Chapter 1152: Why are you blowing the air?

In the early morning, Shanghai was very quiet, especially on the small streets. It felt cold and lonely.

Lin Fan answered the phone. "Mmm. I'm here. It's alright, I didn't get drunk. I'm sending him back now."

Xu Zi Le was worried, so she made this call. When she found out that Ming Yang had gotten drunk but Lin Fan wasn't drunk, she felt that it was strange. Did Brother Lin even drink?

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Or has Brother Lin's alcohol tolerance really risen to such a scary level?

"I'm not drunk." Wang Ming Yang was stumbling as he walked. But with Lin Fan supporting him, he didn't fall.

Lin Fan felt helpless as he saw Wang Ming Yang's pitiful state. Previously, Wang Ming Yang had been so energetic but he had gotten drunk so quickly. It really left Lin Fan helpless.

"Are you alright? I told you not to challenge me but you just had to. Now it feels bad, doesn't it?" said Lin Fan with a chuckle.

"F*ck. I don't feel bad at all. Let me go and puke for a moment," Wang Ming Yang rambled. Then, he leaned on a tree and puked.

Lin Fan shook his head as he patted Wang Ming Yang's back and helped to release some of the alcohol in his body. However, Lin Fan didn't make Wang Ming Yang completely sober. He wanted to let Wang Ming Yang suffer a little.

After this lesson, Wang Ming Yang wouldn't dare to challenge him again. If Lin Fan didn't teach him this lesson, Wang Ming Yang might continue to act impudently to him in the future.

"Brother, do you smell something?" Wang Ming Yang suddenly mumbled.

"I do."

Lin Fan smelled something strange as well. It was as if there was something burning.


At that moment, on a building far away, someone was screaming from the window ledge. And behind that person was a blazing fire.

"F*ck. Brother, there's a fire!" Wang Ming Yang cried in shock.

Lin Fan looked over. It was at least on the tenth level. This fire seemed quite vicious. He looked around and saw that there was no one around and that there were no cameras either. He then took a deep breath and blew ferociously at that building far away.

This didn't look out of the ordinary at all. It seemed like he was just blowing the air lightly.

But the air started spiraling upwards until it entered that building.

The woman who was on the tenth floor had not expected her home to catch fire. The things in her home had started burning, forcing her into the bedroom, unable to exit.

This situation made the woman terrified. She felt as if she might die.

Meanwhile, the people upstairs had all turned on their lights. They had smelled the smoke as well.

"Ah, there's a fire!"

"The tenth floor is on fire! Quick. Call the police!"

The female owner of the tenth-floor apartment was frantic. But at that moment, she felt a cold wind blow past her. Then, something astonishing happened.

That blazing flame seemed to have been hit by the cold wind and it was suddenly extinguished. Moreover, The area that had been burning actually froze.

This scene left the female owner dumbfounded. She had no idea what had happened. That vicious flame had suddenly been extinguished.

When the neighbors from above and below saw this, they yelled, "What's going on? Were you bluffing us?"

"Where's the fire?"

The female owner on the tenth floor seemed not to hear all this. Instead, she just stared blankly at the scene before her with her whole body stiff. Then, she sat down onto the ground as if she had just seen a ghost.

Wang Ming Yang looked at Lin Fan in a daze. "Brother, why were you blowing the air?"

"The air wasn't fresh. I can't let my brother breathe in this kind of air, can I?" said Lin Fan with a laugh.

"Brother, you're really too good to me." When Wang Ming Yang heard that reply, he was so moved that he nearly cried.

Lin Fan looked at the tenth floor of the building. It was good that everything was fine. That person was really lucky that Lin Fan had come across that situation.

"Let's go. I'll send you home. You're in such a terrible state, let's see if you'll still dare to drink in the future," said Lin Fan.

When the firefighters reached and saw the situation, they were stunned.

"Lady, you shouldn't try to prank us," said the captain of the firefighters. He didn't see a fire anywhere.

The female owner was still in shock. "It's true! There really was a fire. I was forced into the bedroom. Look at the walls and the ceiling. They're burnt."

At that moment, one of the firefighters ran over in a hurry. "Captain, we just checked. There was indeed a fire. But the strange thing is that those places that have been burnt are now covered with a layer of ice."

"Ice?" The captain was taken aback. He couldn't understand what his subordinate was saying.

"I don't understand either. We can't break the ice. It's still very cold. It extinguished the fire in one go and brought down the temperature tremendously," said the firefighter. He had been a firefighter for so many years and he had charged into countless fires but this was the first time he had seen something like this.

The neighbors had all gathered around to spectate as well. They had been in deep sleep previously but this incident had woken them up.

To them, this was all too mysterious. They didn't even know how to begin to describe it.


At that moment, a loud noise was heard.

That Buddha statue that had been hanging on the wall fell and shattered into pieces.

A gust of cold wind blew past.

It made everyone feel cold and chilly.

Meanwhile, the female owner was dumbfounded as she looked at the Buddha statue. It was as if something horrifying had happened.

The townsfolk nearby suddenly cried in shock, "D*mn. Could it be that you were protected by Buddha? She's kind and she often does good deeds. I think Buddha helped you to overcome this calamity."

"I seem to have come across a similar incident before. In the past, I had a car accident but I came out completely unharmed. However, the Jade Buddha on my neck suddenly disappeared."

"Yeah. I've come across a similar incident before as well. When I was riding a motorbike, I went too fast and fell but I was not injured at all. But the Jade Buddha on my neck was shattered. I have no idea how it happened."

A very devoted Buddhist that lived in the same block said, "This is the protection of Buddha. She helped you to dodge those calamities. That's why your jade Buddhas were lost or shattered."

"Maybe that's really the case. That's why one has to be kind. If you do good deeds often, the Heavens will protect you."

"Look. The place is burnt so badly but the flame was suddenly extinguished. And where did the ice come from? It's not even cold today."

At that moment, the place broke out in commotion.

Meanwhile, the firefighters were stunned as well. This was the first time they had seen something like this. But as for Buddha's protection or whatever, they were clueless about it. It didn't seem possible to them.

"Look. The ice is melting."

Suddenly, the ice started to melt. It just suddenly disappeared. There wasn't even any water.

At that moment, everyone was astounded. It was really as if they had seen a ghost.
