Yujia figured the reason she was able to sleep well was that she felt safe sleeping under Hao Ren's watch. What she didn't know was, Hao Ren had been sending her nature essence for a full four hours - that was an amount that required him eight to ten hours of cultivation to acquire.

"Sure! Thank you, Class President!" Hao Ren accepted the offer readily.

After they finished packing up, they headed towards the cafeteria. Hao Ren had decided to leave the car parked at Academic Building D until he finished all of his exams on Tuesday. He thought it might attract too much attention driving it back and forth in the next two days.

Spending a quiet night together seemed to have fully removed the barriers between them. Now, Hao Ren was busily ordering different types of breakfast items, while Xie Yujia was paying for them joyfully with her card.

As they entered their exams, the atmosphere had once again become intense. Afterward, Xie Yujia decided to stay up for another night to study, and Hao Ren continued to offer his company.

On the other hand, Zhao Jiayi and the others were astounded to see Hao Ren and Xie Yujia spending the two exam days 'closely' together.

In their mind, Hao Ren had found 'great help' as everyone knew that Xie Yujia had always gotten first place on every exam. To be studying together with her not only helped the development of their relationship, but Hao Ren would also not need to worry about failing any of their courses.

Meeting their envious but disdainful gazes, Hao Ren did not bother explaining himself to them. He knew that certain things could not be further explained, or the rumors could only run even more amok.

Xie Yujia finished all of her exams before Hao Ren did as he had one more course.

After she was finally liberated from exams, Xie Yujia went to the western gate of the school to take the bus home.

As she arrived at her stop, she did not hurry home. Like always, she went to the market to buy a delicious takeout dinner and went to visit the old grandma who lived in the slum hut instead.

It had been a few years now. This granny had always lived alone, and her health condition had been neither good nor bad this whole time. According to others, she had a son, but he rarely came to visit.

Every weekend or holiday, Xie Yujia would come to see her, and she had been doing this for quite a few years now.

After all of her exams were over, Xie Yujia felt a complete emotional release. As she watched the granny dine on the takeout she bought. She couldn't help but began telling her stories to the old lady.

She did not know whether this mute Grandma could understand what she was saying, but she found it cathartic to be able to reveal her secrets to someone.

"Grandma, I have been in such a bad mood lately, I hope you don't mind my ranting. Haha, next time, I will tell you something more uplifting." After unburdening her mind for half an hour, Xie Yujia said apologetically as she stood up and gently squeezed the old lady's dried-up hand.

The mute grandma looked up and watched Xie Yujia with her turbid eyes. She then reached out her hand and affectionately patted Xie Yujia's forehead.

"Alright, granny, I have to go now. We have a two-day break after the exams. I will come to see you again tomorrow and the day after." Xie Yujia walked to the door, turned and waved her hand, then slowly left.

In the worn-down house, the senile and mute grandma sat silently on an old, shabby chair in the dusk.

After a prolonged silence, she left out a deep sigh. "Since the dawn of time, excessive affection often ends in regrets, just as good dreams are the easiest for one to wake up from."

Suddenly, a blinding five-colored godly light emerged and began moving in spirals beneath her feet. Soon, she had completely disappeared.

If any of the elders of the Dragon Tribe were to witness this scene, they would certainly gasp in disbelief, "Soul Formation Cultivator!"