Chapter 112: Crow Mask continued to speak .

Crow Mask continued to speak .

"The Divide Nation will dispatch a large number of troops to aid in the disposal of the Outsiders . Since we will provide the most troops out of all of the allied nations, we'll be able to take the lead of the Western Empire . "

Clown Mask gave a nod .

Read it on

"Hmm, perhaps . "

"Starting with that, we'll dominate the Western Empire step-by-step . If we're able to secure an opportunity with the sacrifice of an ally-in-name-only, we must seize the chance . "

There wasn't a single ounce of guilt discernable in his words .

It was a tactic devised through meticulous calculations .

Clown Mask's fondness for Crow Mask started to grow more and more .

Unlike himself, who simply killed for joy, the way he calculated everything objectively, even sending out allies to their deaths if it aligned with his plans, intrigued him greatly .

"Good, let's proceed with that plan . "

Once Clown Mask gave his word, Crow Mask turned back to the mirror . And out of the many markers, his gaze moved to one in particular .

Hebrion Academy .

Year after year, Crow Mask contemplated how to best overthrow the Hebrion Academy . He had eventually settled on using the annual Party Competition .

It took his subordinate, Benquick, a very long time to approach the level of magic that allowed him to create a virtual Shadow World .

It was an opportunity they wouldn't be able to recreate .

Thus, they couldn't fail here .

But the plan had collapsed . It was fair to say that it was an absolute defeat .

As his plan had failed, Crow Mask used the artifact that he had acquired from Skull Mask in preparation for that sort of situation .

He killed Benquick without hesitation .

He had no choice but to kill him if the plan had failed anyway . Benquick had spent a considerable amount of time as Crow Mask's subordinate . He knew too much about the Outsiders .

Even if the plan failed, Crow Mask had planned to utilize the fact that Benquick was a commoner to intensify the hostility between the commoners and the nobles .

The relationship between the two classes had already reached its tipping point . The event should have been the final blow .

But it was silent .

Strangely silent .

The anticipated chaos didn't happen .

But why?

Recalling the face he'd seen when using the mind-control artifact, Crow Mask easily figured out the reason .

The man had buried the incident .

The fact that the same person had interfered in his plans, yet again, made Crow Mask's face contort in anger .

The way he had buried it was fully predictable .

'Dirty hypocrite . '

Crow Mask recalled the conversation he shared with him in Prichella .

What is the difference between you and I?

You too, won't stop at any means .

Indeed . Our pursuits are different, but you are no different from us .

'I will be the one to finish you off, without fail . '


The atmosphere died down, and the piercing wind started to peek through .

The Hebrion Academy was shrouded in an abnormally somber atmosphere . The autumn leaves that used to embrace the trees had scattered hopelessly, the grass that used to light up the meadows had shriveled up, and all the flowers that had been embroidered across the gardens had frozen . And people had died .

Once the situation at the Party Competition had been settled, Hebrion Academy delivered the news to the families of the victims .

Each family expressed their grief in their own way . Some cried wordlessly as they accepted the news, others didn't accept the reality and went looking for their children, and others expressed their anger towards the Academy .

Their methods of grieving were different, but the one thing in common was that there wasn't a single person that didn't cry .

Hebrion Academy did their best to console them and took the necessary measures .

"I want to see my daughter's face one last time . "

One countess' wife pleaded, but it was an impossible request to grant .

Corpses couldn't be seen .

If someone were to meet their end in the Shadow World, their corpse would become a part of the world . Once the Shadow World was cleared, it would disappear along with the world .

There were no physical bodies, but there was a way to prove their deaths . The Party Competition had been recorded .

But not a single family member wanted to confirm it . They didn't want to witness the moment their family member reached their tragic end .

Even after the belongings of the deceased were returned to their families, the commotion didn't die down .

Eventually, the only thing Hebrion Academy could do was to wait until everyone calmed down .

There were a total of fourteen students sacrificed .

Nine from the Alpha Class .

Five from the Beta Class .

And one professor .

Benquick Periamoss .

As someone who had dedicated his entire life to education, he had no one that could be called family .

He was alone . He had neither parents, nor a wife or children since he had never married, nor any relatives .

A professor who always managed to find himself at odds with him murmured .

"No wonder he always stayed at the academy over the breaks . "

Another professor who had an ambiguous relationship with him spoke in a dry tone .

"Didn't he go on his very first trip this vacation? But who knew that'd be his last trip... "

Someone clicked their tongue .

"Poor man . "

Everybody took pity on Benquick .

To pity the murder of a man like Benquick who had devoted his life to education was to be expected .

Benquick's dedication and his efforts were recognized by Hebrion Academy, and he was laid to rest in the National Burial Ground, a place that was only open to honorable people .

The autumn leaves scattered . The students stood in a line facing the coffins, as red rain drizzled on them .

Other than a few professors that were taking care of the situation, all the students and professors were present at the hall .

Shortly thereafter, Justin's commemorative speech began . He spoke about Benquick's life, how hard he had worked for the students at Hebrion Academy, and how he had truly devoted everything for this cause .

The sound of people's cries came from all directions .

There were many students from the Beta Class that had greatly admired Benquick . They shed tears as they mourned the loss of a respected professor .

Desir feigned grief as he looked down on Benquick's coffin .

A murderer of fourteen people that was being mourned by students and professors alike in the National Burial Ground .

Could there be anything more ironic?

All of this had been caused by one person's lie .

Desir felt sick to his stomach .

Claiming that it was for the commoners, Benquick had targeted the nobles, and set in motion a chain of events that resulted in nothing but needless tragedy .

If the truth was made public, what would naturally follow wouldn't be a surprise to anyone .

The nobles would view Benquick not as an Outsider, but as a commoner, which would cause more discrimination against them, leading to another revolt . Another wall between the two classes would be inevitable .

It was the shortcut to an irreversible collapse . Desir couldn't let that happen .

'It must be stopped . '

Desir was the sole person to witness Benquick's end . The only thing that the others knew was the fact that the artifact he was using had the power of mind control . Only Desir knew how and when those powers had activated .

Benquick had died because of the mind-controlling artifact .

Someone amongst the Outsiders made that call in order to prevent Desir from getting information on them .

However, 'thanks to' his death, Desir was able to lie .

That Benquick's mind had been controlled for a long time, that he had been used by the Outsiders .

Despite Desir's intentions, in the end he had done nothing but cover for a murderer .

Desir had to deliberate on his actions . He had seen parallels between himself and the Outsiders in that neither would stop at anything to achieve their goals . No matter what happened, he had to make sure he didn't become a pawn for them . He couldn't afford to waste time .


Desir was pulled out of his thoughts as something cold hit his palm .

It was a chilled leaf . Desir clenched his fist and crushed the leaf .

And the moment he opened his hand, the finely crushed leaf fluttered away with the wind . Desir felt all the strength leave his body .

Suddenly, the dean's voice rang in his ears .

"We will not forget the students that were cruelly victimized and our beloved professor Benquick . They will forever be by our side-"

'Am I feeling guilty about lying?'

... Perhaps .

'If I was given another chance, would I make a different choice?'

No, never .

Desir shook his head .

Even if he was given thousands, millions of chances, he would always make the same decision .

'I mustn't forget my goal . '

Desir resolved himself . He was keenly aware of what was important and what he needed to do to achieve his goal .

'To prevent the future, to save humanity, I'll make the tough choice every time it's required . '

They could criticize and call him a hypocrite as much as they wanted to .

That didn't matter .

His goal was never to enforce something like justice in the first place . He didn't want to build trust and respect between nobles and commoners because it was a noble cause . There was a single goal he needed to achieve even if it meant that he had to shoulder all the guilt, shame, and hatred .

That was to save everyone from the upcoming disaster .

'If it's for that, I'd happily label myself a hypocrite . '

That was it .

Hardening his new found resolve, Desir stared straight ahead .

The numerous students and professors that were lined up beside Benquick's coffin stood solemnly .

They burned with hatred and the desire to overthrow the Outsiders .

Desir saw Professor Pugman hand his handkerchief over to Professor Bridget, who was shedding tears .

At this moment, the wall that separated the commoners and nobles didn't exist .

"-That is all . "

Justin's speech ended . They solemnly buried Benquick's coffin .

The moaning wind slapped everyone's faces .

Just like that, the funeral on an autumn day ended .
