Chapter 1261: Blood Spills

The tests necessary to verify Varian's statements regarding abyssals were left behind. None of them were serious envoys who came to conduct census anyway.

They all had one mission: find the opportunity Baldur found here. Now, they all had an idea what it was.

The abyssals wanted this place to be a military base. Even though their plan failed in the end, the people who instructed the abyssals should still be pushing for it.

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After all, even if something happens in this remote area, no one would notice.

Varian took them out of the solar system. They traveled in their own spaceships and were quite surprised when they noticed Boo was 'barely' able to keep up with their pace.

They wouldn't even dream that Boo was throwing a tantrum for asking it to go so 'slow'.

After a short journey into the inner space, they reached a dark region outside the solar system.

There were a few asteroid belts floating here and there. It was an unfriendly darkness that resulted from the lack of any light from the stars. Even the sun's rays released a hundred years ago didn't reach this place for some reason.

Unlike normal spaces, this one had some distortion to it that made it less noticeable and less receptive to anything coming from the outside.

When their spaceships stopped in the area, they faced a few aura storms that would've instantly killed a rank 1 celestial.

"Azalea's signals were indeed distorted. So we can only roughly detect her location. It just makes a lot of sense now." Finar commented as he scanned the area for further abnormalities.

Just like his two colleagues.

Without Varian having to guide and fool them, they fell into the trap by themselves.


The three of them froze in the dark space and stared straight like statues.

It was just for a split second, but the space in front of them rippled.

A weak but definitive ripple. Very different in nature from the distortion of this region due to its chaotic aura.

"No way?! Traces of a space portal? A hidden space portal!" Finar threw away all pretense of 'superiority' and screamed with equal disbelief and joy.

"I-It's ultra-distant! It should be connected to some power in the Jai Empire! They're trying to directly open a portal to this place!" Even Edison's calm composure cracked. He clenched his fists to not fistbump in the air and burst into victorious laughter.

"Yes! This is it! This is it! I knew it! I fricking knew it!" Ashely, though, didn't have as much self-control.

Punching her fists into the air, she smiled so wide that she could end up scaring both adults and children on a bad night.

Varian remained outside his spaceship, watching their reactions with an indifferent gaze. The corner of his lips threatened to curl upward but he maintained his stoic expression.

'Hook. Line. Sinker.'

It was very hard shifting that space crack here. Despite his space powers, he alone would've failed. Enigma worked just as hard with her gravity power to bend the space-time fabric around the crack.

But that operation left so many traces of space and gravity powers being used. Even a rank 1 celestial ranker would've identified the aura traces.

So, Varian had to commence a cleaning operation using his slivers, which was like cleaning the entire house with a single tissue.

It was hard work.

But seeing these 'noble' foreigners falling for his tricks made everything worth it. Their subsequent behavior was just as the council expected.

"We'll be cordoning off this area, unauthorized could be killed without repercussions," Edison announced and threw out a silver disc.

A complex formation circle began to engrave itself on space and a powerful barrier started to coalesce.

"Oh." Varian uttered.

"Mr. Varen, would you vacate the premises so we can focus on what we're supposed to do?" Finar raised an eyebrow and a silent fist.

'Varen, nice, Varen, heh.' Varian's smile was bright as he nodded. "No problem."

Even though he was very pissed, he wasn't a homicidal maniac. He wouldn't kill them over such silly things.

...And even if he wanted to, it's not the right time.

"Hey! This aura..." Ashley exclaimed.

Edion's breathing grew rough.

"It's Princess Azalea's! It's here! Did someone come from the other side and kill her? Or did she go in? What exactly happened?"

Varian felt like he was bullying innocent people. He was tricking them so much and they're believing everything.

'Am I too cruel?'

"Hey, dumbass, get out of here! This isn't a place for the likes of you!" Ashley sneered.

Now that his utility was over, they showed their true colors.

Varian didn't think much of their words. These guys were the small fries. The real bait was for the crown prince candidates.

'Alright, once they come he—'

"Wait." Edison appeared behind Varian with his sword unsheathed.

'Are they going to kill me to keep this matter closed? But that's not even necessary...'

With a frown, Varian turned around and saw Edison's cold gaze on him.


"Everything is fine, but one last question, Where is Baldur?"

At his words, the other two also stopped their work and stared at him with sharp gazes.

"H-Huh?" Varian wanted to smash his head.

"I know he's here to steal this achievement. Don't deny it. We met his clone on Centaurus. And his current location is somewhere here. Call him out." Edison's cold blade rested on Varian's neck.

"This has nothing to do with census."

"Huh?" Edison's eyes flashed with a cruel glint and the next moment, a heavy blow landed on Varian's ribs.

For the sake of perfect disguise, Varian didn't dodge or increase his rank. So, he took that blow as a rank 4 Adept.


The kick knocked out all the air in his lungs and caused him to vomit blood.

"You are but a mere native. A primitive bastard who should be grateful we're in the same space as you. But what was that response again? Nothing to do with the census? My word is the divine decree!"

A hard hit struck Varian in the jaw and sent him crashing into the asteroids. Varian winced at the pain coursing through his body but he didn't utter a word.

If Baldur reveals some things to them, his plan could fall apart. It's unlikely he'd do it, but he wanted to avoid the situation altogether if possible.

But Edison didn't seem to take no for an answer.

A sharp blade glowed in the darkness and the next moment, a deep cut appeared on Varian's back.

Everything seemed fine for a moment before a razor-thin cut spread on his skin and blood gushed out like fountain water.

"Speak! Where the hell is that bastard?"

Blow after blow struck his body and broke his bones. As if it wasn't enough, Ashley and Finar joined him.

"Weren't you speaking crap to me since the start?" Finar kicked him in the gut.

"What's with your attitude? Disgusting bastard!" Ashely's spear drilled a hole in his chest, dangerously close to his heart.

As the three vented their frustrations, and anger and reveled in the sadism, Varian decided he'd rather bear the pain and insist he didn't now. "I-I..."

"I threatened him to not speak a word of me. Forget about him."

The space fluctuated and Baldur slowly flew toward them.

The envoys stopped their violence and looked at him with a mocking smile. "Greetings, Prince Baldur."