Chapter 1111: Eyes of a Passerby

Unbeknownst to both sides, the fight that was getting fought inside the Blue Fire Domain had a spectator.

This spectator kept a safe distance from the battlefield and used one of the observation-related Perks to keep tabs on the rankers involved in the fight.

This particular Sansara Perk allowed him to have a bird-eye view of the nearby area. The only limitation to using this Perk was the fact that the user couldn't move from the spot while the Perk was active.

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Keeping an ideal position in one place for longer while spying on two teams might not turn out well for most solo rankers. However, this man had no such trouble. That's because he was wearing a beaked mask artifact that hid his presence from everyone's senses, protecting him from potential altercations.

'She did a good job killing those rankers right off the bat. It was such a shame she stopped her insanity after that.'

Eren said to himself and sighed while watching Becky fight.

Becky couldn't break the siege without the incoming enemy group not knowing of her presence. So she got rid of the two rankers right away using the element of surprise to her advantage. The two kills allowed Becky to reduce the enemy group's team strength and prevented it from overwhelming her as soon as the battle started.

As glass-cannonish as her class made her out to be, Becky wasn't a weak ranker per se. She understood that one needed to fight if one wanted to survive in and outside the Sansara World. It was just that she couldn't convert her understanding into much-needed aggression.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе

Seeing Becky starting to struggle alone against the six rankers, Eren watched in a neutral stance as she started to exert more strength.

Till this point, Becky had relied on her team to provide her with protection while she executed AoEs. She didn't have to deal with the incoming enemies herself for the most part.

As a result, Becky began losing ground once the enemy rankers started getting close to her. Her Blue Fire Domain allowed her to dominate her opponents when she started. But eventually, the enemy rankers made their way toward her slowly and steadily.

Becky used various mid- and long-range Blue Fire spells to attack her opponents. And her enemies were getting injured bit by bit. But the damage she dealt them wasn't enough to keep them down.

A familiar voice sounded in Eren's head as he kept himself busy watching the fight.

'Not everybody can enjoy the mortal combats that are thrown their way like you, Eren. Not everybody can deal with a life-and-death situation like some leisure activity. They fail to use them as a whetstone to sharpen themselves.

Rebecca's survival instincts kicked in after she killed those two rankers. Instead of continuing her frontal assault, she began playing defense.

The kamikaze frontal approach would have served her much better than hoping for the enemy team to leave her alone. Just two kills alone wouldn't deter anyone but the possibility of two more would.

Тhе lаtеѕt аnd mоѕt рорulаr nоvеlѕ аt lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm

The key is to be seen as an uncontrollable maniac or a cunning monster- either through your performance or through your aggression. You could do that. This was why Gondel let you go even after you killed three of his teammates.

The geek just didn't think fighting with you would be worth it because of the collateral damage he might incur in the process. The same thing would have happened in Rebecca's case had she proved with her aggression that the fight wouldn't be worth it for the enemy rankers.

Some battles are half-won with one's conviction alone. Sadly for Becky, she didn't nurture anything like that within her all her life.

Hence, she fails to mold her survival instinct into the aggression she needs at the time.'

Alephee commented in Eren's mind. She was another silent spectator to the battle.

The homunculus had nothing to do while she was inside her pendant abode- recovering from her poor state by immersing herself into a blood pool of unknown origin. The speech she gave to Eren was while she was neck-deep in the blood pool with her eyes closed.

Alephee decided to use Eren's senses to learn about the ongoing situation inside the Sansara World. She knew what Eren was going to do at this point. As a result, she couldn't help feeling intrigued.

At this point, Rebecca White was doing everything she could to keep her enemies away from her. She was using forbidden techniques and burning her life essence to harm her opponents.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr а bеttеr uѕеr ехреrіеnсе

As a result, two more rankers were critically injured. However, the enemy team still had its healer safe and sound. It was only a matter of time before they made a comeback.

It wasn't that Becky didn't understand the need to eliminate the healer. But the problem was the fact that the healers of any team were usually well-protected. This was why Eren had to target two rankers first before he could get rid of Oshawa.

Becky failed to perform at the same level as Eren. Plus, her lack of experience dealing with opponents in close combat made her an easy target for a group of capable rankers.

Becky couldn't maintain her Blue Fire Domain after she started running low on mana. She had various injuries on her body and her eyes had become crazy and bloodshot. She had finally found the aggression hiding deep within her. But at this point, it was too late.

Eren's fight with Gondel's team and Becky's fight with the current team were the same in the fact that one side was hugely outnumbered by the other. And yet, there was so much contrast between the two battles because of the way the supposedly weaker side decided to deal with its opponents. With or without the Sage artifacts backing him, the butcher would have achieved the same results.

It was clear that Becky expected things like this to happen to her from the moment Eren talked about the siege breach. This was the reason she had asked Eren to give up his claim to the items obtained from Sage Legacies despite knowing it was an absurd idea.

Eren watched with a stoic expression as Rebecca took her last stand against her opponents. He showed no interest in playing spoiler in the battle. He didn't enjoy seeing Becky's condition no matter how much she opposed him while being on the same team. He also didn't feel any pity for her.

The butcher watched with the eyes of a passerby- as if he had nothing to do with Becky's fight. One could say that he was okay with the battle going either way.

lіghtnоvеlwоrld․соm fоr thе bеѕt nоvеl rеаdіng ехреrіеnсе