Chapter 1234: Two Futures

Laying on a makeshift raft that was being pulled through boundless mist by a powerful current, Sunny suddenly burst out in laughter.

"Ah. Ah, I see now..."

Sin of Solace glanced at him with curiosity.

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"What is it that you see, if you don't mind me asking?"

Sunny remained silent for a while.

"No, it's just that... I suddenly remembered an old conversation."

Years ago, in the ruined cathedral of the Dark City, Effie - who was mostly a stranger back then - had told Sunny a strange thing.

She had told him that the Dream Realm was not hell, like everyone believed, but instead a paradise... a dark and cruel one, but a paradise nevertheless. The kind of paradise they all deserved.

He knew now that Effie felt that way because she had been trapped in a broken body and constrained to a wheelchair in the waking world, but received a chance to be healthy and vibrant in the Dream Realm... however, that was not the only reason.

Effie also believed that the waking world was dying - not because of the Spell, but because of what humans themselves had done to the ecosystem they needed to exist. It might have even died already if it wasn't for the Awakened and the gifts they had received from the Spell.

The last thing she had said to him back then... was that one day, in the future, more people would consider the Dream Realm a paradise, just like she did.

'This is what it comes down to, isn't it?'

If Sunny tried to think realistically about the future, then the destruction of the waking world did not necessarily have to mean the destruction of humanity. Humanity was going to persevere... the small part of humanity that had access to the Dream Realm, to be more precise.

There were hundreds of thousands of Awakened in the world, a few hundred Masters, and a few dozen Saints. But these numbers were going to swell soon... if the Chain of Nightmares was any indication, the Nightmare Spell was starting to run rampant once again. There was going to be an incredible amount of infected in the coming years... numerous new Sleepers, numerous new Awakened.

There would be much more Masters, too, and even much more Saints.

Even if the waking world was consumed, these people would be able to live on in the small part of the Dream Realm that had already been conquered by humanity. Many things would be lost, but the Citadels were not that far from being self-sufficient. Especially the great Citadels like Bastion and Ravenheart - those were already like cities.

'So... this is it? This is the future?'

Out of three billions, just a few millions would survive?

Sunny remained motionless, staring into the mist.

The Sin of Solace was silent.

'It is the future the Sovereigns believe in, at least.'

Sunny heard once that the Sovereigns had long given up on the waking world. Now, he understood better why, and what for. The great clans had been concentrating on creating a landing zone for humanity all this time, carving out a piece of habitable land in the Dream Realm.

Their reasoning was grim and cruel, but realistic.

Sunny stirred.

'...But it is not the only possible future.'

There was also the future Nephis believed in.

Nephis, who saw the Sovereigns as traitors and sinners - not because they had destroyed her family, but because they had given up on trying to resist the Spell.

If a new Supreme appeared... if that Supreme conquered the Fifth Nightmare and became Sacred... or even Divine, maybe... then who was to say how the future would turn out?

Maybe if a god was born from humanity, a divine miracle would save everyone.

Wasn't it a sweet dream?

Sure, the probability of something like that happening was zero. It was not realistic at all. It was impossible... just a bit of wishful thinking.

However, Sunny couldn't help but allow himself to bask in that unrealistic dream for a few moments.

He turned his head, staring at the lone rune that was carved into the ancient wood of his makeshift raft.


Even though he knew that a miracle would not happen, he still wished that it did.

But then...

What was Sunny's own wish?

He... wanted to be free. Despite everything, he still wanted to be free. He wanted to have a choice, to be the master of his own fate, not a slave to it.

He wanted to be strong, too. Strong enough to break his chains, and protect those he loved.

He wanted to live a good life.

'It's time to stop thinking about the big picture and concentrate on what exactly I have to do right now.'

Most of the people he cared about were now inside this Nightmare. There were a few of them in the waking world, as well, including Rain.

So, his goal was rather simple.

First of all, he had to survive.

He also had to find his friends, and make sure that they survived, too.

Then, they had to conquer the Third Nightmare and return to the waking world.

A god might descend from the machine to save humanity, or not... most likely not. In any case, it would not happen any time soon, so the next few years, at least, would go according to the future that the Sovereigns envisioned.

In that future, the value of a Saint would be tremendous. A Saint would not be easily dismissed or bullied - in fact, the opposite would be true.

So, Sunny had to become a Saint.

This was very convenient, considering that he was already inside a Third Nightmare, and the only alternative to Transcendence was death.

Additionally, as a Saint, he would be able to bring people - even mundane people - into the Dream Realm. So, should the waking world really perish, he would be able to save Rain and a few others from that destruction.

Or give them a chance to be saved, at least.

'Survive. Transcend.'

These were his goals, for now. And should he succeed... maybe other things would become possible, too.

'Become strong. Live a good life. Protect those I love.'

Defeat fate.

Be free.

'What a beautiful wish...'

Lulled by the sweet promise of a dreamlike future and the gentle swaying of the waves, Sunny slowly fell asleep.